Chapter 25

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"What" I ask innocently

Joe walk over to me and smashed me softly against his chest

"Damn it woman tell me" he growled softly

"You want it that badly" i said

They all nodded there head eagerly

"Well then"
I pulled away from Joe and sat back down on the couch, needing to get off of my feet for a bit

"Your just gonna have to earn it"
I threw a smile there way, which almost faltered by the deadly looks there's giving me, Mason steps forward

"Listen up sofia-"

"I said you need to earn it, you think I just hand it over with the way every single one of you here as treated me"
Mason growled softly when I interrupted him

"I'm barely around you" Jason says

"Then come around more, the kids would love to see you guys more often"

Mason came up and sat down next to me, he threw his arm around my shoulders

"Come on baby, do it for me"

Drama mama time!!

I put my hands on his chest and leaned my face a breath away from his

"Okay" i said making my voice breathless

Mason beamed at me, out of nowhere i heard a boom from behind

"Are you fucking with me right now, i ask you, your man but you say no, my brother asks you and you say okay" joe snarled

My man?

"Wheres my man, cause i don't see him, i.don'"

"The fuck you do" Joe growled at me

"My " man" as you call yourself wouldn't play me the way you have"

I pushed away from him from Mason as he held me tightly

"Stop touching me, there's only one person in this room that can touch me" i said

Joe threw a smug look at everyone in the room

I ran and jumped on Jax lap, i cuddled myself more into him, this could be the only chance i can snuggle up with this god

And who said drama mama time was over

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek, Jax turned his head and smiled his beautiful smile
He brought his finger up tapping his lips

"Lay one right here babe"

Should i do this, yes i should, Joe should feel how i felt when i saw him kissing Bianca

I smashed my lips against Jax before i chicken out, he was caught off guard, surprised that i actually did it, he kissed me back full force, i slid my hands in his hair and tugged

He's a good kisser but there isn't that spark me and Joe has

I was ripped off by someone and looked up and saw Deacon pulling me back


I looked behind Deacon and my eyes widen

I saw Nico, Mason, and Jason wrestling Joe from the two guns he has on his hands ready to shoot


Jax only laugh at Joe

"I should go, see you around my boys" Jax went to walk away but quickly came back to me and slapped my ass

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