chapter 27

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Me and my twin sister are very curious as which brother you guys like the most... Please comment, I would like to know and also just to let you guys know...

I groaned and shoved Joe off me

"Move" i whined
"Don't touch me" he mumbles and rolled on to me again

I popped my eyes open and glared at the mop of hair in my face
Joe wraps his arms around me and holds me tight
I untangle myself from him and walked towards the bathroom and did my business

I walked over to Joe office and let myself in, i turned his computer on and searched for a hospital near by and set an appointment

"What are you doing" Joe asks walking into the room with only boxers, i was enhanced by his chest that i didn't realize how close he was, he peered behind me to look at the computer and his face pale

"What are you doing" he says horrified

"Setting an appointment-"

"What the fuck Sofia, Jesus Christ, you will not take my fucking kids from me, you-you murder"

What the hell is he talking about

"What the hell are you talking about?" i said voicing my thoughts

"Your not fucking aborting my babies" he growls

"I remember at the start that you wanted me too" i growled back

He's such a hypocrite

He face jerked back and regret washed his feature

"I was young" he says, i rolled my eyes, now that i know Joe more, he can be a bit of a child

"That was 3 months ago" i remind him
"And anyways this appointment is check on They're health and all that stuff"

"You wasn't gonn-"


"Whatever, get the fuck out of my office and make me breakfast"

"Suck my dick" i growled

"You don't have one, if you did i would have killed you"

"Ill go to the store and buy one, that will be my dick, so suck it"

"They only one who will be sucking today is you"

I stomped out the room, damn he such a asshole

I was heading towards the kitchen when there was a knock at the door, i walked towards the door, i opened the door and my lips curved into a smile as i saw all Joes brother and his father carrying bags of toys and each one of them holding one single rose

As they entered the house they handed me the rose

"Wheres the kids" Nico asked

"They're still sleep-" i began

"We're awake!!" I heard and little footsteps

Lucas was the first to appear and hugged on Nico, Nico laughed and hug him back

"Hey bud"

"Hi uncle Nico"

He then proceed to hug them all
I waited
And waited
And waited
"Where cecilia-" Jason starts to ask but stopped when we heard giggles that Seem to be coming from Joe office
We all walk over to the office and I peer though the crack though the door
Joe was sitting on the floor Criss cross Apple sauce and Cecilia sitting on his lap, He was trying to make a braid But seem to be failing

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