chapter 4

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Someone cleared their throat i looked up and saw Joe looking at us.

"Uhum... Lucas, baby can you try to untie mommy"

"Yeah" Lucas said
Cecilla looked at Lucas and then back at Joe
(Cecilla is a smart girl)
Believing that her brother can untie me.
She walked to the screen and looked at Joe

"Who are you?" She said
"I'm devil"
Cecilla eyes widen, fear evident on her face

"Your THE, devil"
"Yes" Joe said his eyes narrowing

"Oh my god, mommy we all died and went downstairs"

"Um... Baby, it's just a name, ok sweetie"

Cecillca looked relieved and smile at Joe

I was about to say something but 4 men appeared on the screen alongside each other next to Joe,
And must I say.
There fucking hot
Holy cow
I agree with cecilla we must have died instead of going to hell we went straight to heaven

I look at cecilla who is currently blushing.

"Holy shit" a guy who looked liked joe in fact they all looked like Joe but this one is taller then all of them by just a inch,
his jet black hair down barley touching his shoulder
His gray eyes are cold and full lips, also his neck is covered in tattoos and he was well bulit you could see the veins on his incredibly large muscles.

I tear my eyes from the TV, looking at Lucas who is now next to cecilla, pulling her back
(He abandoned his mission on untieing me)

"It's Joe, I never thought I see you as a kid again"

"Your a dumbass Nico" a guy with his jet black hair pushed back, gray eyes, has stubble and black glasses but that doesn't affect the badass look he got going on, in fact he looked even scarier and intimidating and he is also well bulit
Ok all of them are well bulit.

But hey I found out the guy with the tatted neck is called Nico

"He's obviously Joe's kid" he growled

"That we never fucking knew about" another man spoke and i look at him, to see he has a twin right next to him they look alike but are so different, both has has one stud ear ring the one who spoke has one on his right ear and the other twin on his left ear.
One of the twin has jet black hair pulled in a long pony tail that reach just pass his shoulder and the other has a buzzed cut and both grey eyes are glaring at me.

I was about to diss him so hard, how dare he, he basically said that I kept my kids from them.

When the buzzed cut twin brother said

"And the little girl... She's too cute" he said with a straight face.

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