Chapter 1

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A guide to what you need to know!
(Y/N) your name
(B/C) blood color
(Your tail and eyes match your blood color)
(H/C) hair color
(H/L) hair length
(F/F) favorite food
(F/C) favorite color
(Will be updated when needed)

-your Pov-

You are a mermaid. Yes that may seem far fetched from the depths of your fantasies, but that fantasy just came true. Maybe your busy mind should back up a little bit. To set your crazy thoughts strait.
Today is your 16th birthday. You (Y/N) are 16 years old. You woke up to the constant annoyance of your family. Your younger brother and parents were determined to make you happy. They already knew you hated moving to the coast, and the fact you hadn't made any friends. You told them off and said you wanted to spend your birthday alone at the beach, and with that you began changing into your (F/C) bikini. You packed you (F/F) and left the house.

The day was beautiful. The wind was blowing in your (H/L) hair and the sun was warming the top of your head. You took a few uneasy steps in the sand testing to see if it would burn your feet. Sadly it was scorching hot, so you made a run for the small cave on your property. None of your family members knew about your discovery, and you planned on keeping it that way. You bent down and squeezed through the small entrance. It was quite beautiful inside, for a small lagoon that led to the sea was hidden inside the gray stone walls.

A perfect way to spend your birthday, you thought as you took off the (F/C) sundress you had over your bikini. There was no use trying to get adjusted to the icy cold water, so you jumped in canon ball style. You surfaced above the water, but something felt different. Something felt strange. You looked down into the water and you weren't greeted with the familiar sight of your legs...

You were greeted with the sight of a long scaly (F/C) tail. You had two large fins at the bottom, but you also had a smaller set of fins on your arms and middle of your tail. You later realized you had gills on the side of your neck and lacked the ability to speak out of the water.
(A few hours later and a better Pov)

I had tried getting out of the water and achieved success, but the tail wouldn't go away. I tried drying it off like the TV show H2O, but that didn't work either. The fact that I could only talk underwater was also a problem. How would I explain this to my parents, or anyone in general? I tried yelling for help, but no heard me, for no sound escaped my lips. What on earth do I do?
(Time-skip to the next day)

I was in the water exploring all the coral and awesome stuff under the sea contemplating what to do about my tail when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and was greeted by another mermaid, or should I say merman. "Sup." the merman with a red tail and sunglasses said. "Hello..." I answered back nervously. "What's your name?" He asked me. "(Y/N)" I said quietly back. There were more merpeople, not just me? At least I'm not alone. "My names Dave, Dave strider." He said cooly and grabbed my arm dragging me with him. I tried to break free of his grip, but to no avail. After about five minutes me arrived at an underwater cave. He pushed me inside and blocked the exit. "Who is this, dear brother?" A mermaid with a pink-ish purple tail asked. He didn't give her an answer but said "talk to you later sis" and left me and the other mermaid alone in the cave.

We sat there awkwardly for a while until she asked me a question. "My name is rose, pleasure to meet you. What is your name?" "(Y/N)" I said very quietly. Rose and I talked for hours. She explained how she does magic and spells. While I told her my favorite color and other aspects about myself. The entire time I was careful not to mention anything about being a human, or human like things. I was afraid she would kill me on the spot, for she told me how bad the humans were on the coast here. How our kind got stuck in fishing nets, how videos of us managed to get on the news, or how if a human saw you they killed you right then and there.

I sighed, "Rose I have nowhere to stay" she smiled happily and said "you can live here (Y/N) I always thought this cave was lonely all by myself. Also, I plan on the others meeting you tomorrow" I sighed again. I told her I got nervous around new people.

(Karkat X reader) MersuckWhere stories live. Discover now