Leave me now or never

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a clip of Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie singing 'I have a dream' , enjoy!
Had a lot of fun writing this chapter, it's longer than usual so enjoy;) xx


Donna stared at her reflection in her small dressing table mirror. Her blond curls sat loosely around her shoulders, her little black dress clinging to each one of her curves.
Donna smiled at the note Tanya had stuck to her mirror.

'Forget about everyone else.
This is your chance to be happy,
do what you thinks right.
You only live once"

Donna threw the note in her top drawer upon hearing a knock at the door. 10 minutes had passed and she had barely moved.
Checking her makeup in the mirror for the last time, Donna slowly edged the door open biting her bottom lip when Sam came into view.
"I changed the shirt" he smiled "hope you like it"
Something about his tone caused Donna to take a hasty second glance, and she was glad she did.
"That's..." Donna blinked a few times before clearing her throat "that's the...." She stuttered before finally taking a deep breath hoping that this time she would be composed enough to finish her sentence "that's the shirt you wore when we first met"
"Correct" Sam smiled "I'm surprised you noticed"
"How could I forget" Donna slowly ran her hand down the light blue shirt, hastily moving her hand away when she reached the end stitching.
Sam quickly slid his hand on top of hers, there eyes meeting for a few seconds. Donna quickly pulled away when Sam's lips crashed against her fingers.


"So the shirt" Donna gave Sam a quick side glance "twenty years. I would've thought you out of all people could afford a new wardrobe"
"How could I throw it away? It still smells of your perfume"
"What really?" Sam and Donna stopped "you haven't washed it?"
Donna stared at him hoping it was all a joke but of course it wasn't and for some reason she wasn't surprised either. Donna burst out laughing and started to walk a few steps ahead of Sam.
"That's kind of creepy you know" she giggled.
"It's not creepy...its..." Sam stuttered as she quickly caught up with Donna.
"It's what Sam...?" Donna chuckled.
"It's nothing" Sam smiled as he shook his head.
"No...tell me" Donna urged him.
They stood in front of each other, only a few metres away from the beach where they had first kissed. Sam looked at Donna as her eyes twinkled in the moon light. He slowly looked down, only then realising that her hands had somehow found their way to his.
"It's just that......I've missed you"
Donna felt a lump forming in her throat when she heard those three words.
'I've missed you'
She stared at the ground as they played on her mind. As his family made their way into her thoughts, Donna's hands slipped out of his.
"I can't do this" she shook her head. They hadn't even found their way to the beach yet and she already wanted to run away.
"No Donna....please" he took her hand, his eyes practically begging her "I need to tell you something"
"No Sam. We blew it the first time around, you blew it the first time around. Twenty years have passed, your with someone else now. You made your choice twenty years ago and I can't break up your family just because your regretting your decision. Your not mine anymore" her eyes stuck into him like knives. He felt useless and powerless, she continued making him feel worse as each second passed "you come back here. Turn my world upside down and the worst thing is that I let you. I'm scared Sam because it's starting to feel like it used to feel. I have Sophie, the hotel and I'm happy. I just......I just don't know why I keep feeling that I need you too"
Sam just stood there, he didn't know what to say. His heart broke as he saw tears rolling down her cheeks.
Donna stopped him speaking as she placed a fine finger to his lips. She didn't want to hear his excuses or apologies.
Walking through the gardens of the hotel, Donna wasn't surprised when he followed her. She weaved in and out of the small flower pots that had been placed below people's windows. She needed to get away from him and this was the only way she knew how.

"I don't want to talk
About things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history.

I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play.

The winner takes it all
The loser had to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you Donna"
Donna stopped and turned around as a breathless Sam caught up with her.
"Donna I am not the winner here, I am the loser in this stupid game we've been playing for the past twenty years" he sighed.
"Don't stand there in Calvin Klein and tell me that you didn't win. You had a fiancé at home but yet one woman wasn't enough for you" Donna spat.
"Don't you get it Donna!?" Amidst of all the anger their eyes locked "I came back for you"
Donna's breathe immediately caught "you....you what?"
"You heard me. I had to go back to New York, I was engaged. Only I told Lorraine I couldn't marry her and came right back" Sam watched as Donna's mouth hung open.
"I was stupid enough to think you'd be waiting for me" his voice shrunk into almost a whisper "so you see you were the winner Donna. You begged me not to leave but when I did you did the exact same thing to me, only you didn't know it. You had the choice of three guys. I had the choice of two women only you were always the only option"
"I....you should have called me" Donna blinked a few times to make sure this wasn't all a silly dream. Or should I say, nightmare.
"I was stupid enough to think you'd be waiting for me"
"Still...you got married" Donna stood on the rocks with her hands on her hips.
"I was an idiot thinking someone as amazing as you would be waiting for me so I told Lorraine everything, she called me an idiot and married me to prove it" his words stuck into Donna like a knife. Maybe they had both just been as bad as each other.
"Your wife knows about me?" The words near chocked Donna. All these years Donna had thought Sam was living a lie but in reality his wife knew everything and even worse, she married him knowing it.
"Wife?" Sam chuckled "you think I'm still married to her? She married me knowing she was second best, she spent her whole life trying to live up to being you. Do you think the marriage lasted?! No one compares to you Donna"
Donna pinched herself hoping to wake up and discover this was all a bad dream. Everything she had planned to happen had been thrown out the window. What was she going to do now? He was single so technically she wasn't doing anything wrong.
The wise words of the serial bride suddenly repeated in her mind.
'You only live once'

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