Chapter 2

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What in the hell?

Joe stared at me with a blank look ( I was drunk that night but i did remember his name)

Reconingtion flashed through his eyes as one his eyebrows arched in a are you fucking with me way.

"Now tell me why the fuck would i make a deal for a whore?" He says calmly, he leans back in his chair and rested his head on his propped arm, looking like he's actually bored

My mouth drops open when he's words register

"I can give two fuck for what happens to the bitch, share her amongst yourself, she's a hot piece of ass but I already had a taste" Joe says, does he not know that I am being held hostage, my life in his hands and all he can say for these disgusting men is to have a fucking go with me

I gritted my teeth and glared at him as visions of our night tried to pop into my head

What an asshole!

The chair that I'm tied to is lifted which is currently unknown to me, like I had said before I weigh more then I would like but Jack just lifted me and with all his might threw me to the wall. I screamed out in pain as the chair broke from under me, my arms twisting a way that it shouldn't but I tried my hardest not to have my arms and/or legs get injured

I need them to escape and survive

Fucking hell

I glanced over to where my kids are and saw that my daughter Cecilia was crying with snot running down her nose and coating her lips, my sweet baby girl. I looked over to my son Lucas tears threaten to fall. But he won't allow it, my brave boy, trying to hold it together for his mother and sister

My eyes flicker to the screen to where Joe is staring at me with no emotion, no interest in his gaze, I already know without a doubt we're in this mess because of him

"This was a waste of my time we're done here" Joe growled as he looked at his watch, he seems to have better things to look forward to then this

"We're not even close to done" Jack laughs, he flick his hands and brown head grabs both of my kids by the hair and roughly brought them to the front of the camera.

Well this was definitely not the fucking way I wanted my kids to meet their father, Cecilia cried out in pain as her little legs kicked around. Lucas face turned red in angry as he tried to punch at the guy who held a tight grip on them, even when I would punish him Lucas wouldn't show the pain that he is obviously feeling.

And my babies are in pain which means I'm in freaking pain

"You fucking asshole get your hands off my kids!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

Jack stalked over and kicked me in the ribs so hard I saw stars. It's ironic how he almost caved in my fucking stomach with the shoes I bought him
I tried not to scream out in pain so I wouldn't scare my kids any longer, so I heft out a very painful grunt

"Shut the fuck up! Can you not see that I'm having a fucking conversation?!" Jack yelled and turned around to an angry, No, angry isn't the right word

Fucking about to turn to hulk any minute now Joe.

He was staring at my kids
Ours kids

Even when Jack was trying to get his attention his eyes were only focused on the two terrified kids

Joe gaze shot to me so fast it made me jump, even when he's not in the room it's like his aura is here, I wanted to shrink back against the corner when he gave me the most dirtiest look

I don't even want to fucking hear it right now honestly, I had enough of the the hate and ugly stares when people found out I was pregnant and didn't even know the last name of my baby daddy

I don't know not one thing from him and he wants to look at me like I hid a big secret

"Their mine" was the only thing he said, I knew it wasn't a question but I decided to answer anyways

"Their eyes says it all"

"Indeed it fucking does" he snarled as he gaze goes straight back to watching the kids who stopped their struggling and looked up at him

I couldn't see their expression but whatever Joe saw made his eyes soften just a little that I almost didn't saw it

"Your hurting them please just let their hair go" I pleaded, Cecilia and Lucas has the most beautiful hair that I ever felt and saw in this world, both their hair grows faster then hair would grow on my legs

No one should even have a hold of their hair but me, if anyone is gonna conflict even just a bit of pain to them it'll only be me! I'll be damned if someone else does it

"Talk again and I'll break your little face" Jack snapped and started to my kids when I spoke

"Keep your hands off" I growled as I got up from the mess of the broken chair, Jack looked at me with fire in his eyes but before he could come over to me and beat me to death, a deep voice boomed and seemed to echo in the quiet beaten down room

"I am not to be fucking ignored"

Yeah, well to bad for you tough guy if he comes anywhere near my kids it's gonna be a fucking showdown

"Sit her ass down" Jack said, o felt movement to my right and has soon as my head was turn a fist was smashed into my face, I went down with a spilt lip and a busted back when I hit the concrete floor

Life is so fucked up

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