Theres a fire within my soul

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At this stage I would usually attach a clip from the movie but as I know (and am surprised to hear) that a lot of people that read this haven't even seen the movie yet I thought I would attach a clip of the movie trailer so tap the picture, swipe to your left and enjoy!

"The bar needs restocked" announced pepper.
"I'll go" sighed Donna setting her drink down and rising from her chair.
"I'll help..."
"Sam, it's only a few bottles and anyway Tanya's probably already stole half of it to restock her mini bar" giggled Donna.
Throwing his hands up Sam serendared and sat down again, ordering another drink.
"There's only a mouthful in those bottles you have in the mini bars" Tanya defended herself, setting her drink down on the bar and turning to Sam, Bill and Harry "if you three were staying here you'd understand"
"Yeah, you'd understand her struggle" giggled Rosie, patting Tanya's back, her hand quickly being slapped off.
"Well actually I do have a room" smiled Sam as he took another sip of his pint "I'm afraid me and boats don't mix well"
Donna walked off towards the stock room. Tanya and Rosie would have some strong words for her about letting Sam have a room.
Tanya and Rosie near chocked on their drinks when they heard those words 'I do have a room'. What was Donna thinking? Did she even know? Rosie quickly turned round only to find that Donna was gone.
"Donna was so kind to give me a room when I explained to her" smiled Sam.
"Mmmm....yeah...sure there was a lot of 'explaining' involved" whispered Tanya to Rosie who nodded her head silently agreeing with her friend.
"Room 26" smiled Sam into his glass as he finished the rest of his pint.
"" Rosie questioned Sam, slowly setting her drink down to turn and look at the man "but...but that's right next to Don....." She began only stopping when she saw the wide smile on Sam's face.
He knew! Of course he knew.....He probably had this planned!
Rosie turned round to look at Tanya who silently sat staring at her drink. Turning round Tanya made eye contact with her friend and cleared her throat.
Did she just want to spend as much time as she could with him before they went their separate ways? Rosie sighed in frustration and turned to Tanya again hoping she would have something constructive to say.
"Tonight boys I think I might just get lucky" Sam got up, winked at bill and Harry and gave them a pat on the back.
"Mmmm...lucky to be alive" muttered Tanya into her drink as she took another sip.
After hearing this, Rosie chocked on her drink causing Tanya to gave her a slap on the back.
Getting her breath back, Rosie turned round and noticed Sam, Bill and Harry standing up staring at her.
"Those cocktails are deadly" she smiled at them "makes you feel lucky to be alive"
Turning round, Tanya and Rosie stared at each other for a minute before they burst out laughing, leaving the three boys standing there with a confused look on their faces.


Sighing in frustration, Donna gave the door a small kick so it would open. Grabbing a clipboard, Donna began to read the pieces of paper attached to it.
An extra case of red wine, champagne and vodka along with extra bottles of everything to make Tanya's favourite cocktails. It didn't take a genius to work out who had been with pepper when he had placed this weeks order.
Donna chuckled and quickly threw the clipboard to the side as she walked towards the boxes that pepper had placed in the store a few days before.
Opening the first box her eyes scanned over it and stopped when they reached the end of a row of bottles. Checking the side of the box Donna read the number '24'
Either her supplier was trying to con her or Tanya's had 'borrowed' three bottles. The second idea seemed more believable.
Giggling, Donna noticed another open box which was missing two bottles of vodka, not that she was surprised.
"Swear that woman came out of the womb holding a strawberry daiquiri" Donna muttered to herself with an amused smile on her face.
Lifting a few boxes, Donna carried them out of the store one by one, closing the door behind her.
Taking her heels off and rubbing her feet, Donna took her phone out. There was no way she was going to be able to carry this all, never mind in heels. She was starting to regret not accepting Sam's help.
Flicking through her contacts, Donna hit Tanya's name and placed the phone to her ear.
"Hello?" Tanya voice blared through the phone
"It's Donna" Donna sighed down the phone, looking down at the boxes of alcohol at her feet. Boxes of wine, vodka and champagne....of course Tanya would help.
"Oi Mrs" Tanya shouted down the phone "me and Rosie have some words for you"
"Ok but later, right now....."
"No not later" sighed Tanya "what the hell were you thinking? I thought you had the situation under control? Like as if him having a hotel room in the same hotel wasn't bad enough, you gave him the room next to yours. That's just a whole new level of stupidity. You know you can't trust yourself!"
"Calm down" Donna whispered down the phone, scanning the yard when she heard a suspicious rustle in the bushes.
"Donna Sheridan do not tell me to calm down!" Tanya shouted down the phone making Donna close her eyes and momentarily remove the phone from her ear "Sam's just told me, Bill, Harry and the little hermit here that tonight he's going to get 'lucky'"
"Well he's going to be disappointed then, isn't he" laughed Donna "what was I supposed to do? Leave him a vomiting mess on that boat over night?"
"Yes!" Sighed Tanya down the phone "that's what I would have done!"
"No Tanya, you would have give him a personal pass for your room" Donna laughed when she heard silence on the other end of the phone.
"Yes.....well" muttered Tanya.
"Well I have a job for you, can yo........"
There was silence on the end of the line as Donna was grabbed by the waist and pulled into the bushes, dropping her phone on the hard cobbles in the process.
"Hello......?" Tanya called down the phone before hitting if off the bar, thinking it was broken.
Tanya quickly moved the phone away from her ear when a piercing screen came from the other end.


All votes and comments are greatly appreciated <3

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