I should not have let you go

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There seems to be an error in the system saying that I have put chapter five up? It's a bit strange as this is only chapter four that I'm putting up now so sorry about that! But anyway this chapter is about 50% longer as there is a few song lyrics thrown in, so here is chapter four - enjoy!
(Lyrics are in bold;)) ~ Tap the photo and swipe to the left and you will find that I've attached a video of the actual song sang by the three dynamos!!!


"Ladies and no gentlemen" blared Tanya's voice from behind the curtains at Sophie's hen party "for one night and one night only"
"Cause that's all we've got preped for" giggled Rosie in the background.
"DONNA AND THE DYNAMOS" Tanya proudly announced.
The curtains flew open and out popped the three dynamos onto the stage. Donna smiled as she heard the exciting screams coming from the small crowd at Sophie's hen party. She stared at Sophie and with a wink began to sweetly sing the lyrics.
"Super trouper beams are gonna blind me , But I won't feel blue like I always do ' Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you"
All three dynamos blared out before signalling one of the girls to hit play on the tape.
The music played while the dynamos took their place and began to sing, watching the the young girls especially Sophie smiling and clapping their hands with glee.
""I was sick and tired of everything
When I called you last night from Glasgow
All I do is eat and sleep and sing
Wishing every show was the last show
(Wishing every show was the last show)
So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming
(Glad to hear you're coming)
Suddenly I feel all right
(And suddenly it's gonna be)
And it's gonna be so different
When I'm on the stage tonight

Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find me
(Super trouper)
Shining like the sun
(Super trouper)
Smiling, having fun
(Super trouper)
Feeling like a number one""

Meanwhile all three guys sat in the sand, staring out to sea, each having thoughts of their own. Only one thing or sound could bring them out of their day dream and when they heard it they all turned and stared at each other. Were they all just dreaming? Was it real? Were they really hearing that song being played again after so many years?
That song brought back so many memories for all three and yet they hadn't heard it in at least twenty years!
Quickly standing up all three men made their way over to the steps of the hotel, each telling the others about what the song meant to them and the memories it brought back.
"That's our song" Sam smiled as he remembered the first and only time he had heard the three girls sing it.
"Your song?" Laughed bill "that was our song?"
Sam didn't have the time or the will to argue, he had reached the top of the stairs thinking that he was hearing a track or recording but no of course this was the real deal, a very rare private live preformance by the three dynamos.
Bill and Harry almost had to push Sam out of the way to even get a glimpse of what was happening. Sam stood there starstruck not only at what he was hearing but by who was singing it, Donna.
He smiled as he cast his eyes over her outfit "no one like Donna to get into the spirit of things" he said in almost a whisper.

""Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me
(Super trouper)
But I won't feel blue
(Super trouper)
Like I always do
(Super trouper)
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you""

Donna blared out, busting the old dance moves and looking across the yard. Donna's eyes suddenly stopped at three familiar figures dancing in the background.
Sam, Bill and Harry all dancing like embarrassing dads at a school disco. She closed her eyes momentarily but she had no time to think now, her solo part was coming up and she was determined not to let him distract her.
"Your not doing this for him your not singing this for him, this isn't your song anymore. Just forget about him. Your doing this for Sophie" she thought to herself before taking centre stage.

""So I'll be there when you arrive
The sight of you will prove to me I'm still alive
And when you take me in your arms
And hold me tight
I know it's gonna mean so much tonight""

She sung her part perfectly. The hard part was over, yes she'd made accidental eye contact with him but she didn't mean it. Everything was fine. She was fine.
She just needed to tell someone, anyone.
Turning around according to the dance moves, Donna managed to catch Tanya's ear. Tanya quickly gave Sam a death stare but it didn't even seem to faise him, she had to face facts that she couldn't do or say anything at least why she was up on stage.
This was the dynamos reunion, this we supposed to be one of the best days of their lives donnas daughter was getting married the next day but all that happiness and excitement had just turned to grief and anger as soon as THEY had arrived.

""Tonight the super trouper beams are gonna blind me
(Super trouper)
But I won't feel blue
(Super trouper)
Like I always do
(Super trouper)
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you
(Super trouper beams are gonna blind me)""

The three girls sighed and faked a smile as the song ended. Sophie ran up on stage throwing her arms around her mother but all she could think of was Sam.
"This is a HEN do" screeched Rosie "STRICTLY NO MEN ALLOWED"
The men joked and defensively put their two hands in the air.
Tanya mouthed the word 'stiletto' while pointing to her boots, making the three men quickly walk off in different directions.
Donna didn't even look for fear that they were still there staring at her, listening to her, dancing along with her.


"What are they even doing here" barked Donna as she hobbled across the yard
"That's the one thing that we'd all like to know"sighed Rosie
"What has he ever done for his daughter?"
"Well to be fair" began Tanya ".....you know that I'm not exactly his biggest fan but he didn't even know about Sophie"
"And he didn't need to" barked Donna "I was doing a perfectly good job by myself"
"I'm not going to be muzzled out by a e...ejaculation" she muttered as she slammed her bedroom door.
Tanya and Rosie looked at each other before looking back at the wooden door that had been so rudely slammed in their face. They gave each other another glance before walking off in opposite directions. Donna wasn't worth talking to when she was like this, she needed time to cool down and think.


Donna had slammed her door and placed her head against it, she had heard the heel clicks of Tanya and Rosie walking away and closed her eyes to clear her head.
"Donna Sheridan"
Donna took a sharp intake of breath before turning round and stepping back against the door again.
"You know how sexy I think you look in that outfit" he began raising an eyebrow "brings back a lot of memories"
"How did you....?" She began "actually.....just get out!"
Sam lay stretched out on her bed, he had wasted no time in getting comfy.
"Look..." Sam stretched out his hands letting her know that he was stating his peace "I just came to let you know that my wound had healed"
Donna rolled her eyes when she realised what he was talking about, he had grazed his head on a shard of glass he hadn't been stabbed by a steak knife...
"oh don't tempt me" she muttered to herself before quickly dismissing the idea.
"Well if that's all....." Donna began as she reached out for the door handle
"Actually...no....that's not all" he admitted as Donna patiently awaited his explanation.

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