Chapter 21

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-Karkat's Pov-
Its been a week since I broke up with Terezi, and I still haven't found (Y/N). I keep asking Terezi but she just giggles and walks away. What did she do? I tried to ask Terezi again today but I just couldn't find it in me. She's hurt me so much... Why did I even chose to get back with her the second time? Why did (Y/N) kiss Sollux? Why would he kiss a random girl behind my house? Or did (Y/N) know him?

Before I could think things over I had a scrawny clenched around Sollux's windpipe. "Why did you kiss (Y/N)!" I angrily hissed inside his ear. "Th'he loveth me! That'th why." Sollux smirked and looked up into my eyes. "That's not t-true... TELL THE TRUTH!" I almost screamed. She couldn't like him. She just couldn't! Sollux flashed a smile and spoke. "We dated yearth ago. Before you even met her. She begged for me. She wanted me back. I have her what th'he wanted..." He smirked and used his free hand to punch me in the face. I fell to the floor but quickly got back on my feet. "YOU'RE LYING!" I screamed and punched the side of his face. "SHE COULD NEVER LIKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" I grabbed Sollux by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground. "YOU FUCKING SHITSPONGE! STOP! MAKING! UP! STORIES! ABOUT! YOUR! NONEXISTENT'! FUCKING! LOVE! LIFE!" I kicked Sollux in the stomach and walked away.

How could she do that? Of course she never knew I liked her... Right? "DAMMIT!" I kicked a trash can on the way back to my beach house. Where could she be? I walked into my house and started to make dinner. I cooked (Y/N)'s favorite food without noticing. Why does everything need to remind me of her? Why can't I just find where she went? It's been three weeks since she came to school. She could be dead, or worse.

I need to start thinking strait. (Y/N) was friends with Jade and John...

The next day after school I pulled Jade and John behind the school fence. "I need to know where (Y/N) went!" I said urgently. Both Jade and John stared at each other. "We can't tell you." They said in unison then walked away. "Guys! Please!" I yelled at them, but they kept walking. "FUCK IT! SHE COULD BE DEAD AND YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING KNOW SHIT! JUST LET ME FIND HER!" I screamed at them. I let my anger get the best of me. Although I earned an office referral for offensive language. Those stupid fucking teachers getting into everyone's business. I had a 30 minute detention after school, but I didn't care. I could just play on my phone by putting it in my book and pretending to read.

The next day I approached John and Jade again. They both saw me and quickly ran away. Dammit! Why can't someone just tell me where (Y/N) went? I guess I will need to start pestering Terezi again. Maybe I can get the answer out of her.

I waited outside Terezi's last class before the bell rang. I pulled her to the side and shook her by the shoulders. "Where is (Y/N)!" I screamed at her. "G1v3 m3 4 k1ss 4nd 1 w1ll t3ll you!" She giggled. "FINE FUCKASS" I kissed her roughly and quickly. She kissed me back greedily. I broke away as soon as I could. "Where. Is. She." I growled. "4ll 1 know 1s th4t sh3 w4s stuck 4s 4 h4lf m3rm41d, 4nd couldn't f1x th3 n3ckl4c3." She smirked, knowing that she had deceived me just for a kiss. "UGH! FUCK THIS!" I howled and kicked a few lockers as I stormed out of the building. Eridan saw me and approached me. "You got lovve problems?" I shoved him away and started jogging to my beach house. Tomorrow is another day. I'm not giving up until I know where she is!

-Sollux's Pov-
I can't believe Katkat is falling for this! I guess splitting him away from (Y/N) might be easier then I thought! Karkat gave me a few bruises, but does that really matter? I said something's, and my words hit his heart like daggers! KK can suck a dick! He is never finding (Y/N) ever again!

-jades Pov-
(Y/N) said she would be back about 1 month. She said that a month ago and in getting worried. I haven't heard anything about her, or anything from her. I can tell John is worried too. I hope she's alright! I was busy thinking thinking about (Y/N) when I got a message on my pesterchum.

(C/H) begin pestering GardenGnostic
C/H: Check the news
(C/H) ceased pestering GardenGnostic

I turned the T.V. on, And my eyes widened.

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