Hasta Manana

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The song is 'Hasta Manana' ~ hearing the title you may not recognise it but you probably will when you listen to it (clip of song is attached)
I recommend you watch the video and read the lyrics (in italics) carefully when they appear in this chapter, enjoy xx


It was two thirty in the morning but sleep was yet to overcome Donna. Between the thought of Sam in the room next to her and Sophie's wedding tomorrow, Donna knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so she didn't even try.
Something about sleeping in the room next to Sam's seemed weird, she knew that if she even mentioned this to Tanya or Rosie they would tell her it's because he should be in her room lying next to her. She knew this was true.
Donna washed her hands in the sink and glanced up at the window in front of her, she was in the kitchen, dicing and slicing, getting ready for the busy morning ahead. She of course had cooks coming in but it was a big job and Donna being in a generous mood after her chat with Rosie and Tanya, decided to help out with a few things to ease the load.
The silence of the room was soon replaced with the sound of Donna humming an old tune, a tune she hadn't even thought of in over twenty years. Donna tapped her fingers on the bench along to it, but it wasn't until she started singing that realised who she meant the song to be about.

"Where is the spring and the summer
That once was yours and mine?
Where did it go?
I just don't know
But still my love for you will live forever"

Donna's voice echoed through the small kitchen. Piling plates and cups, Donna mentally counted them as she continued to sweetly sing the lyrics.

"Hasta Manana 'til we meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
Darling, our love was much too strong to die
We'll find a way to face a new tomorrow
Hasta Manana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta Manana, baby, Hasta Manana, until then"

Donna giggled when she found herself twirling as she grabbed different utensils from each side of the room. She would have been mortified if she even had the slightest clue anyone was watching her, never mind Sam.
Donna steadied herself on the sides of the ceramic sink. She giggled when she near fell over but stopped when thoughts of Sam filled her head again. It was like she could sense he was near when she felt the strings being pulled on her broken heart. If only she knew how near he was.

"Where is the dream we were dreaming
And all the nights we shared
Where did they go?
I just don't know
And I can't tell you just how much I miss you
Hasta Manana 'til we meet again
Don't know where, don't know when
Darling, our love was much too strong to die
We'll find a way to face a new tomorrow
Hasta Manana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better
Hasta Manana, baby, Hasta Manana, until then"

Donna sang, staring at her reflection in the small kitchen window. Drying her hands with a small towel, Donna pulled her hair out of the rough ponytail and let it fall to her shoulders.
Sam watched her intensely, clocking her every movement as he rested his body against the fame of the small wooden door.
Sam smiled and softly mimed along, listening as her sweet voice once again filled the room.

"Hasta Manana, say we'll meet again
I can't do without you
Time to forget, send me a letter
Say you forgive, the sooner the better.........."

Sneaking up behind Donna, Sam silenced her by placing his arms around her slim waist. Her soft voice cracked and she immediately stopped singing hoping that Sam wouldn't notice her breath quickening.
Smiling at Donna getting increasingly flustered, Sam gently brushed her hair to one side and placed a lingering kiss on her shoulder as he softly whispered the end of their song into her ear.
"....Hasta Manana, baby, Hasta Manana, until then...."

"Sam" Donna breathed.
"Relax" Sam smiled.
This was easier said than done. Donna closed her eyes when she felt his breath against her skin, trying her best to relax her shoulders. She wanted to push him away, but how could she?
When Sam sensed that Donna's breathing was back to normal, he tried to hold back his laughter as he kissed her shoulders again, this time closer to her neck seeing her breathing immediately increase as once again her body began to tense up.
"Twenty years on, I may be getting old but I'm glad I still have the same effect on you" he whispered into her ear.
Moving her hands down her body, Donna stopped when she found his, finally releasing herself from his grasp.
"You have no effect on me what so ever, sam" she spat, pushing herself away from him.
"Oh come on Donna" he laughed as he followed her around the small cramped kitchen "don't deny it. Don't even try to fight"
"Fight what? The urge to slap you ever time I see you or the urge to sink bills boat hoping your inside?" She spat, placing her hands down on the old wooden table, looking across at Sam standing at the other side.
"You really hate me that much...?" Sam stared at her with his 'puppy dog' eyes. He should have known that crap wouldn't work with her.
"As if the constant insults haven't been a clue" Donna narrowed her eyes.
"And I suppose the kissing, flirting and dancing was all part of showing your hatred for me too...?" He laughed.
"Kiss, Sam. Not kisses or kissing. It was one kiss, not plural" she was quick to correct him, wondering how much regret she could have over one small kiss.

"un beso siempre lleva a otra"


I myself do not speak Spanish (praise the God of google translate;) ~ so please correct me in the comments section if I have done or said anything wrong so I can correct it in the actual story.
You should go check my profile, a new story that I've been writing for a while now is now up;) go check it out;) x

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