Broken hearted

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Tap the photo and swipe to your left and you will find a clip of Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie singing 'Honey Honey' , enjoy!

Donna quietly sneaked around the corner. She knew that if she just walked in, Tanya would have everyone sitting down, acting as normal as possible.
Donna quickly gave up and let her heels Ecco as they hit the hard cobbles. The place was deserted, completely and utterly deserted.
Donna stood hands on hips in the centre of the floor where she could fondly remember dancing with Sam a mere half an hour ago. Now it stood empty. The music was dead and so were the lights. There were just enough empty beer cans scattered across the floor to show that it had once been a buzzing party scene.
It didn't take a genius to work out that Donna would be the one clearing the mess up in the morning.
Tapping her fingers against the top of the speakers, Donna bit her lip before quickly pulling the plug, cutting all power supply to the lights and causing them to go out in a flash.
Turning a sharp corner, Donna stopped and took a few steps back. It seemed the party wasn't as deserted as she had previously thought.
Harry sat perched upon a bar stool seemly in a world of his own.
Donna cleared her throat, making him aware of her presence. Harry responded with a light smile, a smile Donna had fondly remembered waking up next to over twenty years ago.
"If your looking for the girls they've gone up" Harry smiled "they said that you should meet them up there"
It sounded important but somehow Donna knew that Tanya's idea of importance was restocking the mini bar.
"Drinking on your own?" Donna pulled a chair over, taking a seat beside Harry. She looked him up and down, narrowing her eyes at his ruffled shirt.
Following her gaze, Harry looked down "the girls at the hen party are a handful" Harry chuckled "I escaped but Bill....I'm not sure of"
"Tell me why your here and don't just give me that crap about 'exploring the island'" Donna sighed grasping his hand "tell me why your really here..."
"I can't..." Harry began "I would love to tell you why but...I just can't. You'll hopefully understand later and it was done in all good intentions...I just......I can't tell you...I promised I wouldn't"
Donna narrowed her eyes as she allowed them to examine Harry from head to toe. She believed him, she didn't know why but she did. She didn't know who had planned this or what was going to happen 'later' and to say she was curious was an understatement.
Looking down, Donna realised she was unknowingly rubbing her thumb up and down the palm of Harry's hands. Quickly letting go, Donna looked up at Harry.
"Donna" he said in almost a whisper "I want to ask you something and if it's too personal just say so...I' just curious"
"Go ahead" Donna urged him.
"It's about Sophie" a large lump formed in Donna's throat when she heard her daughters name being mentioned.
"Yes, what about her..?" Donna quickly cleared her throat, giving the appearance that she wasn't even fazed by Harry's question.
"I don't know about her situation or your situation with her father and I know it's none of my business...but from what I have heard he was an idiot" Harry sighed as he looked straight into Donna's eyes "stupid to leave you a single parent and stupid to leave you, Sophie, the villa and the lovely family you've got here"
A minute of silence passed before Donna leaped from her chair, Wrapping her arms around him. It was the only way he wouldn't see the tears forming in her eyes. If only he knew that it was Sam.
It always seemed to be Sam.
Finally separating from the hug. Cupping his face, Donna smiled down at him.
"I've got something to give you" Donna announced as she took a small piece of paper out of her pocket.
Looking down at the telephone number written upon it, Harry looked back up catching Donna's eyes.
"That bar man you've been eyeing up" Donna smiled down at him.
" did you know I w...." Harry muttered, staring at the scribbled number on the piece of paper.
"I've always known, honey" Donna bent down and after giving him a rough kiss on the cheek, she headed off towards her room.
"Remember what I said, Donna" Harry called after her.
Turning back and giving him a small smile, Donna walked as fast as her heels would allow. Bumping into Sam as she turned another corner, Donna stopped in front of him and shifted slightly in the small space they had managed to both meet in. Reaching for the bottom of her tight fitted dress, Donna yanked it down hoping that it wouldn't disobey her and ride up again.
"Remember what?" Sam queried looking in the direction of Bill.
"And that's any of your business why exactly..?" Donna asked as she fixed the fallen strap on her dress.
Sam stayed silent. His eyes scanned her from top to bottom, registering every curve and mark on her body.
" eyes are up here....Sam" Donna still awaited her answer. Her eyebrows slowly rose as she looked at him, meaning she was getting more and more impatient as time went by.
"Donna..I....I just want to know where I stand"
"Where you stand?.." Donna laughed "Sam if I had any say over where you stood right now you'd be standing in the departure lounge of the airport"
"Donna please" he begged her, moving his hands to her shoulders before thinking better of it. "I'm being serious....about an hour ago you were dancing with me, not a care in the world and now.....well now.."
"Have you heard of the term 'drunk'?" Donna interrupted him.
Donna's heels clicked as they hit the hard cobbles. Reaching the door Donna turned, she quickly looked Sam up and down. He hadn't moved an inch but there was something about the way he just stared at her. Pushing her lips together, Donna returned his intense stare. He knew she wasn't drunk. She knew she wasn't drunk. But still Nothing needed to be said between them.
Reaching for the door handle, Donna stepped inside. She turned around with her fingers still firmly around the door handle. She knew she wanted to invite him in and she knew that he wanted to be invited in but she couldn't. Giving in was not an option. Usually arguments, disagreements and hurtful comments would fuel a fire but in this case it just fuelled their passion.
Looking at the cold ground, Donna's eyes shot up to his when he spoke.
"You know we both want this"
It was like he was reading her mind or somehow getting a direct print out of her thoughts. She raised an eyebrow at him and parted her lips to speak before pushing them back together again when nothing came out.
"But do we need it....?"
The loud noise of the door slamming echoed through villa Donna. Nobody thought anything of it, the place was falling down after all. What they didn't know was that a broken woman lay behind it.


I would love to hear your opinions on this chapter! Is there anything I could improve on ECT....
ALSO;) - I was thinking of continuing my other Mamma Mia story 'parent troubles' so I want to know your thoughts on that - should I or shouldn't I? And if I do would anyone read it? Xxx

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