chapter 21

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I searched the closet for clothes to change into, i found this beautiful long silky white dress, these guys have good taste, although they did get me clothes that ranged from classy to bad bitch, and i love the bad bitch cause i am one, i laughed at myself, i took a quick shower and braid my long dark brown hair which landed past my mid back, i loved my hair and i took me forever to get it this long,i walked out the room and walked down the hall towards the kitchen cause I'm hungry, i saw Joe and Fabian talking on a low whisper i grabbed the first thing i saw which was a banana and plopped down on a seat next to the island and peeled the banana open as they continued to talk, just as i was about to bite the banana their conversation died i looked up to see those fuckers starting intently at my mouth

Fucking hell cant a starving girl eat her banana in peace i snap the banana in half and plopped it in my mouth

"Well i should get going" Fabian speak

"Yeah,bring a couple of people with you at the location i gave you" Joe said

"Yes sir" Fabian nodded and walked out the door

"Joe" i called out as he got up


"I'm hungry" i said

"Then make something" he replied

I'm starving and there is barley nothing in the fridge, i have to go groceries shopping. my kids are not gonna be eating lots of take-out its bad for there health, but damn it i'm hungry i didn't eat breakfast today because my kids eat as if there both grown men , i looked over to clock and it was 1:00

I shouldn't do this, i might be wrong, he get might be angry,or hell he wouldn't care, but i need food

"JOE" i screamed

"What the fuck do you want, damn your fucking annoying" he yells slamming his office door

I placed myself to the ground, hiding behind the island this can go two ways and I'm hoping it will go the way i want

"I'm dying"

"Then die bitch" he replied, imma ignored that

"How could you do this to a pregnant women" i yelled

I don't even i know if that's true, i might not be pregnant 

I heard a door slam open and heavy footsteps

"Fucking Sofia" Joe roars, and i just piss my pants, shouldn't have said that

I crawled to the other side of the island when i heard footsteps coming closer to me, i peeked back and saw Joe leaning over the island. okay that shit was scary

"Sofia i'll get you tacos"

My ears perked up and i jumped up from my place, i fucking love tacos

"I love tacos"

Joe turned his head to look at me and a dark look cross his features, he stalked over to me and i stood there frozen, he reached me picked me up and roughly sat me on the island, trapping me when he placed his big muscular arms on either side of my body

"Don't fucking say that again"

"Why, i really do love tacos" i was confused, why cant i say that

"DON'T FUCKING SAY YOUR PREGNANT" he roared in my face

I wanted to back away from him, but i cant

"Why" i said quietly

"Because i don't fucking want it, if i didn't wanted the first two, what makes you think ill want this one" he roars again, i sat there big angry tears sliding down my face

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