chapter 14

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"I'm not fucking playing that shit"
he growled from the couch
When we left from Toys R US we went straight to the hotel room
And I been asking him to play with us
"Don't worry, we're behind close doors, nobody's gonna make fun of you" I said

"That not it" he said

I started to get annoyed

"Then what is it" I snapped

"Can't see myself bent like a fucking pretzel, I can't bend that way babe"

"I can bend like a pretzel" and Cecilia sat down on the floor and began to put her legs behind her head

Joe got up and pulled her legs down

"Yeah, that not a sight I wanna see you do"

"Daddy?" Cecilia ask


"Can you please play with me and mommy"
And Cecilia gave him her puppy dog eyes

Joe look down at her, not faze at all
"No" Joe said
"But why"
"Lucas you play, I'll spin that" pointing at the spin broad
"Sorry dad, last time i played"
Lucas said cupping himself
"it didn't end well"

"Yeah, I'm not playing that shit, i wanna keep my dic-"

"Don't finish that sentence" i said harshly

At that Cecilia eyes began to water
"Shit.. Don't cry Cecilia, I'll play OK?"

Cecilia jump up and down with a happy face and the tears long gone

"Fucking little shit " Joe said as he ran his fingers though his hair

I giggle
Joe and I know she has him wrap around her tiny finger

"Alright, let's do this" I said excitedly
We all got to our place, Cecilia in the middle, me at the right and Joe at the left

Lucas has the spin thingy

"OK, left foot green"

Me and Cecilia placed our left foot on green, while Joe stomped his left foot on the green


"Fuck" Joe said under his breath
Fuck indeed, my back is on the verge of breaking, I'm bent over Joe and Joe is bent over Cecilia. Our stomach facing the ceiling , and since a very flexible, I'm bent really hard, i have to keep my back arched and the pads of my fingers touching the game, and just enough space for Joe and Cecilia under me, me and Joe have our head on one side of the mat and Cecilia head is where are feet's are, in the other side of the mat

Cecilia and Joe isn't doing so well either
Lets just say, he isn't flexible as me and Cecilia

"Fuck, if I fall, I'll crush our daughter"

I loved how he said our daughter

I grin
"Then give up"
He turned his head to look at me

"I never give up on anything not even in this fucking yoga game, so you better get that stuck in your brain"

I laughed but trembled a bit

"Be fucking careful your above me, you fall, I fall then there goes Cecilia, and I'll like to know my daughter more, damn it" he said harshly
At that I burst out laughing and fell on top of Joe, who didn't fall on Cecilia but was holding on

"Fucking shit, your heavy, run Cecilia, get away" he breathed out
Cecilia ran away laughing
And Joe fall onto the mat, taking me with him

"HEY! Am not that heavy"

Joe pulled my hair bringing my ear to his lips

"we will find out when your sitting on my face, whether you are heavy or not"

My cheeks redden and i pushed myself off him, and walked towards the glass slide door, i opened the curtains its still sunny out, I looked over to the clock and its says 4:30 PM

I felt hands go around my waist
I turned my head to see Joe behind me, i looked over him to see the kids playing with their new toys and box's of toys all over the place
I looked back outside
"Nice view" Joe says
I have a feeling he isn't talking about the city, I looked down and see my shirt pulled down again
I sighed and pulled it back up
"I need to go back home and change" I mumble

"Your not going back"

"Ha ha sorry but i am" I replied

Joe pressed me to the glass

"What i say goes, Ill buy you and the kids shit that you need but your going back with me" he growled into my ear

"Yeah no, i cant leave my life behind, just because my kids daddy says so" I mocked

He pressed me against the glass so hard, i feared it will crack and ill fall to my death

"Your getting ahead of yourself mama, i was being nice to you because my kids are present, but when we are alone, don't think ill be all gentle with you"

I shivered not in a good way but in a bad way, but since i grown up to be nice to those who are nice to me and a bitch to those who thinks they can fuck with me

"Oh so your two faced"
I just had to say something

He grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the glass slide doors
The fucking glass didn't even break
Okay that hurted like fuckkkk, i grabbed my face, blood pouring out my nose

Did he just fucking did that?

I can see Joe face in the glass through my fingers

"Damn your hard headed" he laughed

I tried to move around him, but he stops me

"Where do you think your going"

I didn't respond how could i when the fucker just smashed my damn face to the fucking glass window

He turn's me around, i put my head down, covering my face with my hands, i don't want to give him the damn satisfaction
Of him seeing me cry and in pain
He tries to pull my hands out of my face, but i keep it there

"It wasn't that bad babe" he chuckled

I looked up and let him look at me, at what the bastard just did

"Geez Joe, if jack wasn't enough abuse you did just the perfect touch"

Joe laughter died, as he looked at my face, rage passing trough those grey eyes
his hands reached up, but an eye for an eye motherfucker
I kneed him in his baby maker

He gruted but didn't kneel down like i hoped he would, he cupped himself and his other hand on his bent knee, he looked up at me with fire in his eyes
God i shouldn't have done that, but he hurt me

I looked over to see Cecilia and Lucas, their backs to us playing with their toys
I didnt want to do this but im left with no choice, i tried to run but he grabbed my leg, and started to pull me back, i didn't wanted to fall and hurt myself again

" Lucas, Cecilia" i yelled

"Yes, mommy" they both said looking back at us, at that Joe let me go and i ran to my kids

"Are you guys hungry" i asked

"Mommy why are you bleeding"
Lucas frowned
Shit i forgot i covered my nose with my hand

"Shhhh Lucas, its probably that time of month" Cecilia replied
I rolled my eyes

I grabbed a napkin from the kitchen making sure Joe was where i left him, his eyes burning holes in me
Then he mouths, still cupping himself

"Dirty trick mama"

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