Chapter 19

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I looked around the place trying to find the remote as that damn TV was taunting of what i done, i basically cause the murder, if i haven't called that women, she would have been alive right now sucking more dick, shit Sofia shes dead show some damn respect, i scolded myself

I searched all over the sofa and couldn't find the remote i looked over to see that Cecilia has it in her hand, i went over and grabbed it from her hand and switch it to another channel, i placed a hand over my beating heart, i feel guilty, if it wasn't because of me she would have been alive, i sent to her that bridge

"Hey i was watching that" Cecilia says trying to reach for the remote

"Too bad, your watching spongebob"

Cecilia pouted, yeah that's what i thought

"You can watch TV or help mommy cook"

"I wanna help you cook"

We walked over the kitchen, i looked over to see everything we had earlier still out, i cleaned up the mess and put away the food, as me and Cecilia rummaged through Joe's fridge once again, i found ingredients to make mashed potatoes and pork chops

I was taking out the fried pork chops when, Joe and Lucas walked in and sat at one of the stool next to Cecilia which she threw herself in when she got bored of helping me, i took out four plates and served us, mashed potatoes ,pork chops, and green beans that i found in Joe's cabinet, i handed it over to them

"Thanks mommy" the kids said in unison

"Thanks babe" Joe said


We ate as Cecilia and Lucas chatting away to Joe about.... well everything, 

You cant blame me for their father not being there, i had it tough, don't pity me, i had to drop out of college, because no-one wanted to help baby sit my kids, my parents abandon me they wanted me to be married to their long life friends son, but once they found out i was pregnant they cut all ties with me, and my "friends" who i let babysit my kids one night those motherfuckers, i had came early to come pick them up and the bitch was doing meth in the kitchen  while my kids were in living room, i punched that bitch in the face and grabbed my kids and rushed them to the hospital, i wanted to make sure that nothing got in their system and they were only three at the time

"Right mom" Lucas said breaking me out of my thoughts 

"What" i replied

"I punched that boy in the eye because he kissed Cecilia on the mouth, like gross i was there"" he repeated his face scrunched up as if remembering about it made him angry

"Yes honey, but if something like that happens again you go to the teacher and tell her what happened"

The teacher called my phone that day saying that Lucas had engage in a fight, about this boy kissing his sister, when i went Lucas was sitting in the principal office calm, with a couple scratches on his face, glaring at Cecilia, and Cecilia was sitting down next to him, with her fingers on her lips and her face pale,that day Cecilia told me that the boy who kissed her always bullied her and that day he said that she was cute and stole a kiss from her and before she can push him away Lucas walked into the room and saw what happened tackled the boy and punched him in the mouth

I looked over to Joe to see him fuming, what the hell?

Oh shit, did i say that out loud

"Uhh.. kids its time to go to bed"

"Awwww but mommm" they whined

"No buts, now get those butts to bed"

"Fine" they both muttered, knowing what i say it is absolute and its past their bed time its 10:30 already

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