Bye Bye Doesn't Mean Forever...

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find the clip of Meryl Streep aka Donna singing mamma Mia!


"Bill" "Harry" Donna gasped "SAM?"
She lay on an old mattress taking in the sight before her. Bill and Harry she could just about make out, they had changed so much but after all it had been 20 years. Sam was the one she had to sit and really stare at, had he really come back after all these years? Had he lost his mind? He had left Donna to marry, he had played her emotions like a guitar and left her when his fiancé came calling. Sam had only known Donna a matter of weeks but he should have known that once you cross Donna Sheridan there's no going back.
"I better not be seeing this, you better not be here" she giggled as Harry and Bill put out a hand and helped her up.
"Just taking a break" smiled Harry.
"Exploring the island" added bill with a wink.
"And you?" Donna glanced bitterly at Sam.
"Well it's been a while, you know how much this place means to me"
"Hmmm" sighed Donna "we're fully booked"
"No room at the inn?" bill laughed.
"Mmm yeah, something like that. So I'm going to arrange for a boat to take you three back to the mainland" Donna stepped back, making sure she didn't trip over the mattress that she knew would be behind her.
"I have a boat" bill explained as he looked around the room "three beds, enough room for me, Harry.......and Sam"
"As much as I'd love to catch up" Donna lied as she scanned the room for a ladder that would get her out of this awkward situation "I have a wedding tomorrow, my da....a local girl is getting married"
"Sophie" smiled Sam as he thought of the sweet girl that had basically locked them in the room, begging them not to leave.
"Yes" smiled Donna at the thought of her daughter " have ALL met Sophie?"
"Of course" smiled Sam.
Donna sighed, how glad she was that Sophie didn't get her looks from her father.
By this stage Donna was half way down the ladder only poking her head up to make sure the three guys were packing up.
"And Donna"
"Good to see you" Sam said with a wink.
Donnas heart stopped as she quickly shut the door and jumped from the ladder onto the soft floor of the old goat house. Blinking for a few seconds to make sure THAT had actually happened, she cleared her head jumped up and left the old goat house closing the door behind her hoping that she wouldn't see those three familiar faces again.
She had really screwed up in her youth and 21 years later it had finally come back to bite her!


Donna paced the hotel yard, gnawing at her nails as she walked from side to side. She knew that Sophie's dad was Sam, well she was 99% sure. Bill and Harry had happened quite a few weeks later when she finally thought she'd got over herself, after all a summer romance with a beautiful, kind and caring guy. This isn't the movies. There's no such thing as 'happy ever after' and of course Donna learnt that the hard way.

Donna sighed as all the memories she had suppressed over the years all suddenly came back to her. How could he do this? How could Sam come back after all these years and act as if they were old 'friends' ? He acted as if everything had been left so friendly, like it was normal to make a young woman fall in love with you before jetting off to New York to marry your fiancé.
Married now, successful kids, perfect life she thought as she rubbed her head.
"He's just come back here to see the island, nothing more. Not to play with your emotions, not for Sophie's wedding. He doesn't know about Sophie and he doesn't need to" she reassured herself as she paced the yard once more.
"Do you talk to yourself often?"
There he was, leaned against the wall, hands in pockets, smile on his face.
"Only when your around" she muttered.
"Hmmm?" Sam sighed as he walked over, looking down at Donna who hadn't grew an inch since their first encounter 21 years ago.
"What are you doing here Sam?" She spat.
"I told you, exploring the island. This is my dream" he smiled.
"And my reality" Donna added "and..."
"And trying to work out which of three guys is your daughters father is too, from what I can gather" Sam laughed as he moved a piece of her long blond hair behind her ear.
"Wh..what?" Donna gasped.
"You invite me and two other guys you slept with around the same time 21 years ago to your 20 year old daughters wedding" laughed Sam "I'm not stupid"
"Invited you" laughed Donna.
"you think I invited you" she giggled as she began to walk away.
"You continue thinking that along with this magical long lost daughter crap while the rest of us get on with preparing for this wedding"
"come find me when you get back to the real world" Donna added.

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