Chapter 29

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-Your Pov-
Sollux took his hand off my mouth. "If you want me, then you'll have me dead!" I growled at him. "Fine" he shrugged and pulled a long knife from his pocket. He plunged it into my stomach, and I screamed in pain. I held my hands to the wound, but the blood flow wasn't slowing down. "You weren't worth it in the end." He sighed and kicked me in the stomach. I felt the air get knocked out of me and I struggled to take a breath. Then he kicked me again, and again. I was losing consciousness.

-Sea Witch's Pov-
I heard more screaming, and I knew I had only one chance to give them hope. I used the last ounce of my power to break all the chains, freeing everyone in the room.

-Karkat's Pov-
Terezi screamed in anger as all the chains broke. "YOU W1LL P4Y FOR TH1S!" She stabbed the Sea Witch in the chest with one of her swords, and turned to face Karkat. "Str1f3" she smirked, and I dodged her first blow. I threw a punch at her face, but she dodged it by a few centimeters. I threw another punch and swung my sickle at the same time. She avoided the punch, but my sickle sliced her cheek.

I heard a growl escape her lips and she aimed for my chest. I moved backward, but I was met with the wall. Her sword collided with my flesh and ripped through my chest. I fell to the ground and heard Terezi yell victorious. "1 r34lly d1d lov3 you k4rkl3s" she whispered in my ear, "but 1 n33d3d to t4ke out th3 tr4sh" she got up and walked in the direction of (Y/N).

-Your Pov-
Sollux picked me up bridal style and threw my dying body on the ground. "What do we do now?" I heard Sollux ask Terezi, but no response came. I looked over to my side, I saw the Sea Witch bleeding out. "(Y/N)" she said in a scratchy voice. "I'm sorry for bringing you into all of this, but now is the only chance for you to save them" she coughed a few times. "Save them (Y/N)..." The Sea Witch grabbed my arm and started transferring her life force to me. "You have 1000 years to set this strait, don't screw it up." The Sea Witch laid her head back and I knew she had passed. I looked down to my wound and saw it was healed.

I picked up the golden trident from beside the sea witch, and stood up. "EVERYONE! GET OUT OF HERE!" I ordered and watched as the merpeople began to head for the exit. I had a strange feeling that I needed to find someone. Like part of me was missing, like I wasn't myself anymore.

That's when I saw Karkat slide down the wall.  A crimson stain was spreading across his sweater. I ran to him, why I ran to him I will never know. I bent down by his side, "karkat..." I whispered. His eyelids fluttered open and a smile appeared on his face. "(Y/N)" he said whilst coughing.

I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back, and I could feel some of my life force transfer to Karkat. His wound healed, and I felt something strange... I kissed him again, this time more passionately. I ran my fingers through his hair, and something came back.  A memory came back...

"YOU ARE SO CHEATING" I giggled and said "or your just really bad" "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" He threw his controller across the room and started tickling me. "St- haha op!" I giggled. "NEVER" He started tickling my sides. "AHH! I'll do any- hahaha thing!" I screamed. "Promise?" He lowered his voice and stopped tickling me.

Was he flirting with me? Did we really have so much chemistry? Was that a real memory or a dream? Another memory came back...

I felt Karkat's arms around me. He was hugging me. "(Y/N) you're not alone" Karkat whispered in my ear as my tears soaked his shirt. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. "Are you okay?"  He asks me.

Karkat didn't tell me everything. He didn't tell me that we were such good friends, maybe even more than that.  More memories started coming back...

"I NEED YOU TO MOVE OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I LET YOU STAY LONG ENOUGH. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He said everything in his rough scratchy voice. "LOOK AT ME! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?" I looked up. His eyes were gleaming with hate...

How could he do that to me?

I tried to push him off. "SOLLUX!" I yelled. "You already caused me enough pain! You no longer are my friend, and you are never going to be my boyfriend!" I screamed and shoved Sollux off. "Don't you underthand! Your mine (Y/N)!" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I struggled and tried to get away to no avail. "(Y/N)?" I heard john say in the distance. "JOHNNN HELLPPPP!"

How could I have let these things happen?

"H3llo (Y/N), h4v3n''t s33n you 1n 4 wh1l3." Terezi said. She approached me with a small bobby pin and smiled. "1 w4nt you to st4y f4rth3r 4w4y (Y/N)" Terezi jabbed the bobby pin into the center of my necklace. I fell to the ground in pain as I felt the merperson energy flowing through my veins once again. The necklace had cracks running through it, but it didn't shatter. "By3 by3" Terezi waved and left me on the ground. I walked over to the mirror and examined my appearance. My ears were pointy and fin like. I had gills on my neck and two small fins on my arms. My skin was tinted a green-blue color.

How could Karkat let her use him? How could I have been so stupid?

By the time I got to my parents home I was tired and full of excitement at the same time. I knocked on the door and they opened it. I smiled widely when I saw them. They looked at me strangely and said, "who are you?" I probably had a look of shock on my face when I stuttered, "I-I'm your da-daughter." They looked even more confused.  "We don't have a daughter, we only have a son." I took a deep breath, maybe telling them the truth could jog their memory...

My parents... I almost forgot about them, but I guess they were just another dead end.

"Are you scared?" He chuckled. "Now, time for some fun?" He clapped his hands and started stripping off my clothes. When all I was wearing was a bra, tank top, my necklace and my underwear he took a break. "This looks pricy." He licked his lips and roughly pulled my necklace off. The second the necklace was off my tail was back. I heard him snicker and pull out his knife. "They weren't lying..." He laughed darkly and made his first incision.

Is there any good in this world? Do people only want to murder, steal, and kill?

He grabbed my arm to hold it still and injected the shot into a blue vein. "Strange, how this chemical causes one to forget love."

Is this why I feel so strong now? Is this why I'm no longer as vulnerable as I used to be?

I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I start to remember everything I ever forgot. I break away from Karkat, and open my eyes. "I remember" I whisper as tears run down my face. I stand up with the trident in my hand. "Terezi! I say it's time to strife!" I smirk and wait for her. "Or 1 could k1ll th3 r3st of your fr13nds?" She smiled and held a sword to Rose's neck. She pulled back her hand and swung...

((Holy crap I updated! Sorry for not updating guys. Enjoy the extra long chapter, and get ready for an announcement! -Author Person))

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