Lay all your love on me

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It's been too long! X
Slight I'm A Celebrity reference in the middle so if you don't watch it (or, God forbid, have never heard of it) then just ignore it!


"Does Sam Carmichael generally appear everywhere I turn or is he just purposely doing it to irritate me?"
This was one of the many rhetorical questions Donna shot at her two best friends as she paced the room.
"..Because he's certainly irritating me..." She added as she stopped for a short breather.
"If it's any consolation, no, I don't think Sam's purposely doing this to irritate you" Tanya threw her hand up in the air as she slowly chased a straw around her latest cocktail glass "..I don't think he's intellectually strong enough to come up with a plan that genius.." She added with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Genius?" Rosie raised an eyebrow "..he hasn't even worked out that he's Sophie's father yet, I doubt he'll be the next Albert Einstein"
"This is anything but genius" Donna sighed in frustration at the two women "how is THIS genius?!" She growled.
"Because...look at you" Tanya threw an empty hand in the air "nervous, anxious, curious, love sick. To name a few. He's got you right where he wants you. I doubt he actually achieved the necessary brain power to come up with this subtle scheme but now it's happened, your just handing every single emotion he wants to see you express, right to him on a plate"
"He's talking to my daughter on...emm"
"...Facebook" Rosie smirked.
"...and maybe Sophie just thinks she's talking to one of her mothers old friends" Rosie sighed as she shuffled slightly to the side to get herself into a comfortable position.
"You don't know my daughter" Donna bit her bottom lip until she could taste blood "...she'll put two and two together and get five"
"Sam hasn't even worked it out yet, Donna, and he was there!" Tanya chuckled lightly at her friends constant pacing. She was developing a nagging headache due to the amount of sheer overthinking in the room.
"Sophie can read between the lines...she knows me too well"
"..and when she does 'read between the lines' , what exactly is she going to see?"
Donna's eyes drifted down to her hands as she began the long awkward silence. Tanya and Rosie's eyes locked before drifting back to their friend.

"Chiquitita tell me what's wrong" Rosie whispered into the silence making Donna turn her head to the side "I'm enchained by your own sorrow"
"In your eyes and the wedding is upon us" Tanya added,
"How I hate to see you like this"
"There is no way you can deny it
I can see that your oh so sad, so quiet"

"Chiquitita, tell me the truth
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on
You were always sure of yourself
Now I see you've broken a feather
I hope we can patch it up together"

"...I'm in love with her father, I'm in love with Sam Carmichael..."


"I think you left the 'was' part out of that sentence" Rosie muttered as she stole Tanya's phone to have a cheeky look at Bill's account " were in love with Sam Carmichael"
"I don't think she did" Tanya muttered making Rosie's eyes slowly edge up to study her two best friends "she is in love with Sam Carmichael"
"Oh god" Rosie tossed the phone onto the bed "you can't be serious" she rolled her eyes in frustration over her friends somewhat tainted taste. Out of all the men.....him.
Donna didn't reply, instead she gnawed at her fingernails, looking nervously towards the door.
"He's down there" she muttered.
"Well aren't you very observant" Tanya rolled her eyes.
"He can't know" Donna's eyes were still locked to the door.
"Because he has a wife?" Rosie rolled her eyes.
"No. Because he doesn't" Donna's head finally turned so she could face the two women. This was a reaction she just couldn't miss.
"WHAT!" They exclaimed.
"He told me....last night" Donna cleared her throat before turning her head in the other direction once again.
"And your only telling us this now?!" Rosie threw her head back onto the pillow.
"Go and get your man!" Tanya sighed in frustration "what the hells standing in your way?"
"Everything" Donna whispered.
"If it's pride. Fuck it" Tanya waved her hand in the air "what happened, happened. It was over twenty years ago. I'm not his biggest fan, I'll admit, but you have to do what makes you happy. Stuff the consequences, stuff everyone else's opinions. If you aren't able to do what makes you happy, what's the point in living this life?"
Donna looked her friend up and down. She wanted to tell them, she needed to tell them that last night had quite possibly been one of the best nights of her life. But she couldn't, not yet, so she settled for a simple "your right" whispered in the quietest of ways.
"Of course she's right" Rosie rolled her eyes at any suggestion that Tanya wasn't a 'wise owl' when it came to matters of the heart, her pep talks could convince Lady Colin Campbell and Duncan Bannatyne to be the best of buddies.
"But I can't just waltz into the kitchen on my daughters wedding morning and....oh my god! Sophie, I need to go and check on Sophie" Donna panicked, jumping up and heading towards the door.
"Whoa" Tanya and Rosie pulled her back onto the bed "your not going anywhere...not until we sort this out anyway"
"But Sophie..."
"Will be fine" Rosie assured her "she's probably still sleeping"
"You worry about her way too much" Tanya sighed "she's twenty, not two! Take some time to yourself. She can get herself up, her bridesmaids will help her have plenty of time"
"I need to prepare for the wedding" Donna muttered, followed by another unsuccessful attempt to dash to the door.
"The hotel staff have been here since six...calm down"
"My baby's getting married, don't tell me to 'calm down'!"
"Yes, your baby's getting married and all she wants at her wedding is you and her dad, and she's getting that, she just doesn't know it...yet" Rosie muttered.
"I..I tried to em tell him last night...well, I did tell him last night. It's almost like he's blocked it from his mind. He brushed it off, interpreted it as something else then asked if Sophie's father knew about her" Donna stared into a corner and slowly narrowed her eyes, as if she was somehow trying to explain it to herself. "It's as if he's...."
"Stupid" Tanya raised an eyebrow.
"I was going to say suppressed the memory"


Tbh I'm probably one of the youngest, if not the youngest person on here so please comment below if there's any mistakes to correct or even if you have any tips! X

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