Chapter 7

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-Your Pov-
First day with Eridan
I opened my eyes and found myself tied to a rock with seaweed. I looked to my left where a table of tools sat ready. I looked to my right, and was greeted with the piercing purple eyes of Eridan. "Your awwake!" He smiled. "I wwonder if you havve human blood, or something else..." He drifted off in thought as he chose one of the many tools on the small table. "Talk and it wwill be a deeper cut" Eridan said as he made a small cut on my arm. The wound gushed (B/C) and I gasped. That color wasn't normal... "No talking" he stabbed the knife in my tail. I bit my lip trying not to scream in pain. "Good girl" he whispered and grabbed another tool from the table.
Day 2 with Eridan
There were cuts everywhere, and I felt as if the ocean would turn (B/C). "Humans don't belong under the sea." He said grabbed another tool from the table. He made a small cut ok my neck near my gills. He cut away at my gills piece by piece making it ever more painful as I struggled to breath. The next thing I knew I was being untied. I was to tired to open my eyes, and didn't struggle against the merperson holding me.

-Rose's Pov-
I looked at the edge of the abyss. It was the only place we hadn't checked. Nobody knew a merperson who ever returned from those watery depths. I looked at Feferi and she nodded. We both dive down and started swimming. Fighting back against the water pressure. When we reached the bottom an Erie truth was revealed. There was a smooth stone with seaweed at the sides to tie a merperson down. Next to the stone was a small table. The small table held sharp metal tools rusting away in the sea. The worst part about the seen what the discoloration of the water. It was all tinted (B/C). "Do you think she is nearby?" I asked Feferi. "I think s-so." She was almost in tears. "Feferi, this isn't your fault..." I hugged her.

"Wwhat are you doing here?" A familiar voice said from behind us. "Where is (Y/N) ?" I questioned him. "I havven't seen her" he shrugged as if that was normal. "Cut to the chase, where. is. she?" I said every word expressing my dislike And distrust for him. His fake smiled disappeared and he grinned evilly "humans don't belong underwater." He started swimming up out of the abyss, and was gone. "Does that mean she's on land?" I said horrified. "And it's not a full moon" Feferi said in a worried tone. "We better get out of here!" I began trying to swim up, but the water pressure beat me each time. "Rose, I think we need to swim up slowly in order to reach the top" Feferi said after watching how many times I failed. I started to swim up slowly. Inch by Inch.

-Eridan's Pov-
I kinda felt bad about what I did to her. She didn't really deserve all that pain. She may be a human, but she never told anyone about us. I left her laying on the beach in a bloody heap. Tomorrows the next full moon, I hope she makes it. "Eridan Ampora you are under arrest" a deep voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. "For wwhat?" I said forgetting about what I did to (Y/N). My blood color alone should protect me from jail anyway!

Both the guards took my arms and dragged me to the court house. I was chained to the chair across from the Sea Witch. Beside the Sea Witch sat Feferi... Oh no. Not even my blood can protect me from her.... "Eridan Ampora, is it true you captured a fellow merperson, potentially tortured her, then left her on land for all to sea?" The Sea Witch asked me. "You are wwrong about one thing. I tortured a human. Not a merperson." I sat back in my chair waiting for punishment. "She is only considered a human on full moons, Ampora." She said then consulted with Feferi on my punishment. After a few minutes of them bickering they came to an agreement "Eridan Ampora, your punishment is to be banished to land, and become the thing you hate most. You will be granted your legs, and banished forever tonight" she slammed her golden hammer. "Wwhat! This can't be!" I struggled against the guards holding me back. I can't be a human... "I CANT BE A HUMAN!" I screamed in frustration. I looked at Rose's horribly smug face as I was dragged away. They still don't know where I left her. I hope (Y/N) is all right...

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