Chapter 17

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I snuggled more into the blanket that is wrapped around me, but then braced knowing the kids are gonna jump on the bed and wake me any minute now

My eyes snapped open, my eyes rapidly moving around the entire room im currently in

I jumped off the bed, the walls are alight gray color, theirs a large bed in the middle of the room, in order to get on the bed you have to walk up three steps, and in front of the bed is the door and a large TV mounted on the corner on the wall, and marble floors, where the hell am I?

And where the hell are my kids, I ran towards the door, swung it open and followed the ..... Sound of laughter coming from my kids

I went down a wide hallway, and at the end of the hall the first thing i see to my right is a kitchen, and may i tell you that kitchen is beautiful, not only because it contains food, theirs a large island, separating the kitchen and the living room, and to my left is of course is the living room, if i was cooking in the kitchen and i would be able to see my kids watching TV while doing whatever i have to do on the island

 lets not fall in love with this house

I walked towards the living room

(A/The closest picture i can get to match my description. ;) )

You could see the sunset setting behind the endless trees, it was beautiful, it was impossible not to love this house, you could see the view from where i am, which is the mouth of the hall

"MOMMY" I heard

Damnnn this house got me forgetting what my mission was

I spotted my kids on the ground playing with their toys, i look around no-one was here, my eyes narrowed

Did they leave my kids by themselves?

"Hey babies" I said, walking towards them

I bend down to their levels and gave both of them a big kiss on the lips.

"Is anyone here watching you guys" I ask

They avoided my eyes, looking anywhere but at me

"Lucas, Cecilia"

"Daddy said, he had to do something and left" Cecilia answers,

So he couldn't put someone to watch my kids, when the bastard knocked me out, don't think i forgot that, when i see him am so gonna get shave his ass bald i laughed evilly,

probably just half of his head, cause he looks fine as hell with his hair falling into his face

I looked at my kids, i have a better plan, we shall eat all his food, yes i think like a kid but that's what you get when you have a child

"Are you guys hungry?"

They nodded their heads eagerly and got up and jumped up and down

"I want BACON" Lucas yelled running towards the kitchen

"And i want bacon too" Cecilia squealed also running towards the kitchen"

I blew out a breath, breakfast for dinner

"I also want bacon"  i screamed not caring the who hell was in the house

We rummaged through the fridge and luckily found some bacon, we also got some eggs and avocado

I took out two pans and heated one pan with oil and the other with butter so i can make a omelet

i grabbed the bacon

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