Mamma Mia, does it show again?

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If you tap the picture and swipe to your left you will find a video of Meryl Streep aka Donna singing 'money money money'!


Clutching hold of the metal bars, Donna began to climb down them.
"Stay there, I'll get a ladder" Sam assured her.
"There's not enough time" Donna told him as she dangled from the bottom of the balcony, her feet only about a metre from the ground.
Donna quickly let do without thinking about it, over thinking things wasn't an option. Sam was quick and caught her in his arms before setting her feet to the ground and allowing her to get her balance back.
"Thanks" she muttered as she patted down her dress and began to rub her elbow which had hit the bar of the balcony.
"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Asked Sam with a smile.
Donna giggled as she made eye contact with him before walking off to the hen party.
"So about that underwear.." He began as he quickly went up behind Donna and placed his hands around her waist, stopping her in her tracks.
"Oh my god, you did look!" Donna playfully slapped his hands off her waist and turned round to face him. She stood there with her mouth wide open, she tried to act offended but it didn't work as she quickly started to giggle.
"Well that and you were hanging above me in a dress so..." Began Sam as he pulled Donna towards him "But what I was really going to say was that as gorgeous as you look in that dress, it would perhaps look better on my bedroom floor..."
"Mmmm....does that ever work?" Giggled Donna.
"I don't know, you tell me" he laughed as he pulled her hair to one side of her shoulder. "so that's a yes..."
"No...that's a no" she giggled.
Sam stepped forward, closing the space between them. They stared at each other as for the first time in twenty-one years their lips met in a passionate kiss.
"I'm sorry" Donna sighed as she pulled away
"That shouldn't have happened" she told him aa she turned around and began to walk away.
"Donna...?!" Sam called, he knew that if she began to run there was no point in even trying to catch her.
Stopping at the top of the steps Donna turned around again, she couldn't keep running away from her problems. There was something that had been bothering her. Sam had got to her and she couldn't help it, he had broken down all the barriers she had built up over the years, she was nearly past the point of no return. No matter what anyone done or what she done to push them further apart they came together again, stronger than ever.
But his she was again, the other women and she didn't like it. She wondered whether his wife and kids knew that he was here spending the weekend trying to seduce another woman.
Donna had always assumed that Sam was living the high life back in New York. Beautiful wife, successful kids, perfect life. But maybe this wasn't true, maybe she had to get her head out of the clouds and realise that this is the real world and everything isn't that perfect.
Donna avoided eye contact with him and opted to look down at the cobbles. Her eyes became teary as she felt him approach her. Should she go with her head...or her heart?
She was telling herself to push him away, a few more days and he'll be gone....forever, but her heart was telling her to let him back into her life again.
Sam carefully side his hands into hers and brought one up resting it on his cheek, but she still couldn't look. Her hand stayed there when he let go as if she was holding on to him, holding on to the memories they made together.
Tears stung her eyes as she let him use his hand to bring her head round to face him, to look at him.
"I....will never hurt you..again" he whispered to her, following her eyes around as she tried to escape his gaze.
" can't promise t...that" she sniffed back the tears, praying they wouldn't fall.


Donna stared at the shots in front of her before downing them one by one and calling pepper over.
As she went to lift the next drink to her lips Rosie snapped it out of her hand, shooting pepper a look to let him know that he shouldn't be serving her.
"I just want to forget about today, forget that it ever happened" Donna sighed, eyeing up the shot Rosie had pulled away from her.
"Alcohol to solve your problems? That's your brain telling you that you've been hanging around with Tanya too much" giggled Rosie "Come on, we can't have Sophie seeing you in this state"
Rosie held her hand out, silently pleading Donna to take it. Donna was usually the sensible one that kept them safe, made sure they got home alright and stopped them from making a fool of themselves. The last one didn't always go to plan but now it was Rosie's turn to return the favour.
Rosie made sure she got Donna to the lobby and helped her down onto a chair next to Tanya. Tanya lay on the chair sleeping, her head rested on one of the arms and her feet hanging over the other.
"Gosh, how many has she had?" Exclaimed Donna
"Donna this is Tanya we're talking about, she was probably drunk before she left her room" giggled Rosie
"Hmmm" Donna quietly agreed
"Stay here and I'll make you a strong coffee"
Donna watched as Rosie's heels clicked as she walked down the hallway and disappeared into the kitchen.


Sam head peered into the hotel lobby, he knew that if he stayed on the boat his stomach would be turned inside out.
Sneaking in Sam peered over the reception desk, he knew Donna had told him the hotel was fully booked but anything would be better than enduring an endless night of vomiting.
Sam quickly shot around and stared at Donna. The straps of her dress had fell off her shoulders, her shoes had been discarded and her hair now hung loosely over her shoulders but even drunk Donna Sheridan still looked stunning.
Donna followed his gaze which was now directed at Tanya.
"She doesn't usually drink this much" Donna explained as she glanced at her drunk friend.
"I'm sorry if I don't believe you" Sam laughed raising an eyebrow when he fully realised the state Tanya was in.
Sam ran over when Donna quickly positioned herself over a bin. He held her hair and rubbed her back as she emptied her stomach into it.
"But you didn't usually drink this much" he sighed as he helped her back onto a seat.
Sam peered at her pale face, brushing a small bit of hair from her eyes. For a few moments they just peered into each other's eyes, that was until they hear the clicks of Rosie's shoes walking back up the hallway towards them.
Sam stood up straight and watched as Rosie set a coffee in front of Donna and threw a glass of ice over Tanya making her wake up in a jolt.
Noticing Sam, Rosie grabbed Tanya's hand basically dragging her out of the place. "come on cleopatra..." She muttered.

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