Chapter 28

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If you guys have any questions, me and my sister would love to answer them, on video of course and post it on wattpad ;) just leave a comment


I tried to act as if I didn't hear or see anything, I walked over and turn on the nightlight by Cecilia bed

Come on Lucas
Say it

I don't want to scream or seem suspicious, i don't want whoever is here to jump at me or even worse the kids

I waited and waited by the bed not wanting to leave them


"Yes" I said quickly

Fuck I hope he didn't notice

"I'm scared can I sleep with you and Daddy?"

"Of course" I said and went and pick up Cecilia

"What was that Lucas" I said, hearing a mutter

"I didn't say anything mommy"

I grab his hand and... Dick that shit to Joe room

I turn on the light and closed the door and lock it

"Joe!" I screamed and Cecilia twitches in my arms

Joe's face was stuffed in my pillow but when I called him his head snapped over to me

"Fuck, shit, always got to yell put my kids on the bed and go to sleep" he says roughly from the lack of sleep

I ran up the two step leading us up to the bed I place the kids on the bed and jumped on Joe
Who growled at me

"The kids are here, contain yourself, let's go to the living room and I'll fuck you ther-"

"Joe! someone in the kids room!" I said, ignoring his wonderful offer

Joe shoved me aside and hopped off the bed he reached under the bed and he took out.....

"AK 47!! Ohh papi you better make sure the kids don't find it you mother-"

Joe walked over to me and smash his lips to mine, after a couple of moments he bit my bottom lip enough to drew blood and shut me up

He jerked his head to Lucas and Cecilia
I nodded my head the message clear

protect the kids!!

He gave me a final kiss and speed walked out the room

I ran around the room searching for a gun i can use (he have to have more guns in here somewhere), i can see from the corner of my eyes Lucas lifting his head up lazily then went limp not caring of what i was doing, i searched the drawers and found a gun, its one of those guns the cops uses, what was it, a glock?

I ran up the two steps and guard my kids who was dead to the world, i pulled the safety off and aimed at the door when i saw the handle move

My heart beating in my chest as the door opened

"Its me" Joe says putting his hands in the air when he saw me pointing a gun at him

"Oh god Joe! did you find him" i said lowering the gun and checking to see if the kids didn't wake up

"No one was there mama" he growls and looks over to the clock on the nightstand

"Babe its fucking 3 in the morning, you were probably imagining it" he growls and places the gun back under the bed not before putting safety on it, i took the gun i had and put the safety back on and placed it, in the drawer near me

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