Mamma mia

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a clip of the three dynamos (Meryl Streep - Donna, Christine baranski - Tanya , Julie Walters - Rosie) and the three guys (Sam - pierce brosnan, Bill - Stellan skarsgard , Harry - colin firth) and sky (Dominic cooper) and Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) singing 'waterloo' , enjoy!


"Not coming in?" Sam opened his door and smirked as he looked over and seen Donna fiddling with her room key. Their room doors were only a metre apart and Sam always did take a chance when he got it.
"Always leave them wanting more" Donna pushed her lips together as her bedroom door swung open.
Sam chuckled as he leaned his back on the small bit of wall that separated their rooms.
"Shit" Donna muttered, scooping a small Polaroid picture off her bedroom floor.
Donna used the small picture to cover her face as she slowly turned it round for Sam to examine. Sam chuckled as he snatched the photo out of Donna's hand. It was a photo of them dancing together earlier that night, Sam's arms were round her waist, his lips placing an small kiss on her head.
"Looks like we've been spotted" Sam chuckled as he flipped the photo over and passed to back to Donna.
"This isn't funny Sam" Donna muttered and she quickly threw the small Polaroid back onto her bedroom floor "someone knows, but who?"
"It's just a photo of us dancing and anyway what's so bad about them finding out about us....what ever we are" Sam muttered.
"This isn't good Sam. If they suspect us then who ever it was that took the photo probably already knows about you, bill and Harry. What if they tell Sophie?" Donna roughly ran her hands threw her hair and she mentally lined up three suspects.
"Me, bill and Harry are just old friends, what's so bad about Sophie finding out about us? We're not three strange men that have suddenly turned up on this island to replace her father on her wedding day" Sam chuckled though Donna wasn't finding this situation so amusing. Knowing about bill, Harry and Sam was only going to bring Sophie a step closer to discovering who her real father is.
Donna was brought out of her thoughts by Sam's lips crashing against hers. Donna's arms loosely swung around his neck as Sam placed his arms around her waist.
"Not out here" Donna muttered against his lips.
"I'm happy to go inside" Sam smiled, not once removing his lips from hers.
"Mmmm" Donna muttered.
Their lips had been attached for a good three minutes before they heard the unfamiliar click.
"What was that?" Donna turned her head away from Sam's lips.
"Nothing" Sam muttered as his lips touched Donna's head.
Their eyes locked for a few seconds.
"What are we doing Sam?"
"Why do you always have to question things?" Sam chuckled as he gave Donna a rough kiss and returned to his door. "Like you say, always leave them wanting more" he winked as he disappeared behind his bedroom door.
Donna chest steadily moved up and down as she looked around the dimly lit corridor she had been left in. Another click and a small flash brought Donna out of Her thoughts, she quickly pulled herself away from the wall and disappeared behind her bedroom door. There was definitely something weird going on.
Tossing her heels, Donna ran her hand along the thin wall separating her from Sam. She quickly pulled her tight dress over her head and climbed into her warn double bed, clutching the small Polaroid. She may have the photo but she was sure who ever had taken it had made copies.
Donna slipped the photo under her pillow and drifted into a peaceful sleep. It was just after three in the morning. Donna had the staff all arriving at six and although she was sure that they would get everything sorted, she wanted to be up and ready by seven to make sure. Donna mentally made a note to stretch that time to eight. She'd survived on less sleep before but of course then she had been a lot younger and hadn't been getting ready for a wedding the next day.


Donna started to stare at five. Opening one eye, Donna stared at the bright bold red numbers that appeared on her digital clock.
"Mmmm" she muttered. She'd had two hours sleep but somehow felt worse.
Donna softly smiled at the fact she had three hours of resting left before the hotel would turn into total chaos. She closed her eyes and rested her head back onto her pillow, roughly opening both eyes when she heard a sharp creak.
"Mmm..?" She mumbled again, this time pushing herself up the bed and pulling the crisp white sheets around her body.
Her eyes scanned the room, stopping and narrowing when they saw Sam.
"What are you doing in here?" Donna stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes making sure that the white sheets on her bed were still covering her body.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Sam took his place at the side of Donna's bed, slowly tucking a blond piece of hair behind her ear.
"How did you get in?" Donna muttered.
"I designed this place, remember" Sam chuckled.
Donna raised an eyebrow as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. "You used the door didn't you?" she giggled.
"Ok" he confessed with a small smirk.
"So what was so important that you couldn't wait until morning?" she smiled.
"Do I really need an excuse to see my beautiful...."
"Your beautiful what?" Donna smirked placing a hand on the side of his face.
Sam was quick to shut her up with a kiss and then another and then......
"Donna" Sam broke away from their kiss.
"Yeah" Donna smiled up at him.
"This was slipped under my door earlier" Sam bit his lower lip as he showed Donna the two new Polaroid pictures that had been pushed under his room door.
"No no no no NO!" Donna would've jumped out of bed only she realised that she was practically naked. "This can't be happening" Donna set the two pictures down as she ran her hand roughly through her hair. "I knew I had heard something" Donna muttered.
"Look, we both just need to calm down" Sam sighed.
"Calm down?!" She screeched "what if Sophie's finds them. What if Sophie's shown them!"
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Sam sighed.
"I don't want to cross that bridge, Sam. I want to take an alternative route!" Donna grabbed handfuls of white linen and pulled it up around her half naked shoulders "turn around" she demanded.
"Turn around?" Sam repeated.
"Yes, turn around" Donna muttered.

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