Chapter 16

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I moan out my release

As Joe groans out his

i collapsed and Joe held on to me, he turns me around so I'm facing him and sits me on the counter he steps between my legs and kisses my neck, i sighed and wrapped my arms and legs around him and stick my hand into is hair and tugged gently till his head came out of my neck and his beautiful gray looks into my eyes

Then i remembered that the kids were in the living room

"Hurry up and get off me"

He chuckles

"I'm pretty sure the guys are supposed to say that" he replies

I blew out a breath,

"The kids"

Realization came to his eyes and he moves away, i start grabbing my pants and shirt when i realized,

Joe wasn't wearing a condom


I pulled up my pants and balled up my shirt and threw it at him

He turns around

"What" he say irritated

I motions to us, around the room, i was speechless

"You have a damn mouth fucking use it" he growls putting on his shirt

"You didn't use a condom" i bit out harshly

He looks at me,grabs the shirt i threw at him and walked over to me, he stuck the shirt down my head, and i stuck my hands threw the arm holes

"Chill babe, i haven't fucked in 3 weeks, i been busy with shit, and last check up said i was clean"

"I'm clean too, but that's not what i'm worried about" i replied

fuck my life, should i tell Joe, why the hell not

"I'm not on birth control" i said calmly

"What" he said, his face getting dark


"I could get pregnant, and why not when we first had sex i was on birth control and you were wearing a condom but i still got pregnant, but now you weren't wearing a condom and i'm not on birth control......"

I let that sit there

he looks down at my stomach

" Kill it"

Was his damn reply

I reared my hand back and punched him so hard in the nose, i feared he couldn't breath, but right now i'm beyond fucking pissed

blood is pouring down his nose

"How could you fucking say that, if i didn't kill my first two babies, that i had with a stranger, what makes you think i'll have an abortion now you fucking asshole, i'll love him or her with all my heart if i am pregnant, they don't need their damn father because i can be a mother and a father to my child"

Tears are streaming down my face, i hope i am not pregnant, with all the things that is going on in our lives, i don't wanna bring an another child into it, but i also wont hurt my baby if i am pregnant

I ran towards the door, unlocked it and threw it open, my eyes searched the floors for the twins

i see them sleeping peacefully on the floor, i walked towards them, wiped my face with the ends of my shirt and plop down in between them, Cecilia snuggled onto my leg and i grabbed Lucas and pulled him close, needing the comfort of my kids

I heard a noise to my right i looked over to see Joe coming out the bathroom with a towel to his nose, with a look of the dead, his eyes are so cold


Then there was a knock on the door

I froze, who the hell could that be, Joe walked over to the door, while i ran towards the bed and opened the drawer where it held the gun i took and ran back towards my kids and got down on one knee, and i pulled off the safety button, or so i thought it was the button

Joe opened the door,as if he knew who was there

"Give me five minutes"

He said to who ever was at the door, Joe open the door wider to who ever was at the other side then 4 guys came into the room

There eyes widen, when they saw me and started walking slowly backwards towards the door

"Bro, i'll give you another motherfucking week, that bitch looks scary" a guy with a buzzed cut said

and he looks familiar, i searched my brain when i remembered that he was in the screen with Joe yesterday, so all these guys are the brothers of Joe

"Tell me your names" i said pointing the gun, to the guy who just spoke

"Mason" he growls

Then i pointed the gun towards the guy next to him, that must be mason twin

I can tell the difference, it's not that hard when mason has a buzz cut and his twin has a long pony tail

"Jason" he also growls

"Of course, should have guessed that"

They both growled at me

"Stop fucking growling are you a dog? a wolf perhaps, cause i'll liked to know whats running in your blood, since my kid been growling a lot lately"

I heard a couple chuckles

I swung the gun towards a guy with a lot of tats, definitely remembered him

I mean who can forget a man with tattoos

"I'm Nic-"

"Yeah, Nico i remembered you"

"Did she just cut me off" i heard Nico muttered

"Yea she did" Jason replies

"Who the fuck do she think she-"

Nico got cut off by the click of the gun

Then i pointed the gun the the last brother with glasses, he raised his hands up playfully, but his eyes were dead

"Don't try to shoot him, Nico's the one who was saying shit" Mason say defending his brother

"Fucking brother you are, let deacon get shot asshole" Nico whispered harshly

I assume, the guy with the glasses, deacon, turned and faced Nico, with his hands now by his sides

"Suck my dick, dad shot me in the motherfucking leg, because you wanted to play with his guns, when you heard the old man coming down the steps you threw the gun at me and ran like a pussy"

"Ah i remembered that day, dad was like "you wanna play with a gun son, feel the burn first" and shot you right in the leg"

"I was fourteen" Nico muttered

"And i was twelve" Deacon growled

interesting story, but i don't wanna meet their father, he shot his own son for god sakes

Then he turns towards me

"My names Deacon"

I nodded my head

I looked around, not to find Joe there along side them

Fucking shit

Then everthing went black



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