What's the name of the game

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a clip of the three dynamos (Donna - Meryl Streep , Tanya - Christine baranski, Rosie - Julie Walters) singing 'dancing queen' at the end of the movie, enjoy!
All comments and votes are appreciated xx

"Turn around" Donna repeated.
"Because you last saw me naked twenty years and a c-section ago" Donna muttered as she tightened the sheets around her "now turn around"
Sam raised his hands in surrender and did what she said. "C-section?" He asked with his back to her.
"Yes Sam, I had a c-section like a million other Americans. I was nineteen, scared, alone. The only people that had stuck by me after finding out I was pregnant were Rosie and Tanya and neither of them were up to being in the delivery room. I had been up for twenty four hours, I was tired and there were all sorts of complications so in the end I was rushed in for an emergency c-section. Apparently I've never scared Tanya so much in her life" Donna chuckled "you can turn around now" she muttered as she pulled her long hair out from under her top.
"You were alone at Sophie's birth?"
"My family disowned me Sam" she muttered as she pulled the blankets back over her bed "for them having an unmarried, pregnant daughter was worse than death"
"And Sophie's father?" Sam knew he had been told on many occasions not to ask but this time he couldn't help it.
"What about him?"
"Where's he now?"
"A lot closer than you think" Donna said in almost a whisper as her eyes latched onto Sam's.
"What I mean is....where was he when you were giving birth?" Sam sighed, completely ignoring the big clue Donna had willingly given him.
"Oh..about six thousand miles west, walking down the isle, cuddling up to his wife or maybe even in hospital holding his new wife's hands as they see their child on that dark screen for the first time" Donna muttered as she walked around the room trying to find a pair of trousers to match the long top she was wearing.
"He doesn't know about her?"
Donna rolled her eyes at Sam's stupidity, she had basically told him his whole life story and it still hadn't even crossed his mind that Sophie was his "swear, Sam; if you had a brain cell it'd be lonely" Donna mumbled as she fiddled with her lip balm.
"Hmm?" Sam looked a flustered Donna up and down realising that he still hadn't got his answer.
"Didn't know, didn't care; what does it matter?" Donna finally stopped in the centre of the room, placing her fine fingers on her hips. At first she had been totally against the idea of Sam finding out Sophie was his but as the hours went on she knew she couldn't keep it a secret forever, him stumbling upon it was the best solution.
Sam looked Donna up and down in the silence and smiled when he saw what Donna was wearing; a top that barely covered her ass.
"What?" Donna stood breathless from all the running around, her curly blond hair had been left down hanging around her face. She half wondered if he had finally caught on.
He kept eye contact with her as he slowly walked up and edged her t-shirt up until it hung on her waist.
"Sam....what are y...." Her voice caught when she looked down at his hands which were tracing over the twenty year old scar. Her c-section scar was unnoticeable but Sam still left a small kiss next to it before pulling her t-shirt back down and pulling her into a loving hug.


"What are you doing?" He chuckled in the silence.
"The bloody Macarena....what do you think I'm doing?" she snapped, her chest vastly raising and falling "I'm going to find out who's taking these" she threw the small collection of poloraids up in the air.
"And do what? You don't even know who it is?" Sam sighed.
Donna stopped for a minute. He was right. Donna narrowed her eyes as she scanned Sam looking for some sort of solution. "We'll set a trap" she decided, watching as Sam's facial expressions changed.
"A trap?" Sam chuckled "Donna this isn't some sort of game"
"Then let's make it one" Donna pushed her lips together as a small smirk began to play on her lips.
Noting Sam confused look, Donna slowly began to walk towards him, stopping when her body was lightly brushing off his. "All I need you to do is pull me out during breakfast and kiss me in the hallway....do you think you can do that?" Donna played with the top button of the shirt Sam had thrown on, she was always used to getting her own way.
"Donna this guy could be dangerous"
"Dangerous?" Donna giggled "he's running around a Greek hotel with a 1970's Polaroid camera, he's hardly bloody James Bond"
Realising that he wasn't fully convinced, Donna pushed her lips together as her eyes locked with his "...and anyway, I'll have you there to protect me" she smirked.
"Ok" he finally agreed, his hands slowly moving down to her waist.
"What do you think you're doing, Mr Carmichael?" Donna smiled as he leaned for a kiss "I have work to be getting on with"
"It's not even six"
"I have a wedding to set up" she argued.
"So you can't even spare a few minutes" he asked "just for me?"
Before she could argue, Sam had swept her off her feet and was carrying her down the small corridor.
"Sam" she yelled.
"Shhhhh" Sam giggled, placing his hand over her mouth.
"Let me down" she shouted as she gave him a small nudge.
Sam finally let her down when they reached the small courtyard below her window.
"Sam" Donna sighed as she tugged the long t-shirt further down her legs "I'm not even dressed"
Sam shut her up with a kiss. It was 5:45, people were due at six; but they do say that the early bird catches the worm(s).

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