Chapter 32

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Hey guys, hope your enjoying your day, here's another chapter for ya

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"JOE!!!" i screamed, my voice straining as i screamed loud

Oh my god my babies are gone, they're not here

"SOFIA!" i heard Joe yell from the bedroom, he ran into the closet and i began banging the floorboard


"Stop fucking around Sofia! they're probably hiding somewhere, playing a trick on you"

I got up and got in his face

"I fucking said my kids are under the house or something! so break that floorboard! NOW!!!"

He got on his knees and inspected the floor

"Who the fuck do she think she is yelling at me" he muttered as he placed his hand on the floor, he pushed down and there goes that horrible creak

"What are you waiting for Joe!" and with that he fisted his hand and with all his might punch the crap out of the floor, his hand went through the floor and I saw him blink a couple if time's like he couldn't believe what he saw

"Joe" i whispered horrified

"I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER THE FUCK DARE'S ENTER MY HOME!!!" his bellows shook the whole house as he reached behind him and pulled out his phone and began dialing, i couldn't just stand there and not do nothing, i got on the other side of Joe, and began to pull at the floor board, i pull a piece out and threw it behind me, i had to edge back as the hole on the ground grew, once i was finished

I felt like throwing up , there's was a huge black hole, as if it you were looking down an endless well




Lucas pov

Minutes earlier

"Lucas?" Cecilia called from the bed

"What is it" i asked tiredly

I'm sleepy

I grabbed my bag from the floor and rummage through it

Did i do my homework?

"Can you get my doll in the closet?"

"No Cecilia, you do it, you have two legs, use them" i said as i blew out a breath

"Your such a meany" Cecilia whined as she got up from the bed and stomped her way to the closet

"I helped you with your homework, everyday and you cant even do this for me" she cried

I got up from my bed and slowly walked over to the closet because of my cast, it a little hard to walk

"Fine!" I yell at her

when i entered the closet, i saw a part of the floor going up

"What the-" i was cut off when the floor board flew up and two men flew out of there

I stood there frozen, sweat covering my back quickly


"DADD-" i began to yell but the man jumped over to me and punched me in the face. Hard

I saw stars, my vision going dark, i don't even have the strength to look over to Cecilia

My face really hurts, it hurts really bad, i don't want to be in pain

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