Chapter 20

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Lets see what in here, once i plug the USB in a shit ton of files pops up and i had to wait a while, because it kept on coming, i clicked 1 out of 6,000

What i saw popped up, had me swirling the chair around facing the wall

Ok, deep breath

I turned back towards the computer slowly and a cry leaves my lips

Pictures of women,men and kids getting beat,raped,or tormented just below every pictures states their information and why they were there and some of them are just so fucking stupid

'Looked at me the wrong way'

'Dumped me'


'Was breathing my air'

Jesus, people were killed for no reason at all

I close that file and just before i was gonna pull the damn USB, something caught my eyes

What the hell?

Smiths and next to that say Collision

I clicked on the file that has my last name on it and gasped

Pictures of me, Lucas and Cecilia

This file contains everything about us

When I say everything I mean everything, where i worked, where the kids use to go to school

I quickly deleted that file

I pulled the USB from the slot and willed my brain to forget everything i just saw and looked around for a hiding spot for it, i went to Joe's room and stuck it under the mattress

I walked towards the kids room when I remember something and ran towards the kitchen and looked at the calendar hanging on the wall


It Monday, i though it was Sunday

I quickly ran to Joe's office and pick up the phone but I didn't know Joe number

I went his desk and found a number and looks to be Deacon because his written.on it

I called and he instantly picked up





Did I not get the number right?

I was about about to hang up when a ding came from the computer

I moved the mouse so the screen can brighten up and a message appear....

Of course I clicked it

Deacon~ what

I hung up the phone, geez why couldn't he just talk to me

Me~ do you happen to know Joe's number?

I mentally slap myself of course he does Sofia, he's his damn brother

He send me his number and I sent a quick thanks

I dial the number

It went straight to voicemail

I tried 5 more times

Yes what I need to say is that of importance

I was about to give up when the phone ranged

I picked it up

"Helloooo" i sang

"What" Joe snapped at me

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