Suddenly i lose control

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of the Mamma Mia cast singing 'voulez-vous'!


"I saw you and Harry dancing earlier" Rosie smiled to Tanya as she took yet another drink from pepper "so should I be looking out for a another wedding outfit?"
"Mmmm" answered Tanya.
"Well.....what's that supposed to mean?" sighed Rosie taking a gulp of her new drink.
"I think he's gay" whispered Tanya.
"No!" Exclaimed Rosie setting her drink down "what makes up you think that?"
"Well...I asked him about the bed on bills boat and his reply was just...well I don't know...something about the curtains not matching the carpet, the bed not being in the right position and the wall paper being too neutral. Then he started suggesting colour schemes for the place with shades of purple I haven't even heard of" Tanya told Rosie as she took another sip of her cocktail.
"Maybe you didn't come onto him strong enough or maybe he was observant and just wanted to share his finds with you. Make conversation?" Suggested Rosie.
"Yeah, and maybe he was just being observant when he told me that the eddie was very fit" Tanya smiled sarcastically, bringing her drink to her lips "My gaydar is never wrong, darling"
"Well then I suggest a toast" exclaimed Rosie as her and Tanya raised their glasses in the air.
"To Harry"


Sipping her cocktail Rosie glanced at the dance floor. It was nearing one in the morning and something was missing, or rather two people were missing.
"Shit" Rosie mumbled under her breath.
"What?" Asked Tanya, clicking her fingers, waiting for pepper to appear with another drink.
"There gone"
"So what?" Sighed Tanya taking her drink from peppers hands "as you's only damage imitation now"
"Oh sod that" exclaimed Rosie taking Tanya's drink and moving it to the other side of the bar "we can't let her give him what he wants"
"Come on" she ushed Tanya off the chair.
Rosie quickly weaved through the crowd, Tanya running behind her.


Slowly walking out of the bathroom, Donna was nearly jumped on by Tanya and Rosie.
"Jesus Chr....."
"W..where's....Sam" exclaimed Tanya, leaning against the wall to get her breath back.
"I don't know" sighed Donna "do you honestly expect me to keep tabs on all my ex's?"
"Ha! The way you two were out there you'd think youse are the ones getting married in the morning never mind sky and Sophie!" Exclaimed Rosie
"Oh come on! I was just having a bit of fun!" Sighed Donna "I've been running this hotel for twenty one years, I deserve a break"
"Oh don't give us that crap" Tanya was quick to grab Donna's shoulder before she could walk away "Sam Carmichael has come along, pulled the legs off the chair and you've fallen flat on your face"
"What?......oh don't be so dramatic!" Laughed Donna as she strode down the hall before finally stopping when she got to the lobby, not daring to face Tanya and Rosie.
"Oh come on Donna!" Sighed Rosie "you've loved him for twenty one years! Fine he's come back and you have every right to want to be with him. To want to be happy. But he's married, it's a disaster waiting to happen. He's been here twelve hours and we're already seeing the difference in you! We're only trying to protect you because we all know that when he leaves and goes back to his 'perfect' city life, me and Tanya are going to be the ones picking up the pieces. It won't be him, no he'll be 'chilling' beside his indoor pool, sipping cocktails and getting a back massage from a young, skinny twenty something year old who he's also probably sleeping with I might add....."
"Jesus!" Exclaimed Tanya rubbing Rosie's back "take a breath!"
"look, what the little hermits trying to say is that we're your friends and we're just looking out for you. We don't want you to get hurt!" Sighed Tanya
"I know" muttered Donna as she scanned the lobby to make sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation "I just.....look I can just about forgive him for what's he's done, but I certainly can't forget. I just hate my life being some kind of...battle! I just want everyone to be...I don't know...friends?! Is that so hard to ask?"
"Fine" sighed Rosie saluting Donna "honorary peace keeper at your service"
"Look, he'll be gone by Monday know......keep him alive until then!" Giggled Donna as she and the two dynamos walked back out to the party "look nothing's happened. I'm not going to let anything happen. I'm in control of the situation"
"Good" sighed Tanya "just one thing..."
"Are you telling us that or telling yourself that?"
Donna looked between the two dynamos, pouted her lips and look a sip of her cocktail. The thing was that in answer to Tanya's question....she didn't know herself.


Donna shifted slightly in her seat beside the two dynamos. She watched as pepper served bill and Harry drinks then turned to her.
"Sorry Donna, I was told not to serve you" said pepper in almost a whisper, half terrified his boss was gonna rain her full wrath upon him.
"Pepper, you were told that three hours and four coffees ago. Wise up and give me my drink" sighed Donna
"No buts. It's my bar and I pay you to serve people at it. Anyway I was only going to ask for water" Donna sighed in frustration.
"Sure thing, boss" pepper quickly set a bottle of water in front of Donna and looked up when he realised that Sam had appeared behind her.
"Glad to see your drinking water, darling" smiled Sam taking his place next to bill and Harry "I'm just glad I won't have to lock you in a room and force four coffees down you again"
"A pint when your ready" Sam clicked his fingers at pepper
"Darling?" Rosie quietly mouthed looking between Donna and Tanya "God...he has some cheek!"
"Now are you sure you don't want pepper to change that water to a vodka and tonic?" Tanya giggled, taking a sip of her cocktail.
"Mmmmm.....don't tempt me" sighed Donna and she turned the cap on the bottle.
"Do I perhaps feel my ears burning?" Smiled Sam, glancing at the three dynamos before taking his pint off pepper.
"......darling" Tanya quickly added earring herself a kick from Donna.


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