Chapter 26

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-Your Pov-
I was pulled out of the truck and dragged down several flights of stairs. They take off my blind-fold and the light burns my eyes. Three people are standing in the room with me. Three people who I seem to remember, but I can't place them. "Hello (Y/N)." The adult male says. "How could someone like you be my older sister?" The little boy asks, but gets shushed my his mother. "The tests came back. You may be our daughter, but you're a disgrace." The older man glares. "You are a monster, a gross, scaly, monster!" The women screams at you. Do I know these people? "How could a thing like you be our daughter. How could we ever love a beast like you? You are unnatural, strange, disgusting, and not-not normal!" The women fired more insults at me.

I feel tears run down my checks, salty tears that burn the small cuts on my face. "Cry you stupid monster!" The little boy yells. I open my mouth to cry, but no sound escapes my lips. I forgot I couldn't speak above water in mermaid form. The only thing i have left is a small ring on one of my long, skinny fingers. I bury my face in my arms. Why can't I remember anything? Why am I here? What's my purpose? Who am I suppose to be? What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything important to me? Do I even have friends? Does anyone care for me? Has anybody ever told me the truth? Does life even get better? Tears rolled down my face, and dripped onto the floor.

-Jade's Pov-
"John!" I yelled in excitement. "What?" John slumped into the room. He looked so tired. He try's to figure out (Y/N)'s location 24/7, while I try to find her with my powers. I smiled at him, "why are you so happy?" He asks me drowsily. "Before (Y/N) left I gave her a small ring." "So?" John replies. "I made the ring using magic." "And..." He waved me on. "It's a lot easier to track something with your magical trace on it!" I squealed and pulled out a map. I started mumbling a tracking spell. "There!" I put my finger on the map, directly on an address about a state away. "JADE!" John said flabbergasted. "You did it!" His jaw dropped. I pulled out my phone and started messaging Karkat.

GardenGnostic started pestering CarcinoGeneticist
GG: I know where (Y/N) is!
GG: Nope! :B
GG: (address)
CG: ...
GG: I have a bad feeling about this...
GG: Bye!
GardenGnostic ceased pestering CarcinoGeneticist

"John" I asked. "Yea?" "You need to get some sleep!" He crossed his arms. "Please?" I sighed. "Fine, but only an hour!" He wandered into the other room and passed out on the couch. Maybe we aren't doomed. Everything is starting to fix itself once again. Time moves on.

-Terezi's Pov-
"1s 1t r34dy?" I asked Sollux, and he smirked. "Yep." I smiled. "W1ll 1t 4pp34r on th31r phon3s too?" I asked. "Yeth." He answered. Sollux had made a PowerPoint using all the pictures and videos of (Y/N) we found on the news. "R34dy to s3nd 1t?" I asked him. He clicked a button and it started. The PowerPoint should show up on every computer, TV, phone, and device in the school. I watch as the words "this is your classmate" "Can you really trust a fish?" "Can you believe she was hiding in your school?" "The real life mermaid is just a nobody in high school." "We won't stand for this!" "We don't want a fish in our school!" The video clip ends and Sollux focuses the camera on my face. "H3llo f3llow cl4ssm4t3s! W3 won't st4nd for this! W3 4r3nt go1ng to l3t 4 f1sh 1nto our school, 4r3 w3?" I continued to say motivational things into the camera until Sollux cut it off. I held up my hand and Sollux high fived me. "1f sh3 3v3r com3s b4ck w3 w1ll g1v3 h3r h3ll! 1 m34n... W3 4lr34dy h4v3 th3 'th1ng' 1n my b4s3m34nt 4nyw4y..."

-Karkat's Pov-
I can't believe those motherfuckers took (Y/N)! First they give her to a FUCKING PSYCHOPATH, then they take her back like they own her! I started running to their house. When I got there I found the door locked. I walked around to the back of the house, luckily the back door was unlocked. I stomped inside. I could hear yelling in the basement. I ran down the steps. "YOU ARE A FUCKING DISGRACE TO OUR BLOODLINE!" He kicked (Y/N). "YOU ARENT EVEN HUMAN YOU LITTLE SHIT" "he kicked her again, and she whimpered. "DO YOU REMEMBER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I screamed and charged at the man who calls himself (Y/N)'s father. "I SAID I WOULD COME BACK! DID YOU FORGET THE FEEL OF MY FUCKING FIST AGAINST YOUR FAT ASS FACE?" *smack*

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