Chapter 24

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Wassupp yall, anyways here's another chapter, and make sure you go read our other book called

Not Burning in hell, long story short its about two people falling in love in a world full of zombie

I really hope you comment, i love reading it

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I woke but kept my eyes closed as there was a pounding in my head, i stirred a bit but stopped when i felt a bit of pain, i opened my eyes and blinked rapidly, i felt around and noticed i'm still on the couch

I tilted my head and saw Lucas and Cecilia on separate couches with IV'S

"How are they!!" i all but screamed, getting up quickly, only to fall back on the couch as the world around me started to spin

"Easy there buttercup, they're fine" i looked up and saw the older man looking down at me

"Tell me-"

"Little Missy has a back brace, we had a conclusion that she must have fell hard on her back which is why it was difficult for her to breathe"

My breath hitched at the though of my daughter having trouble breathing

"L-Lucas?" i asked my voice breaking

"He fell hard on his right leg, doctor said there's a possibility that when his leg recovers, he would walk with a limp"

I covered my mouth with my hand as a sob broke through

Damn it all to hell!!!!

The man sat next to me and moved a wired, that's when i noticed i was hooked up to a IV also

"Calm down love its okay, the doctors are gonna come soon to tell you your result and if there anything wrong with you"

"I don't care about me!!" I yelled, and instantly regret it as the kids woke up with a start, then looked over to me and started crying

"Oh baby its ok sleep you need your rest"

They both looked at me with a are -you- kidding- me look

"What" i asked

"Nothing" they both muttered and looked at the man next to me and i saw confusion in there eyes

"Daddy??" Cecilia asked confused

The man next to me laughed out loud

"No love, grandpa"

Cecilia began to squeal

"I have a grandpa, oh my goodness"

"I'm afraid i haven't gotten the pleasure of hearing your name" i asked winking at the man, i couldn't help it, the dude was smoking

"Jax" he says smirking

He got up and talked it up with my kids, they joked, laughed, i sat there watching as he made my babies smiled which also put a smile on my face

"Ew, why do i have to have this, it looks ugly" Cecilia whined looking at the plain black brace on her

"I got you" Jax said suddenly getting up and dashing across the room and down the hall, the kids looked over to me and i shrugged
I don't know

A couple minutes later, Jax came back with a pink sharpie he then began to draw hearts on the brace, he'd ask Cecilia what she wants and she'd point somewhere on the brace and he'd draw

The front door bursts open, me and the kids jumped while Jax threw the marker across the room and quickly sat down,not wanting to be caught drawing

His Best Mistake (Devils #1)Where stories live. Discover now