chapter 34

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My plan didn't come out so great, at the moment I'm driving full sped down the streets as five cars chased me

Joe and his brothers

My phone rang as i took a sharp corner, i reached over and picked it up from the passenger seat

"Hellooo" i singsonged

"You have 30 motherfucking seconds to stop the car!!" Joe roared as i swerve to the side when a car was about to to pass

"Or what"

I'm poking the bear with a stick

I almost dropped the phone as one of the cars chasing me, bumped the back if my car roughly, thank god for seat belts

Joe banged my car, well its technically his car

"Don't fucking test me-"

I hanged up, I'm doing crazy things, i know, but once you have a kid you'll understand,

My phone ranged again and i picked it up

"Joe leave me the fuck alone I'm try-"

"Do you want your kids" a gruff voice came through the line, i lifted my phone back at looked at the screen

Unknown number, but the guy sounded so familiar

"Where the fuck are they!" I yelled, as i placed the phone in speaker, i need both my hands to lose them

"Under the bridge and dont fucking bring no one else, or I'll use these kids for my own pleasure before killing them" and with that they hanged up

I tried so fucking hard not to panic at his words

Under the bridge??

What the fuck, what fucking bridge-

Holy fucking shit

I think i know what bridge, holy crap, okay, time to lose the guys

3 hours later

Fuck that was harder then i thought, i was now driving over to the bridge

The bridge that McDonald girl died under, i hope im right

I blew out a nervous breath as i parked the car and got out the car, i placed my hand on my stomach and grit my teeth

This might be selfish, i know, i shouldn't do this because im pregnant, but you have to understand im more worried about Lucas and Cecilia and I'm scared to death for them

I stopped at the top of the hill and hanged my head and prayed

I picked my head up and stumbled down the steep hill, as i reached the bottom, i heard the same husky voice

"Finally took you long enough"

I tensed and turned around and came face to face to John
Fucking Bianca's father

"Dad she mine!! i want her, please let me have her" my eyes widen at that voice, you've got to be kidding me


Fuck me that's Jack

"Keep your dick in your pants, if she doesn't do what i say, you can have her and the girl" he said calmly

"Fuck yes" Jack groaned as his eyes lit up with excitement

"You sick bastard!!!" What did i ever see in this guy

"Shut the fuck up!!! Your lucky i don't let him have you this second, now listen up whore" he said as he walked over to me

"Your daughter's the whore" i mumbled

"Sucks dick like a pro" he said as he walked the little steps over to me

"What!! Yo-"

"Does this little thing with her tounge"

Is he saying what i think he sayings, i don't got time to think as i saw John picked his hand and backhand me

Jesus!! that hurts

He grabbed my chin roughly and brought my face dangerously close to his, his minty breath blowing across my face

Shouldn't bad guys have bad breath

"Your going to leave the city, go somewhere eles, i don't give two shit where, but leave! Joe's gonna marry my daughter! And your in the way"

He wants me to leave Joe

"I would kill you and your kids, behead you and hang you on my wall, but i dont think Joe would like that view so im giving you and your kids a free pass, I'll give you the money to leave but you fucking leave today, understand?"

"Jesus, did you know how long it fucking took to dig a damn tunnel towards Joe's house, Fucking forever!! You see i need Joe, and his bothers, with them, I'll be the most powerful man in the world and if he marries my daughter, its his obligation to protect me!!"

My face is pale and my mouth would be wide open but the firm grip on my chin stopped me from doing so

When i didn't answer he looked over to Jack and nodded, he went up the hill, i waited a couple of moments, thats when i heard the kids

"Let them go please!!" I said as i struggled against the old man who surprisingly strong, i saw jack and another guy hold a knife to my kids delicate neck, they're eyes wide with fear, with tears tracks down they're puffy red checks, i also notice another little girl, with big curly hair, wide Crystal blue eyes, and tears running down her beautiful light brown skin

"Mommy!!" They both cried, the little girl just silently watched

"Whats it gonna be sugar" he said in my ear as he nibbled on it, i stood froze with fear, when i didn't answer again, i felt him nodded against me

I screamed so damn loud, my body was shaking, when i saw the first line of blood trickled down all they're neck

"Okay!!! We'll leave!! We'll leave!!" I cried as i fell to my knees, my vision watery as tears spilled down my checks, they took the knives from they're throats and they all fell to they're knees crying, holding they're neck as they cried for me and Joe, the other little girl looking at me with pleading eyes, i started to get up and go to them but John placed a hand on my shoulder and added pressure, i got back on my knees

"There's a car over there, with all the stuff you need, don't ever come back, and you better cover your tracks, because i will fucking kill you, and those bastards of your kids, do you fucking understand!" He yelled, spinning me around so i can look at him, his blue eyes nothing but cold ice

"I understand"

He pushed me towards the kids and i gladly went, i ran over to them, Cecilia and Lucas ran into my arms, holding me tight as i did them, my heart finally relaxed, i let out a breath of relief

I opened my eyes and saw the little girl, looking around hesitantly, i lifted my hand around Cecilia back and opened them to her, she looked up at me with watery eyes, and with a cry she ran over to me

"Enough of this shit!!! Leave now!"

I got to action, i huddled all the kids and rushed them over to the car that John pointed out earlier, i got the kids in and buckle them all in, i hopped into the drivers seat, i saw that the keys were already in the ignition, i turned the car on and drove away

I drove away from everything, i cant take this pain any longer, me and my kids are getting hurt because.........of Joe

I hope I'm doing the right thing

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