Why why, did i ever let you go?

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of the Mamma Mia cast singing 'gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight)'!


"Well...?" Muttered Donna as she tried but failed to pull one of her boots off.
"Here let me help" Sam jumped up from the bed allowing Donna to sit down as he tried his best to get the stubborn heel off.
The shoes finally shifted off Donna's feet making Sam fall and hit his head off the wall.
Donna let her head hit the bed as the sound of her laughter filled the room. This was Sam she was laughing at, the guy she was screaming at one minute then laughing at his antics the next but Donna just couldn't help it.
Sam stood up and rubbed his head but let a small smile escape his lips when he saw Donna lying on the bed laughing hysterically.
"That hurt!" Sam joked as he flashed Donna a unamused look.
"Do you want me to to kiss it better?" Donna asked sarcastically.
Instantly regretting it Donna knew she was playing with fire which could only mean one thing, she was going to get burnt. Constantly blowing hot and cold with Sam wasn't helping the situation either but Donna just couldn't help it at this moment in time, she had to allow herself some fun surely? Didn't she?
Laying her head near the headboard, Donna pushed her lips together and raised an eyebrow.
Donna stared at Sam who just watched her with a smile on his face.
"Tanya will be up soon" Donna reminded him as he seemed to edge closer to her on the bed "you got hit over the head with a bottle for standing under my window, God knows what will happen if she sees that your in my room, on my bed..."
"Something tells me that she only goes after me to see Bill" Sam admitted as he got a little bit too comfy beside Donna "have you not noticed the dollar signs in her eyes ever since he arrived"
Donna let out a small chuckle, Sam was right. Tanya would be all over bill like a rash.
Donna looked up realising that Sam was holding himself over her, looking down with a cheeky smile upon his face.
Shit! She'd already let this go too far...
Seeing that she was distracted Sam leant in for a kiss, Donna soon realised and quickly rolled from beneath him and off the bed, their lips only slightly brushing against each other's.
Quickly standing up, Donna sighed and turned to face Sam who was still lying on the bed, her bed.
Grabbing her dress and heading for the bathroom, Donna cleared her throat as she turned round to face Sam "I'm away to get changed, just make sure no one sees you on your way out. We don't want anyone asumming anything, do we?"
Closing the door and making a point in turning the lock Donna lay against the door for a minute. Had Sam really tried to kiss her?
"Happily married, successful kids, wonderful life" she once again repeated to herself but something about what had just happened made her doubt that. She suddenly realised that she had always just assumed that when he went back to marry he was going to be happy....it was only now that it suddenly dawned upon her that might not be the case.


Once dressed in her tight but stylish party dress, Donna unlocked the door and walked out smiling as she thought of the fun night with the dynamos ahead of her. Donna suddenly stopped and frowned when she realised that he was still there. Sam Carmichael was still lying on her bed, looking as comfortable and as handsome as ever.
Ignoring him Donna made her way to her wardrobe, pulling out a pair of black heels to match her outfit.
"I'm glad you wore that dress in black not red. Don't get me wrong you'd look stunning in anything but I think the black suits you better darling" Sam smiled as he carefully watched her from the bed.
Darling? What? Why was he calling her darling?
Donna let out a sigh of frustration as she slid into her heels, he was like this anoying cold that just kept coming back again and again.
Wait?...how did he know she also had the dress in red?
"Sam Carmichael, have you been in my wardrobe?!" Donna turned round with a raised eyebrow.
"No of course not darling" Sam giggled innocently.
There he goes again with the 'darling'...was there something she was missing? Or was he just being nice?
"Ok 'darling' I trust you" she giggled as she played with the back of her shoes.
There she was, blowing hot and cold again....she sighed in frustration.
"Good Dar..." Sam began, not able to finish his sentence as Donna quickly turned around with her hands in the air interrupting him.
"...and I swear if you call me darling again I will personally invite Tanya up here" Donna snapped.
"Oh you wouldn't dare" laughed Sam as he jumped off the bed and slowly walked towards her.
"Try...me" she whispered softly as his lips once again began to get nearer to hers.
She knew what was going to happen...or what he thought was going to happen. Quickly turning round, Donna held the door open for him to leave. A few seconds later Sam turned around with a smile upon his face, he knew exactly what she'd done.
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as he left. Donna stood at the door and watched him walk down the corridor.
"And Donna"
"nice underwear" he winked with a smug smile on his face
Donna looked back inside her room at the bathroom door...then the small keyhole. No? Surely he wouldn't?
Donna let a small giggle escape her lips. She hated him an hour ago and now she was giggling at him like a silly school girl.
She watched him bump into Tanya and Rosie as he turned the corner at the end of the corridor. Tanya and Rosie stood there for a second before catching a glimpse of Donna standing at her bedroom door with a smile on her face.
The two dynamos quickly snapped out of it and began to run to Donna's door, Donna noticed this and slammed it shut leaving the two woman knocking and banging on the outside.
Among all the banging Donna sighed and sat on her bed. She knew that the two dynamos would just assume something had happened and she just didn't need that right now.
She needed to get out of her room without being hit with hundreds of questions, she needed to get out but avoid the door. Thats easier said than done.
Hearing her name being called, Donna walked out onto her balcony and looked down at a smiling Sam.
"Wow three times in one day" she chuckled "your keen"
It was out of her mouth before she realised. There she was again, flirting but she couldn't help it. Sam had broken through the barrier and was suddenly getting to her, she knew that she shouldn't let him but it was hard and so far she was losing that battle.
"I need to get to Sophie's hen night" Donna sighed "but cleopatra is trying to break the door down"
"Oh rapunzil repunzil let down your hair" Sam bow down while Donna giggled.
"Shhh" Donna whispered through her giggles "don't let them hear you"
Donna swung her legs over the railings. It was only about three metres to the ground. what could possibly go wrong?

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