Chapter 6

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-Karkat's Pov-
I walked to the restaurant Pizza Hut to meet Nepeta. I opened the door and went inside. I spotted Nepeta at a nearby table and sat down across from her. I lowered my voice and said "I think I have feelings for a girl, but I don't want to hurt her. What do I do?" Nepeta thought for a moment before replying "tell her how mew feel, and mew will get an honest answer." What the hell does that mean? I ordered us pizza, we talked a bit, I payed and left. I don't think I have the guts to tell her. I slammed the door when I got home and put on my swim trunks. Maybe she would be waiting at the cave. When I entered I found (Y/N) covered in tears.

I rushed to her side, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING?" She mouthed a lot of words. I forgot she couldn't speak. "Shoosh" I said quietly trying to calm her down. I smiled at her trying to cheer her up. It seems every time I am with her she's upset and stressed out. (Y/N) looked back up at me and smiled too. She got back in the water and tried to pull me in with her. I sat on the waters edge and dived in. "HOLY SHIT!" I yelled as I surfaced in the freezing cold water. She smiled at me.

We swam for hours. I could tell she wasn't as stressed, and whatever was bothering her before was no longer on her mind. We said our goodbyes and I walked back up to the house. How am I going to tell her...

-Your Pov-
I let out a deep breath after he was gone. I was all alone again. Alone with my thoughts. How could I go back and face them? I had to eventually. Why not now? Why can't I just talk to Jake separately, or Feferi? What would rose do? What would any of them do to me? Why did I agree to telling them? Why couldn't I have left it a secret? I decided to talk to Rose first. Rose could be understanding. I swam in the shadows all the way to Rose's cave, so no one would see me. I entered quietly. "Hi Rose..."

She hugged me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She squeezed me tighter. I was a little shocked. "What does everyone else think?" I asked her. Rose thought for a moment before answering "there was a huge fight between Eridan and the others"  "oh" I replied a bit worried. "Feferi is talking to him right now." I nodded and relaxed a little. To be honest Eridan scared me. He did whatever he could to get what he wanted. I started to drift off to sleep. I had a busy day of terror and fun.

"(Y/N)" Rose shakes you gently. "(Y/N)" she says a bit more forcefully. I open my sleepy eyes and stare into her pink ones. "Feferi wants to talk to you in about 5 minutes" Rose said as I woke myself up a bit more.

A few minutes later I was swimming over to Feferi's cave. I felt something touch my shoulder, but ignored it. Then something forcefully grabs the end of my tail. I turn around and am greeted with the purple eyes of Eridan Ampora. He smiles and wraps you up with seaweed. "Humans don't belong here." He whispers in my ear and knocks me out cold.

-Rose's Pov-
It's been an hour since (Y/N) left to see Feferi. I know there is nothing to feel worried about, but I still have an uneasy feeling. I heard someone enter my cave, so I turned around. It was Feferi. ")(ave you seen (Y/N)?" She asks you. "Not since she left an hour ago to visit you." I answer as the uneasy feeling intensifies. "She never arrived" Feferi says. "Do you think Eridan has something to do with this?" I asked her hoping she wouldn't say yes. Feferi nods and I feel more butterfly's beating my stomach to a pulp. "Let's go look for her" I said urgently and hurried out of the cave.

-Karkat's Pov-
I'm worried, I haven't seen (Y/N) in 2 days. She said to meet her here yesterday, but she never came. I hope nothing happened. She always seems to come to me in tears. What did they do to her this time? I went inside and tried to distract the thoughts eating away at my nerves. I played video games, but it just reminded me of her. I tried to cook, but I kept wanting to make her favorite food. I Karkat Vantas have fallen for a girl.

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