Chapter 22

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-Jade's Pov-
I watched the news report with terrified eyes.

A real mermaid?
Did this man really find a real mermaid? Or is it all a scam in order to get money?
*camera zooms in on a tank*
Interviewer: is it true you found a real mermaid?
Answer: yes! I found her while out fishing on the coast. I couldn't believe my eyes!
Interviewer: could you describe what she looks like?
Answer: sure! She looks like any ordinary human until you see her (B/C) tail. She also has small (B/C) fins on her arms.
Interviewer: she sounds beautiful! Could you tell us when the display opens?
Answer: it opens next week on Monday! I'll see everyone there! *waves at the camera*

*The camera zooms in on a large tank where a girl presses her hands against the glass. A terrified expression on her face.*

I was shocked. I could have sworn that was (Y/N) in the tank! How was she captured? How did this happen?

GardenGnostic began pestering GhostyTrickster
GG: I know where (Y/N) is...
GT: ...
GG: She was captured
GG: we can't tell Karkat anything we don't know if he knows about merpeople.
GT: poor (Y/N)! We need to help her
GT: I'm going to look it up online and find her location!
GG: okay...
GT: you only know the address if you buy tickets.
GT: the tickets coast thousands of dollars
GG: Oh no!
GG: talk to you later John!
GT: buy jade!
GardenGnostic ceased pestering GhostyTrickster

I can't believe this! Most importantly I can't let anyone at school know about this! Especially Karkat. I know he hasn't gotten over her, but I think she's okay without him now. She may have gotten over him. Maybe visiting her parents was a way to escape for a little while, and whatever happened someone found out. Someone was told. Someone did this to her.

-Karkat's Pov-
There is only one place left to check. The sea. The only problem is I can only use the spell one more time, or I can't change back into a human. If I can't get the information out of Jade and John in the next three days I'll go to see the Sea Witch.

-Eridan's Pov-
Poor Karkat. I know how it feels to loose a loved one. I wish I could make it up to him. I did manage to kill (Y/N) once before. Maybe this is my chance to get back on good terms.

"Hey Terezi" I greeted her in the hallway. "Oh, h1 3r1d4n" she fake smiled and turned to talk to me. "Let's get strait to business Terezi. I wwant to join your team. Obvviously Karkat and (Y/N) havve no chance, and if I couldn't kill her the first time I wwill kill her the second time." I smirked at Terezi. I hope she fell for it! "Sur3 3r1d4n. You c4n b3 my b4ckup pl4n 1f k4rk4t won't l34v3 h3r. 1f h3 won't l34v3 (Y/N) th3n th3r3 won't b3 4 p3rson for h1m to l34ve!" She grinned and walked away. I smiled knowing Terezi now trusted me. If only I could tell someone the truth, but all the people in this school can't be trusted.

-Rose's Pov-
Feferi entered my small cave. "Have you sea-n her?" She asked me vehemently. "Nope" I replied sadly. (Y/N) was suppose to be back a week ago. Feferi and I have been doing everything to try and find her. I can't seem to locate her on my orb, which scares me greatly. It's as if somebody is hiding her from view. Whatever has happened can't be good. "We should consult the Sea Witch." "I agree!" Feferi and I started swimming to the palace. When we arrived everything was a little to quiet. We found the Sea Witch sleeping on her golden bed covered in enchanted necklaces. She had a necklace in every blood color. I wonder what she will do with them. "Ahem" I coughed at the jolted awake. "There has been no sigh of (Y/N) we were wondering if you could try to find her?" I asked. "Surly your magic would be able to locate her." She responded sleepily. "I have tried several times to no avail. It's as if something is blocking her from view." I explained. "Hmmmm" she hummed and began looking into her mighty orb. "You are right. Somefin is blocking her." The Sea Witch says in a troubled voice. "Notify me of you receive any sigh about her whereabouts. No matter how small that sigh may be!" She said loudly. "Yes your majesty" Feferi and I said in unison. As we swam back to my cave we talked, "if the Sea Witch is worried then something horrible must of happened!" I exclaimed sadly. "Yes, poor (Y/N). Why does this stuff always happen to her?" Feferi said sadly. We arrived at my cave, but it wasn't empty.

((Cliffhanger? Hehe. FYI There may not be an update tomorrow because it's my birthday!
-Author Person))

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