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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie singing 'the name of the game' , enjoy!

"So what's really wrong?" Tanya asked, throwing an empty glass bottle towards the bin.
"I told you, I'm just curious about what happened earlier outside the store room, that's all" Donna lied "anyway, now I know where all My vodka and wine has disappeared to...." She giggled looking down at the hotel room bin overflowing with tiny glass bottles.
"DONT...change the subject" Tanya sighed waving her finger in the air.
"I. Am. Not." Donna quickly laughed it off, assuring her friend that there was nothing to worry about.
"Donna" Tanya turned Donna's face to look at her, raising an eyebrow in the process "speak to us..." She urged her, following her wondering eyes all around the room until Donna finally spoke.
"Ok.." Donna was quick to give into her friends. There was no point in even bothering to fight a losing battle.
"It's Sam" she told them.
"You see....it's always him" she confessed to them although they secretly already knew what had been troubling her.
"What is it about him?" Tanya asked her friend "apart from his good looks I don't see what you see in him. It took you a good twenty years but I thought you were finally over him"
"I am. I was"
"Look, he's not the flu. He sure is as irritating as it but your not going to get over him in a week or even a month. It's going to take time, a long time" Rosie gave her friend a quick pat on the back. Looking at Tanya, Rosie hoped she would have something helpful or even something constructive to say.
"Are you sure about that Rosie?" Tanya raised an eyebrow "he sure is some sort of virus" Tanya screwed her surgically produced nose up even thinking about it.
"He's not a virus" Donna quickly stood up, giving her legs a much needed stretch.
"Well he's certainly got a hold on you" Tanya smiled
Now that she couldn't disagree with.
"Look, it seems to me that you have three options. You could ignore the fact he has a wife and try to get back with him, you could tell him to get lost or you could.........or you could have your fun with him then send him back to his entangled wife" Tanya sighed turning her head so she could see Donna's face. She tried to see wether Donna was agreeing or not but couldn't predict the answer from her facial expressions.
"Oh my god" Rosie exclaimed pushing herself further up the bed towards Tanya and Donna "your actually considering it...aren't you?!"
"Considering what..?" Donna threw her hands up in the air, trying to stop the smug smile appearing on her face "....i'm not considering anything.." She giggled.
"Well you can't get back with him, he's married, you could never trust him again and you can't send him back to New York. You love him too much for that" Rosie smiled with the thought that Donna was even considering the third option Tanya had given her.
"Donna Sheridan. You shady lady" Tanya smiled giving her friend a slight nudge.


"Right, we will get them plastered then we'll bring them fishing in the morning" all three girls agreed.
It was nearly two in the morning but none of the girls had any notion of going to sleep. They knew that they were going to regret it in the morning but at this stage they didn't care. The morning tiredness could be sorted with a few strong cups of caffeine but the three old ghosts from the past couldn't.
Donna sat with her legs crossed on the bed, Tanya sat at her dressing table and Rosie was brushing her teeth in the bathroom.
"Fishing?" Tanya laughed "we're bringing them fishing?"
"Well what else do you suggest we do with three men?" Rosie sighed
"Now that brings me back" Tanya giggled watching as Donna rolled her eyes and threw her head back on the bed.
"We shouldn't have to deal with them!" Exclaimed Donna "...and we wouldn't have to if I hadn't been such a reckless slut!
"Oi there Sheridan" Tanya turned round, snapping Her blusher shut in the process "your starting to sound like your mother"
"Let's just hope she doesn't start to turn into her" giggled Rosie, making her way into the bedroom.
"Well if you think I am, you better start running" giggled Donna pushing herself back up into a sitting position "Rosie, a single independent woman and Tanya, the drunk serial bride. Everything she despises"
"touché, touché" Tanya smiled pointing her blusher brush, although Donna did not know for the life of her why Tanya was applying yet more make up when she would be going to bed at any minute. Perhaps husband number four was on the island and she was planning a late night tango of her own....


Splashing water over her face, Donna found herself staring at her appearance in the tiny bathroom mirror.
Option one - get back with him.
Option two - send him back to his wife.
Option three - have your fun with him.
Donna repeated each in her head, chanting them in her mind, going over them like she was about to face an exam on her future.
Option one could leave her broken hearted, option two would leave her broken hearted and option three could give her closure or just leave her once again broken hearted.
But there was another option.....option four. Option four could leave her feeling empowered, leave her with a smile on her face, leave her feeling satisfied. Option four was revenge.
Raising her eyes from the sink, Donna slowly looked back up at herself. She'd made her decision.
Drying her hot tears, Donna unlocked the bathroom door.
Leaning on the wooden door frame she looked her back up girls up and down. Donna squinted her eyes and cleared her throat making the two dynamos immediately turn round.
"I need your help......after all, I haven't even tried to seduce a man in over twenty years"


I am in the middle of writing a new story called 'dolce and the dynamos' - it's a Mamma Mia / Devil wears Prada story - I thought it would be fun/unusual so it should be up soon xxx

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