chapter 36

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Heyyyy guys!!! we are really sorry it took long to update babes
Hope you enjoy

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My heart dropped at what he said, my body would have dropped also if that doctor hadn't reacted quickly and catched me

Oh god!

Mason and Jason are........ dead... I can't believe it, i know for a fact that they can't be dead, tears welled up in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks as a sob broke out me as flash back of Jason and Mason came at me, the memory so vivid so overwhelming that i blacked out

"Sofia!" Mason singsoned as he bolted throught the door with his arms full of bags with a reluctant Jason following behind

"Hey guys" i said straightening myself on the couch and turning off the tv

"Wheres Cecilia" Jason asked as they placed all the bags at my feet

I eyed them suspiciously as Cecilia spoke up

"Im right here!" Cecilia giggle appearing at the mouth of the hallway

"Lucas?" Mason asked as he rushed over to Cecilia and crsuhed her in a hug and pecking her lips

"He's with Joe, they went out to some place called tempest"

I didnt want my kid going to such a place called tempest, but you can't judge a book by its cover, for all i know tempest could be a chocholate store

God know chocholate was tempting me

"Thank god" Jason breathed out

"Whats going on guys" i asked watching as Mason dropped Cecilia next to me

"Nails" Mason yelled, his cheeks turning red

I looked at him confused as Cecilia began to squeal

"Nail time?" Cecilia gasped

Jason grumbled something under his breath and plopped down in front of me and snatched my leg and expected my nails

"For an apology for those butterflies" Mason breathes an plopped down in front of Cecilia and began to grumble about being a pussy and doing fucking art on nails

"God know shes needs nail time" Jason muttered and pulled out some tweezers and began to pluck away the cuticles

"Owww!! Jason that one hurts"

"Beauty is pain bitch suck it up"

Even thought it hurts it was the cutest thing ever, even if there was nail paint all over our toes

"Jason" i said nervously as i tapped his shoulder

"What" he said not taking his eyes off his laptop, he was in the living room seated on the couch

"Um, i was wondering if you wouldn't mind going to the store for me"

He leaned back on the couch and threw his head back, he blew out a breath of frustration

"Can't you ask one of the guards sofia" he said his beautiful gray eyes meeting mine

"What if they poison it" i whispered, i don't really think they would but i really would like it if he would go to the store, you never know,

"Sofia, Jesus, fine what do you want? and later i want you to give me the names of the men who made you feel that way" he said clamly, pushing back on Joe desk chair, i would send Joe but he's playing with the kids and i dont want to ruin they're fun

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