Knowing Me, Knowing You

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First of all I would like to apologise for taking so long to put this chapter up. I don't think people realise how long it takes to write a chapter, never mind think up the ideas to write it. You can't write a good chapter without knowing what you want to say or what it's going to be about. I don't know about you, but I would rather take two or so weeks and write a good chapter than put up two short, uncorrected chapters each week that don't really take the story in a great direction or do it any justice.
Also, I am in the middle of exams. I know a lot of people use that excuse but they are maybe sitting exams in school. My exams are external meaning that if I fail them I don't just get a bit of extra work, my whole future depends on them. The better results I get, the more likely it is that I can continue writing in the future.
I get to bed at 12 and I'm back up again at 6/7am, I don't think I even know what a TV is anymore 😹
I am trying to update my most popular stories first so please do continue commenting to let me know which ones you would like updated. I have some of a Devil wears Prada and an it's complicated chapter written.


"How would I know more about it? You and Donna are like sisters"
"You know what I think...." Tanya swallowed hard as she slid off her dark shades "I think you should take a stroll around this charming little villa, find that brain you so desperately need then invite Donna out for a quiet walk on the beach and ask her yourself"
"And you think she'll tell me?" Sam turned to the wall Tanya was leaning on and looked over the island he so adored.
"I think she's already told you"
Sam frowned and opened his mouth to speak, frowning again when no words came to mind.
"Go" Tanya turned her head to the side, raising an eyebrow when, a few seconds later, he still seemed to be standing there.
"What d....."
"DONT ask me what I mean" Tanya waved her hand in front of his face "just go"
"Why do I...."
"Jesus Christ! It would be quicker for you to write all these questions down and for me to bloody email you the answers"
"Would you?"
"Sam" Tanya placed her hands firmly on his shoulders, ready to shake him if she had to "go and find Donna before I have to drag you to her myself; and when you find her, tell her to get her butt back here"
"Oh...Rosie" Tanya immediately removed her hands from Sam's shoulders, running a few steps to catch up with her best friend "your a bloody lifesaver" she sighed when they were safely round the corner "please tell me you have a bottle of vodka and a sneaky packet of cigarettes on you, and I'll crown you queen"
"Afraid not" Rosie smirked as they walked, side by side, into reception "what was going on there?" She stopped beside the desk as she pointed back in the direction they had came from.
"He wanted to know about Sophie's father"
"Who wanted to know about Sophie's father?" Rosie and Tanya both swung around and were faced with a rather flustered looking Donna who stood behind the reception desk with her hands on her hips.
"...and she returns" Tanya exclaimed "where the bloody hell have you been?!"
"Never mind where I've been" Donna grabbed the dynamo's arms and pulled them behind the desk and into a small corner "who was asking about Sophie's father?"
"Sam" both Tanya and Rosie sighed at the same time, locking eyes in the process.
"Shit!" Donna placed her hands on her face before moving them down to her hips "I can't do this...not yet"
Tanya, Rosie and Donna slowly turned around.
"Can't you see we're talking?" Tanya raised an eyebrow.
"I just wanted to talk to D..."
"Sam" Tanya repeated making Sam slowly back away.
"Alright" he raised his hands in the air "it can wait"
Tanya waited until Sam was safely out of the room before turning back around again.
"Thanks" Donna sighed, brushing some of her blond locks off her face.
"I think we need to talk, don't you?" Rosie raised an eyebrow at her two best friends.


" wait all your life for a father then three come along at once"
"Only one counts"
"I'm just emotionally drained" Donna threw herself onto the large double bed.
"Aren't we all" Rosie lay her head beside her.
"Having to deal with one man waltzing around the place is bad enough...but three, that's just a bloody nightmare" the back of Donna's hand fell on her face as the rush of the day took over her.
"I'm sure Tanya can give you a few tips"
"I'm bad...but I'm not that bad" Tanya slipped her shoes off before taking a seat in the space that was left on the bed.
"You've been married three times" Rosie chuckled, winking at an amused Donna "the only woman with more experience than you in that department is Elizabeth Taylor and I very much doubt she's going to rise from the grave just to give the three of us some men advice"
Donna giggled, pushing the two of them back onto the bed so she could get herself up.
"I need a drink"
"There's no time for lying around on day like this...."
"But there's always time for a drink" Tanya snatched the glass from Donna's hand, almost dragging the poor woman with her "now....what have we got?"
"I run a hotel.....what haven't we got?" Donna smirked.
"Mmm" Tanya narrowed her eyes as she ran through the long list of alcohols drinks, like some sort of menu imprinted in her brain. "Strawberry daiquiri....?"
"...and I'm sure pepper would be delighted to give it to you"
"I hope we're still talking about the drink" Rosie chocked as she pulled herself up "....otherwise I'd suggest a few anti-sickness tablets thrown in"
"Don't start on me..." Tanya raised her hands in the air "...not when the loved up version of Donna Sheridan is present"
"Loved up?!" Donna chocked "...your delusional"
"Says the forty one year old single mother who's running around a Greek island after her ex-childhood sweetheart"
"I think you'll find that he's running after me" Donna sighed as she look a seat at her dressing table.
"You are both running after each other.....just in different directions"
"How much have you had to drink?" Donna let a small chuckle escape her lips as she scanned the faint lines that had appeared on her face over the past twenty years. Maybe he seen her differently now?
"Not enough" Tanya smirked as she snatched the bottle off Rosie.
"At this rate you'll be anything but sober for Sophie's wedding" Rosie chuckled.
"When is she ever sober?" Donna shuffled round to face them "I'm pretty sure she was drunk when she married husband number two"
"God, I must have been" Tanya giggled "have you seen the state of him?"
" don't want to"
"Charming" Donna chuckled as she pushed herself away from the dressing table "let's just hope husband number four knows what he's getting himself into"
"How do you know there'll be a husband number four?" Tanya raised an eyebrow.
"Tanya....its you we're talking about here" Rosie butted in "donna, lock your bar men up" she chuckled.
"It's too late for that" Donna applied a layer of light lip balm "pepper's smitten"
"...and you know it" Rosie raised an eyebrow as she turned to Tanya "..and don't you dare deny it"
"I wasn't going to" Tanya smirked making Donna roll her eyes.
"While you two cling on to your youth I'm going to go and set up for my daughters wedding" Donna headed for the door "be good"
"I'll make sure she behaves" Rosie chuckled.

~ avoid Sam.
Donna straightened out her clothes, took a deep breath and tucked her hair behind her ears. Three hours.
Great, well that lasted long....


Ps: I don't really get much time to search for Meryl stories etc so if you have a story that you would really like me to read then please comment It below :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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