chapter 3

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Jack walked over to cecilla and Lucas
And looked at Joe with a evil grin

"Devil meet Cecilla and Lucas"

He grabbed Lucas hair and pulled him closer to the screen

" looks just like you, don't he, I wanted to hurt this fucker so bad, but that won't give me much satisfaction"

He dropped lucas
And picked up a handful of cecilla hair
She whimpered
And Lucas growled
And I fought hard with the ropes still bound behind my back

"Now this little bitch looks just like her sexy ass mom, but with a kids body, i wouldn't mind it though"
He licked her face

"This girl is just a bonus, i love me some young pussy"

"Let her go, you bastard" I screamed,
This was not how I wanted my kids to meet their father, but if we make it out alive I'm going to kill jack, no I'm going to tourtue him for a whole 8 hours without stop then kill him
God,I'm going crazy

"What's it gonna be devil"

"What do you want" Joe growled

"I want Nico Collision, that bastard killed my little borther, and now imma kill your little brother" jack said

Yeah right, like Joe is gonna give up his brother for a women and 2 kids he doesn't know.

"Give me a time and place" Joe said

What the hell?

" uhh... In the next 3 days , I'll have a couple of my men waiting for him at the location that you'll receive once you are in the state" jack said

" got it but since your getting my brother, I want a favor"

"What?" jack said

" in the next 3 days, I want the camera on, and you and your men out so I can talk with my new family" Joe said harshly

Jack narrowed his eyes, and look at each and everyone of us, and shrugged

"Whatever, don't try anything stupid, just remember that their still in my reach"

He pointed at me,cecilla,and lucas
"and I will kill them"

And with that jack and his men left the room

" not for long" I heard Joe said.

His Best Mistake (Devils #1)Where stories live. Discover now