I've been cheated by you

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie, Meryl Streep aka Donna, pierce brosnan aka Sam, Colin firth aka Harry and Stellan Skargård aka bill singing 'our last summer' enjoy!

Lifting her head from her hands, Donna eyes wondered to her bed and the two figures sitting on it. Wiping away a few loose tears, Donna stood up and let her head rest against the door.
The three girls stared at each other for a minute. Nothing was said nor needed to be said.
"I...I just don't know what to do anymore.." Donna screwed her face up and looked to the wall, not wanting to show her weakness over not only a man but the man that impregnnated her before dumping her twenty-one long years ago.
"Oh honey" Tanya jumped off the bed wrapping her arms around Donna. Rosie would have followed but she was finding it hard to lift her head from the bed never mind walk. Before Donna had arrived she had been on the edge of a long peaceful alcohol induced sleep.
Guiding Donna back to the bed, Tanya held out a tissue for her to wipe away a few of her tears.
"Someone up there has got it in for me" Donna declared "bet you its my mother"
"And wasn't she a real ray of sunshine" Tanya giggled
"Mmmmm" Rosie and Donna agreed.
"It's just" Donna sighed as she abruptly stopped her sentence. She wondered if she should tell Rosie and Tanya about the instance outside the bar store room. They were her best friends, they had always been her best friends. Donna knew she could trust them with anything, yes they were sometimes loud, drunk and disorderly but they came together and supported her when it really mattered.
When Donna found out she was pregnant with Sophie they supported her all the way. All three of the girls knew that Donna's parents weren't going to be best pleased and Donna knew that if she traveled the whole way back home to tell them the news, they would only send her back to where she'd came from. Donna's parents cared more about their precious reputation than they did about their daughter, or their unborn grandchild for that matter.
The two dynamos held Donna's hand as she made the phone call, they all secretly knew what was going to happen so when the inevitable happened no words needed to be said.
The two girls each took it in turns to accompany Donna to her scans and when their summer of traveling was over they all returned to the place where Donna felt most at home, Grease.
Tanya and Rosie had stayed with Donna two extra months to she was settled into her flat getting used to her new life in a new country. Both girls had made sure they regularly visited and took an extended holiday to the island a week before Donna's due date so they could both be there for the birth.
Tanya and Rosie weren't just good friends, they were like sisters. It was hard to think that they had supported her, looked out for her and looked after her for longer than her parents had. They truly were one of a kind.
She had to tell them, they had no secrets. The two dynamos even knew who Sophie's father was, a dark secret Donna had concealed for over twenty years.
They probably wouldn't believe her anyway....
"It's just what, honey?" Tanya looked down at her friend, rubbing her back in circles.
"Something strange happened earlier" Donna sighed wiping the final years away.
"Strange?" Tanya laughed "three of your ex lovers whom you haven't seen in twenty years were hiding in your old goat house....things have already gone beyond strange, darling"
Letting a small smile escape her lips, Donna took a deep breath before she continued "but this was.....right.....you know when I screamed earlier.....down the phone?" Donna rubbed her temples, hoping she could laugh it off when Tanya or Rosie gave her a perfectly plausible explanation to why she was 'kidnapped'.
"Donna...?" Tanya waved her hand in front of her face, begging her to snap out of her trance and continue her story.
"Sorry" Donna muttered "it's just this guy grabbed me. He held his hands over my mouth and then held my wrists so I couldn't run off..."
Tanya suddenly stopped the circles on Donna's back and turned to face her. Rosie popped open one eyes suspecting she was about to hear something important.
"Anyway....I thought he was going to.......well to be honest I didn't know what he was going to do but then he..just.....kissed me..?"
"Kissed you?" Tanya questioned Wether her friend was joking or had just plainly dreamt it. Either way it sounded like something from a movie or something that would happen in a music video made for a love song, definitely not the everyday life of Donna Sheridan a single mother who runs a hotel in grease.
"What did you do?" Rosie asked, finally finding enough energy to shift herself up the bed a little.
"Well...?" Tanya questioned Donna when she didn't answer. She didn't know if this was a joke or not but either way she needed to know all the juicy details and fast!
"I pushed him away then phoned you" Donna answered them with a shrug of her shoulders.
"You.....you pushed away" Tanya chocked, swallowing a small lump that had formed in her throat.
"Yeah. What was I supposed to have done? Went to bed with him?" Donna joked.
"Well I know what I would have done...." Tanya let a small smile escape her lips as she reached for a bottle from the mini bar.
"We all know what you would have done, Tan"
The sound of the three dynamos laughter filled the room. Tanya and Donna fell back on the bed beside Rosie, finally catching their breaths.
"So who was it then?" Rosie finally asked.
"How am I supposed to know?" Donna chuckled.
"You were the one kissing him" Tanya reminded her.
"No, he kissed me and it was dark" Donna told them.
"So you didn't kiss him back then...?" Tanya smiled
"I didn't kiss him back" Donna giggled "....ok........so I may have kissed him back"
"Thank god!" Tanya chuckled "I was beginning to think you weren't human"
"Sam was acting beyond cocky earlier so I wouldn't be surprised if it was him" joked Rosie.
The three women giggled until one by one they came to an abrupt stop.
"You know what? The little hermit could be on to something there" a smile escaped Tanya's plump lips as she raised one perfectly threaded eyebrow.


Thinking of writing an 'it's complicated ' fanfic ~ it's my second favourite movie (after Mamma Mia of course;) and I know there are not many stories about the movie around. What do u think? and is anyone a fan of 'it's complicated'? Xx

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