Chapter 13

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I blushed

I grabbed his hand, and threw it to his lap, the bastard chuckled

A "waitress" came to the table, I didn't knew their were waitress's at McDonalds.

Her shirt is so tight I though she couldn't breath, just one touch and her shirt will burst

she bend slightly

" Can I get you guys anything else" she says looking at Joe

"No" and looks at her body up and down then continue to eat

Then she dropped a napkin in front of him and walked away, Joe eyed it for a second and grabbed it and put it in his pocket

are you kidding me right now?

Cecilia frowned at the women walking away and Lucas glared at his father, my kids are too smart for there own good

I try to keep them away from shows that shows violence or bad things but somehow they seem to understand a lot more.

"Daddy, if you needed a napkin, I could have gotten you one" Cecilia said still frowning and threw a napkin at Joe

"He just wanted that napkin from that lady" Lucas said harshly

Yeah, smart ass kids

Joe's eyes widen a bit, understanding what kids are talking about, he turned towards me realizing what he just did


I glared at him, got up and sat with the kids, I know it's a childish thing to do but whatever, I just met him again yesterday

Why do I feel like he just betrayed me

"Mama" Joe called
I stuffed my burger down my mouth so i don't have to answer him

My eyes went to my kids to see them stuffing their faces like me

Just like me

Joe growled

Lucas growled back

When were done eating, we left McDonalds

We waited for the light to turn green to cross the street

Joe offered his hand to Cecilia

Cecilia glared at his hand but took it anyways and so did Lucas

Joe look pained for a second but then hid it

We crossed the street got into joes car and buckled the kids to their seat and then we were off, I didn't know where Joe was taking us and before i can ask him we pull up to TOYS R US

Out of the corner of my eye i see the kids face lit up as we enter and they forgot their earlier grudge against their dad

"Take anything you want"

The kids screamed and ran and down the aisle

Throwing things in the cart as Joe pushed it


"What" i snapped

"Stop being angry" he ordered

"You cant just order me to stop being angry" i said harshly

" I can"
I rolled my eyes
I turned and walked away towards one of the shelves which holds all the board games, i look up and see my favorite game,

i tried reaching up for it but couldn't reach it, so i tired jumping for it i mean I'm 5'6 I'm not that short, then i felt heat at my back i turned around to see a guy in his late twenties behind me and he was all up in my space

" Um.. excuse me"

I tired to move sideways but then he put one hand to where my hips where, making me stop in my mission of getting away then he leaned in, and i was surrounded by his cologne then he leaned back

"Here you go" he says handing me the board game

"Thanks" i muttered moving away

then his eyes traveled up and down my body stopping at my breast

"My pleasure"

"Eyes up here buddy" i said irritated

"Yes i know that, but i preferred them to be down there"

i looked down to see the my boobs nearly out of my shirt, make a wrong move and ill have a nip slip and my bra wasn't any help it was the only clean one i had to put on the day jack kidnapped us and it was tight on me, before i can do anything i felt another heat at my back

" oh look mamas a whore" Joe growled while pulling up my shirt from behind

did he just called me a whore

"Excuse me"

"Don't like fucking repeating myself"

the man looks at Joe then his face pale he muttered a quick apology and basically ran away but i was too angry to care

"What did you called me"

"You heard me mama"

I laughed

"Okay lets get something straight i am not a whore, a whore would be that so called waitress at McDonalds and why would you called me a whore"

"Your fucking flashing your tits at the guy" he growled

I laughed yet again

"You wanna let me in on the fucking joke, because I'm not laughing"
His face turned so scary that my laughter immediately died

"I was not flashing my tits at him my shirt was just pulled down by all the jumping I did to get the broad game which was a little to high and then that guy helped me" I found myself explaining

I was smart enough to have left out the part where he was pressed up against me because I have no doubt Joe would go after him

Joe looked me up and down
Then he glared at me
"The next time you need help you come to me, you don't let another fucking man help you, don't ever let another man help you, that my fucking job now" he growled

Before I could say anything he said

"What game was it"

I grin


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