One more look and i forget everything

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Tap the photo and swipe to your left and you will find 'when all is said and done' which is sang by pierce brosnan aka Sam and Meryl Streep aka Donna, enjoy!


A manly hand covered Donna's mouth as she let the rest of her scream out. She stopped and noted his big mussels and broad shoulders, all the moonlight was allowing her eyes to see.
Satisfied that she wasn't going to try again, the man removed his hand from her mouth and instead curled his fingers round her wrists.
"Wh....who are you?" Donna muttered, begging him to give away his identity. It would either be a comfort or a decider of her fate. Either way, she needed to know.
He didn't answer, he knew he couldn't answer. One word and his accent would surely give up the game.
Donna was quickly silenced with a kiss, not a quick peck on the cheek but a long passionate kiss. At first Donna tried to push him away but she quickly gave up. There was something familiar about this guy. There was something so wrong about this kiss that was yet so right.
Both pulled away after a few seconds to get their breath back. It may have only lasted a few seconds but to each of them it felt like a lifetime. Or perhaps it was just a lifetime in coming?
Donna scanned his face hoping to find a scar, a tattoo or anything that would reveal his identity. She longed to kiss him again but how could she without knowing that her senses were right and that this wasn't just a young Greek guy trying his luck? Plenty had tried in the past.
The next thing the man did was a mistake. He let go of Donna's wrists and leaned in for another kiss, but this time Donna didn't accept.
It took all her strength not to wrap her arms around his neck when their lips touched again but she knew she couldn't. She'd resisted temptation before and so she could do it again.
Pushing a finger to his lips, a smug smile spread across Donna face as she pushed him away. Anyone else would have been terrified but not Donna Sheridan, she wasn't going to be an easy 'catch' and she definitely wasn't going to stand around and be intimidated by a man.
Donna attempted to make her way out of the bushes but was pulled back. She could just about see the frown on the mans face, he obviously wasn't amused.
Donna Sheridan was a great mother, friend and employer but an even better actress. Donna enjoyed the brief kiss and inside it was killing her to walk away from someone so mysterious and strange yet so familiar but of course she wasn't going to let him know that. She didn't want him to have her on his terms.
Wriggling out of his grasp, Donna leaned up to his ear making sure she let him have a taste of her sweet perfume "it's called rejection, honey" she whispered "find a bridge and get over it"
And with that she left, hoping he wouldn't follow. She had barely looked at a man in twenty one years but today alone she'd flirted, danced and kissed two guys. Maybe it was just all the excitement, and the alcohol couldn't be helping the situation either. Now she was seeing what Rosie had meant earlier 'he's been here twelve hours and we're already noticing the difference in you'
They were right, of course they were right. They were always right.
Bending down, Donna lifted her phone off the cobbles, hoping that Tanya was still there. She turned around with the phone firmly pressed against her ear.
There he was again, he still stood in the darkness and somehow Donna knew that he wouldn't come out.
Her eyes were kept firmly on him as she redialled Tanya's number. He wouldn't be able to move an inch without her seeing him.
"Tanya" Donna sighed, rubbing her temples to somehow eliminate the stresses of the day.
"Jesus Christ Donna! I thought you'd wondered off a cliff !" Tanya screeched down the phone.
"Send someone round, would you?" Donna sighed, narrowing her eyes when she realised 'Mr mysterio' had disappeared.
"I would but they've all disappeared" Tanya muttered down the phone.
"Disappeared?" Sighed Donna "bill, Harry AND sam?......your getting my hopes up now"
"When I say disappeared, I don't mean someone's mysteriously sunk their boat..........yet"
Giggling at Tanya's last comment, Donna suddenly thought about Rosie. Surely she wouldn't mind "So what about Rosie? I'm sure the little hermit wouldn't mind helping me lift a few boxes.."
"Em...yeah...about that..." Tanya said in a slight whisper "she's kind of.....lets just say tied up..." Tanya couldn't help it but giggle when she looked over her shoulder at Rosie and Bill sitting comfortably in the corner "......or should I say that bill is the one being tied up.....literally"
"Oh...God" Donna shook her head, looking down at the box of alcohol in front of her. "honestly i leave you two for five there anyone that hasn't been making the most of my absence by drinking my bar dry?"
"Yeahhhh.....I guess she was that worried about us drinking that I think she sort of....lost track" Tanya smiled and had a small chuckle knowing that Donna couldn't hit her though the phone.
"How much exactly has she had?" Donna let a small smile escape her lips as she imagined a drunk Rosie. Now that's something she hadn't seen in a while.
"Enough" Tanya answered "bill is cold stone sober but is......lets just say..enjoying his...em.......lap dance"
"LAP DANCE!?" Donna screeched "Jesus Christ! What does pepper put in those cocktails"
"I don't know what your talking around darling. I've been drinking cocktails all night and I'm sober......ish"
"Stay there" Donna urged her "I'm on my way"
"You might want to bring a video camera" Tanyas voice muttered as Donna snapped her phone shut.
Lap dancing? She'd been away five minutes and they were already acting like a bunch of drunk teenagers.
Alcohol and Rosie never mixed well together but usually Donna was around to help her friend home and stop her making a fool of herself.
Looking down at the cases of alcohol at her feet, Donna couldn't help but laugh. Her two backup girls hadn't even been around twenty four hours and villa Donna had already erupted into chaos Central. Between A drunk Rosie, Tanya the serial bride and Sam......
"Oh Sam....Sam Sam...Sam Sam" she muttered to herself, taking out her phone to give herself some much needed light.
Leaving the cases of alcohol, Donna walked back to Sophie's hen do not knowing what she'd have to face.

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