Blue Since The Day We Parted

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Tap on the screen and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Meryl Streep aka Donna singing 'the winner takes it all'!


"Well well, look what the tide washed in" sighed Tanya pushing up her dark shades so she could scan each of the three men from head to toe.
She had found them huddled together on the beach talking, or plotting as she liked to call it.
"Tanya, Rosie" smiled Sam "where's Donna?"
"Rapunzil is getting changed" tanya replied.
"Very funny" Sam sighed as he removed his dark glasses.
Stepping dangerous close to Sam, Tanya fixed his collar as she gave him a few words of warning "let me give you a few words of advice Carmichael. Donna doesn't do talking especially about her past she also doesn't tolerate gatecrashers, heart breakers, liers and ghosts from the past. So don't come back here with your big boots, designer shirts and flashy credit cards and expect Donna Sheridan to want to 'talk' cause you lost the game before you even started playing, pal"
"Was that advice or a warning" Sam enquired as he watched Tanya take a small step away from him.
"Take it what ever way you want, all I'm saying is that I've got a pissed friend up there with a very short fuse wearing stilettos, the kind of stilettos that can do damage I might add. If you want to leave this Greek island with your balls still intact I would suggest that tonight you stay as far away as possible"
"New York would be great" Added Rosie crossing her arms "but let's not run before we can walk"


All dressed up, the three girls were nearly ready to go. Tanya stared at herself in the mirror, pulling her face back before quickly letting go when the lines reappeared.
"I feel like I'm twenty again" Rosie admitted.
"Shame we don't look like we're twenty" giggled Tanya.
"Well we kind of do" Rosie giggled again "either that or there's been an invasion of the eighties"
The three girls fun was soon interrupted by an unwelcome guest. Sam screamed Donna's name at the top of his voice making all three girls jump. Donna ran into the bathroom slamming the door behind her leaving the more than capable Rosie and Tanya to get rid of 'Romeo'.
"I just want to talk" Sam called up from below Donna's window.
Without thinking Rosie grabbed the first thing she could see and hurled it out the window, a smug smile came to her face when she heard it smash against the ground and a rather startled Sam jumping out of the way.
"Oi" Tanya screeched "that was my good bottle of vodka"
"Oops" was all Rosie could say as she slowly made her way to the bathroom door.
"I was gonna drink that" Tanya hobbled behind her.
"Just go and make sure he's away" Rosie ushed Tanya away from the door and towards the window.
Tanya peered out the window her smile quickly disappearing when her eyes stopped at Sam peering up at her.
"Oi, what did I tell you" Tanya barked out the window.
"I guessed that down here you couldn't hurt me" Sam laughed.
"But I guess I was wrong" he chuckled as he removed his hand from his head to reveal a blood covered cut.
"Bullseye" Rosie giggled as she slapped Tanya's hand.
"You hit him!" Donna screamed from the bathroom.
Before the girls could stop her, Donna ran out the door and down the stairs near falling in the process.
"Donna!" Tanya and Rosie called after her.
Tanya and Rosie stood at the bottom of the steps watching as Donna examined Sam's cut, Sam watching her every move with a smile spread across his smug little face.
"It was Rosie" Tanya announced.
"You seemed pretty happy about it at the time" Rosie laughed as she remembered the satisfaction they both got from seeing him hurt, he'd got off lightly all those years ago when he left Donna.
"Happy about my good vodka being all over Donna's yard" laughed Tanya acting the innocent "you must be joking"


"So will I live?" Sam smiled at Donna as she wiped the blood away.
"Yes, I think you'll survive" she giggled.
"That's the first time I've seen you smile since arriving here" Sam watched Donna clear the first aid kit away, stopping her and putting a small bit of her golden hair behind her ear.
Donna quickly cleared her throat before stepping away. They were screaming at each other this morning and now he was trying to break down the barriers she'd built up over the years and she didn't like it.
"It still hurts. I think I need it kissed better" Sam said with a wink.
Donna raised any eyebrow as she set the first aid kit back up on a shelf and turned to face him. Seeing no harm in it, Donna gave him a quick peck on the head lingering there longer than she had wanted to.
Before she knew it Sam's hands were rested on her waist, his head on her neck breathing in her sweet perfume. Donna rested her head on his shoulder, goosebumps appearing on her skin but for some reason it felt so natural and normal for her to be in his arms again.
"I've missed you" Sam whispered in her ear.
Donna closed her eyes for a moment before breaking the embrace and heading for the door.
"Donna" Sam called after her as she entered the yard
"I don't want to do this. I can't do this" she sighed as she felt a lump forming in her throat "not now, not ever"
"But Donna" Sam called as he ran after her, quickly giving up when he realised that she was faster than him.
"Shit" he muttered under his breath.


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