Take a chance on me

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Personally I love madonna so any slating is just for the story;) The dynamos are about to make their entrance in my devil wears Prada and Mamma Mia cross over...and yes, Donna is Miranda Priestly so please go and check it out! <3


"Please tell me you were drunk" Tanya threw her head back on the bed.
"Not drunk, just..."
"...Insanely stupid" Rosie finished Donna's sentence.
"You don't understand" Donna muttered as she threw herself down beside her dressing table.
"Your right" Tanya chuckled as she pulled herself up to face her friend "we don't!"
"You've kept this a secret for twenty years, why would you suddenly want to tell him now?" Rosie asked, slightly more calmer than Tanya.
"Because he explained....and.......and, I think I believe him" Donna weakly smiled as she stared at an old photo.
Tanya and Rosie moved closer together, they didn't even have to ask, Donna knew what they wanted...answers.
"He's divorced" Donna spoke after a short silence, still looking away from her two best friends.
"Divorced!" Tanya chocked.
There was another long silence before anyone spoke.
"You don't believe him" this was more a statement than a question. Donna stared at her two best friends waiting for them to elaborate.
"I believe he's trying to toy with your emotions" Tanya bit her lip as she broke eye contact with Donna.
"Ever suspicious" Rosie and Donna raised an eyebrow.
Donna stared at the picture of her and Sam and lightly tapped it off her dressing table "Facebook" she muttered gaining Rosie and Tanya's attention.
"Hmmm" Rosie chuckled.
"The thing I always catch Sophie on" Donna turned to face her friends "she taps at it on her phone...keeps in touch with her friends or something through it"
Tanya opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it again.
"Sky's been going on about it for weeks, keeps saying I should set up a page for the hotel" Donna continued "Sam owns a big company over in New York.....there's bound to be something to do with it on there"
"Or even better....a personal account" Tanya smiled, grabbing her iPhone.
Donna raised her eyebrows at this. A personal account? Now, this she hadn't thought of. Three pairs of eyes gathered together to stare down at Tanya's iPhone.
"Your friends with him?" Rosie didn't have a Facebook account, for goodness sake, she barely even had a phone, but she knew enough about the famous application to know what being 'friends' meant.
"Of course" Tanya chuckled "as soon as he arrived on the island I looked him up"
Donna opened her mouth to comment but quickly decided against it. She didn't know anything about Facebook, what was she going to say?
"...I just haven't had time to properly investigate" Tanya added with a smile.
"You mean you haven't had time to stalk him yet" Rosie giggled "I know what people do on these things"
"Would you two shut up and get on with it?" Donna sighed in frustration, the suspense was killing her. One tiny bit of information found on this app could completely change her life, something that scared her.
"Forty-one, New York" Tanya muttered as she scrolled down "all stuff we know" she added with a sigh. "wait" she frowned as she tapped on a link "favourite quotes..."
"Every day you wake you are one day closer to death"
Rosie looked between her two friends, focusing on Donna in particular. "True...I suppose" Donna mumbled.
"Boring you mean" Tanya chuckled "watching paint dry is more inspiring" she added.
"Quotes don't have to be inspiring" Donna rolled her eyes, why was she even sticking up for him?
"They do....it's an unwritten rule" Tanya decided.
"You are arguing about quotes" Rosie sighed, taking her glasses off and rubbing her eyes "seriously?"
Tanya shrugged her shoulders as she scrolled down to his favourite movies and music "seems to be a Meryl Streep fan"
"So...he has good taste" Donna decided.
"Favourite music.....Donna and the dynamos" Tanya muttered.
"Oh god" Donna's hands covered her face.
"Like you said.....he has good taste" Rosie chuckled.
"Anyway, we're not here to see weather he prefers Beyoncé to Madonna" Donna muttered after a short silence.
"Madonna?!" Tanya gasped "you may ship him back to New York right now"
Rosie snatched the phone off Tanya, cleopatra wasn't getting them anywhere. "Here we go" she muttered after a few minutes "three children....all boys"
"Surprised he hasn't already changed it to four" Tanya eyes turned to Donna.
"Oh shut up" Donna snapped.
"Oi" Tanya snatched her phone back "don't like anything....he'll know we've been creeping"
"No wife mentioned" Rosie smirked.
"Hang on" Donna sighed "her names Lorraine I think, Lorraine Carmichael"
"Look her up" Donna urged Tanya.
"Ahh" Tanya chuckled after a small silence "you want to see what your up against"
"Up against" Donna smirked "you obviously don't know what he......"
"Donna" Rosie's voice cut her off "please...we really don't want to be enlightened about what went on with you and him last night. We really don't need details"
"I do" Tanya's eyes immediately darted to Donna.
"Lorraine Carmichael" Donna raised her eyebrows at Tanya as she changed the subject. There was nothing to tell but Tanya didn't know that.
"Pretty little thing" Tanya muttered as she scrolled down.
"What?!" Donna gasped as she grabbed the phone off Tanya.
"Only joking" Tanya chuckled "average I suppose"
"At least she's real" Rosie giggled "your half silicone"
"Sam earns more money in two days than this hotel makes in a month....why wouldn't she take money's gift...plastic surgery" Tanya muttered "though I have to say, marvellous figure after having three boys"
"Darling...you obviously didn't see Donna in that dress last night" Rosie snatched Tanya's phone off her to take a look at Mrs Lorraine Carmichael.
"Sam sure did, he was following you around with his tongue out" Tanya looked up at Donna who immediately snatched the phone off Rosie to take her first look at Sam's 'ex'
"Dodgy hairstyle" Rosie commented.
"Go on to Sophie's profile" Donna decided after a detailed scan of Sam's ex-wife.
"You wouldn't be wanting me to help you invade your daughters privacy, would you?" Tanya chuckled as she took her phone back from Donna.
"Just do it"
"Careful darling...your beginning to sound like a Nike commercial" Tanya looked up at her friend before trapping on Sophie's profile.
"Cute cover photo" Tanya commented, showing the picture of Donna and Sophie in an embrace to Rosie.
"Wait wait wait" Donna got a small glimpse of the photo before something else caught her eye "tap on mutual friends"
"Are you su...."
Donna grabbed the phone off Tanya and did it herself, more questions wasn't going to get them anywhere. "pepper" she muttered as she looked up at Tanya, but for some reason she wasn't surprised the brunette had already spied her best barman. Donna scrolled down, her smile slowly fading when she reached three names in Sophie's friends list.
"Donna?" Rosie muttered "are you ok?"
Donna shook as she past the phone back to Tanya, burying her pale face in her hands. Rosie and Tanya stared at the tiny screen, mentally repeating the three names in their minds.
"Harry bright"
"Bill Anderson"


"Sam Carmichael"


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