Chapter 30

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Hey guys, here's another chapter, hope you ENJOY!!

Um follow, vote and comments, like i mentioned before, love reading them
Sorry if we took to long, had a bit of writer block


"Wanna tell me why your sister and mother are scared of butterfles" i asked Lucas as i called him to my office

I pulled my eyes away from the computer and looked at him, only to see him shiver,

Are you fucking kidding me!

"Not you too" I growled pissed that even my little man is scared of a little fucking bug

"I'm not scared daddy because I didn't eat it" he said as he crawled into my lap, i raised a brow at him but he simply shrugged it off

"Eat it?" I asked

"It went like this, you know mommy and Cecilia are really pretty" he said gushing happily

I nodded my head, of course they are

"Well this boy was gonna play a trick on them, I heard it from my friends, Mommy always said when a boy is mean to you, he likes you, that's why i cut off josh, anyways I don't know why they'd be mean, if I liked a girl I would share my cookie with her anyways i went to go tell Mommy what the boy said, before I hit him, I wanna tell her and as soon as I saw her she gave me a sandwich, and it look good so sat down to eat it, i totally forgot what i was going to says, anyways I felt my sandwich move, MOVE!! so I open it and saw a butterfly in my sandwich, the butterfly got up from my tuna and flew up, of course Cecilia and Mommy saw it and they both stop chewing they're food and the worse part wasn't they're scream dad, it was that they both was halfway though they're sandwich, I mean i ate a couple of bugs before, but dad, i swear i saw wings hanging out they're mouths!"

That is fucking disgusting

"Whats this boy name? Full name" I asked, ready to track him down and make him pay

"I forgot" he said then snuggled into me, i put my arm around his shoulder and let him get comfortable, i turned towards my computer and started to do work, one handed as i run my hands threw Lucas's hair


Two hours passed and my arm is half asleep as Lucas slept, i looked up and pushed my hair behind my ear, when i saw Sofia walk in, i looked at her from head to toe

She is one hot mama even in just yoga pants and a t-shirt, i like her yoga pants, her round tight ass looks good as shit in it

"Joe" she said nervously

I smirked, i like that she's nervous, i like the way she bites her lip and looks at me from under her eyelashes, her beautiful chocolate eyes looking uncertain as she gazes at me

"What is it" i asked lowly as Lucas stirred

I should just throw him on the damn couch

She blew out a breath and pulled out something from behind her back, she held it up and my breath caught, i sat frozen and watched as she waved it around

The flash drive was held tightly in her hand, i bolted up and out of my seat causing Lucas to fall to the floor with a thud

"Shit!" She yelled as she rushed to Lucas aid as i stood there like a fucking statue

She fucking has it!

I quickly snapped out of my haze when i heard Lucas whimper

"Ah shit! I'm sorry little guy, does your leg hurt?" I said crouching down next to him and expecting him all over as i ignored Sofia's glare

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