Chapter 23

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Hey guys, this chapter is a long one i hope you enjoy!

Comment, vote and follow, i really hope you comment

But before you read i have this new story and its called
Not Burning In Hell, the prologue and two chapters are up!!

Five months later

"NOOO, BABY DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!"  i screamed


Lucas blew out a breath

"I'm sorry mommy please don't make me choose"


"BABE, WHAT THE HELL, YOU GUYS ARE ON WAVE 22, HE CANT SAVE YOU, HE'S SWAMPED!!" Joe yelled from the couch with Cecilia on his lap, who's watching the TV screen intently
Me and Lucas was playing a zombie game, and a damn zombie bit me, and i need to be revived,
The kids had a early dismal in school today for some reason,

"I brought him into this world, he should at least help me so i don't leave it "


I think that was the first time he ever called me that, i loved the way it rolled of his tongue

"Mmm- Lucas honey watch out, ohh I'm sorry baby, next time for sure we'll reach level 30"

"Momm, why would you do that" he whined

"Do what" i asked innocently

"Mommy, you shouldn't push people" Cecilia puts in

"WHAT, are you accusing me of hurting my son, i was just giving him a encouraging shoulder bump that's all" i gasped

Joe chuckled, there was a knock at the door, Joe got up and placed Cecilia down where he sat, and walked over to the door

"Mommy can i play with Lucas"

"Yeah baby"
I got up from the floor and handed the control  to Cecilia, she sat on the floor where i was and turned towards Lucas

"Lets do this bro"

"You got it sis"

i walked to the kitchen and began searching around for a snack for the kids when i heard a grunt, i turned around and  i saw Joe and Bianca kissing each other faces off

My hands shook and i ignored the feeling sadness and acted on my rage i stormed over there and push them both out the door 

Joe stumbled a bit and pushed a still kissing Bianca off him and he quickly turn to me, his face unreadable

"Next time you want to kiss one of your whores, do it when my kids aren't in the same room you asshole"

i also thought that we could have worked something out, and start a family, i guess not

Joe glare at me and staked to the door but i slam it in his face and locked it

I walked away happy that i locked him out and he can't come in

"Sofia" i heard growled behind me 

i screamed. what the hell

" Holy shit, how the hell did you come in"

He looked at me as if I'm dumb, then he lifted up a pair of keys 

"Got keys to my own damn house woman"

ohhhhhh, right i forgot


I looked passed him and saw Bianca looking smug and entered the house with fake cheerfulness she walked over to the kids

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