I am scared

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The sun brings warmth

After it comes the evening

With it the breeze

Cold and comforting, to the skin

After that comes the night

The yawning darkness

Now it takes away my breeze

And I am scared

Not of the night or the dreams it carries

On shoulders of celestial beings

Who care to share

Their deeper secrets

With mortals such as me


Have you heard

Of the thing called day

When the peace of darkness fades

In its place; light and noise

When the helpless see so many souls pass by

But with no one to help

When their mournful looks are scenes

To the artist

Their painful groans are tunes

To the songster

And the faltering steps of the stranger,

Nothing but a disorder,

With no one willing to help

Oh, how I long for night

To break this cycle of

Unfettered pain


Sometimes I am scared

My night may not come soon enough

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