chapter 10

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I opened the door quietly, even though I hear the music getting louder, I am not taking no chances

I peeked outside the door, no one is there, I looked to the right, an endless hall (or so I think) with moldy walls, and dim lights, same to the left.

Okay this is some scary shit
Now I'm scared that a demon is gonna jump at us out of nowhere

Where the hell are we?

I looked over to the kids, Cecilia has silent tears running down her face, while she holds Lucas's hand, whose eyes are full of fear

"Okay kids" I said cheerfully

" let's play rock, paper, scissors , and whoever wins, gets to pick which way we should go right, or left"

"Mommy that's not fair you always win" Cecilia pouts, through her tears

" I don't really think that fair mommy" Lucas points out

Shut up Lucas

"Are you fucking kidding me"

I jumped and gasped so hard, it took me a moment to get my breath back, Cecilia screamed, and Lucas gasped liked me, with his hand to his heart

" I don't think I can take much more mommy" Lucas said

" damn it Joe, I though you logged off or something, fuck,
you scared the living shit out of us" I yelled

"Ooohhhh, Mommy said a bad word" Cecilia said

I sighed

"Your putting our kids and yourself in danger, because you can't make a choice yourself, so you turn to your kids, what kind of fucking mother are you" he roars

I gasped, oh no he fucking didn't

I walked over to the front of the camera in rage

"Their scared out of there fucking minds, so to take their mind off of this"

I threw my hands over the room

"I suggested to play rock, paper, scissors, to calm them down. now don't you ever tell me what kind of mother I am, and where the hell are you to help"

Joe looked pained
Okay, low blow

Their was a moment of silence

Then his face turned so dark, that I would have pissed myself and to top it off shit myself.

"Listen your fucking pissing me off, to the fucking limit, your filling up my glass bitch-" I'm pretty sure his glass is as big as a shot cup, I thought

I walked over to Joe
"Listen Joe, you are interrupting my escape plan I won't be getting any where if we keep on arguing like this"

"Babe, don't you fucking dare-"
Joe got cut off by the power button, I walked back over to the door where is Cecilia and Lucas is holding hands.

"You pissed me off mama, you better be prepared for when I find you."


"What the hell?, why are you still here"
I looked over to the screen, it was black
I don't get it

"You turned off the camera, I can't see you, but I can hear you." he growled

"And may that be the last time, you cut me off" he growled yet again.

"Your are distracting me so off goes the plug" I said, walking towards the plug that connected to the TV/Computer.
I don't know what the damn thing was.
A smart board maybe
I'm so consumed by my kids,
That I don't even know the latest models of technology.

Whatever, I don't mind

"God, when I fucking find you, you won't be fucking walking for a week." he snarled

I pulled the plug
And the room fell silent
Now its time to get out of here
With no distractions
And Joe....... Was a distraction.

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