Chapter 11

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I lay flat on my back on the bed, in the hotel room and on each side of me, laid Ceciila and Lucas both theirs legs tangle with mine, one hand under their cheek and their other hands is thrown over my stomach, I lay there thinking about last night.


In the end i won the rock paper scissors, i choose to walk to the left, opposite from where the music is coming from.

Cause we all know we cant go that way, i don't even know why the girls in the movie will go that way, I'm my situation, they probably gonna be like " OH MY GOD, their having a party lets ask if they have a phone so we can like call the police"

Whatever back to the situation

As i walked down this long ass hallway, I spot three doors, fucking hell its like some mario shit choose the wrong door- well you know.

I went to the first door, and put my ear to the door and heard moaning, I yanked my head away from the door, while holding my kids hands I walked to the other door and put my ear on the door, and heard nothing, I opened the door and saw pitch black, this could be a room, and someone sleeping in it, I closed the door softly.

Of course its the last door, I speed walk to the last door and swung the door open and froze.

Their is 3 guys, Gang banging a girl, by all the growling and moaning, they seemed to be enjoying themselves 

I pushed Lucas and Cecilla away from the door, when all their heads turned my way.


Here comes drama mama

I leaned against the door, with my arms crossed and bit my lips to make it as if i like what i see, when all i wanna do is puke.

"Dont mind me boys, keep going i like watching"  

I tried so hard to keep the tremble out of my voice

"Get your ass in here, and come fuck with us" one of the guys said, while thursting into the girls mouth

um, yeah no thank you

"Thanks for the offer boys, but one of your buddy send me to go get something in a van, he said, that he left some shit there. he wants me to get."  i said hoping that hell he will tell me where a fucking car is.

"Babe the garage, the door next to this one" another guy said not looking at me, but concentrating on jerking himself off.

"Thanks boys" i said


"You can leave now, if not then join"  the third dude said

I closed the door room and grabbed my kids hands and ranned into the middle room, dammit that was totally not fair, it was this room all along. I opened the door and closed it behind me sighing in relief

Its not over yet sofia

"Mommy its dark" cecilla whimpered

" Shhhh baby, i know" i said hurting that shes afraid

I walked further into the room, and saw the this was indeed a garage, how i didn't see that the garage door was open and shining moonlight in, was beyond me.

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