One of us

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"No Harry" Donna's fingers latched onto Harry's wrists, stopping him from speaking. It had took her twenty years to gather up the courage to say this and she wasn't going to give her mind time to rethink the decision to tell him.
"Just let me speak" before Donna knew it, the table had turned and Harry's hands had made their way up her arms to stop her from moving.
"Please Harry..." Donnas eyes stayed latched to where his hands were wrapped around her arms "...let me speak before I change my mind. I don't think I could cope with another few days of this secrecy surrounding my life never mind another twenty years..."
"I know, Donna"
Donna's head shot up like she'd just matched the winning lottery numbers.......and in her own way, she had.
"You...what!" Donna immediately tugged her arms back. She wanted to curl up into a tiny ball and forget this nightmare. This was a mistake.
"You know the chance of Sophie being anyone but Sam's is so tiny its not even worth thinking fact, it's almost nonexistent"
"Any chance is still a chance no matter how small it. Three people, three chances. They may not be split evenly but they are chances nonetheless" Donna let her hands slide down to her hips. lifting her head up, a piece of her golden blonde hair fell onto her red blotchy face. There was no way she was going to cry in front of someone she hasn't seen for twenty years.
"Your too wrapped up in a mistake you made 20 years ago to realise that Sophie's a perfect mix of you and sam. And Sam....well he's that in love with you...he just can't see what's right infront of him."
Donna's eyes narrowed as her sweaty palms began to make her hands slide from her waist. Harry held his hand up before she could intervene.
"Donna...your whole life you've been dreaming of thought it was that out of reach that your still recovering from the shock of waking up one day and him just" Donnas eyes frantically fluttered open and closed. Looking to the side, she tried her best to avoid Harry's eyes, occasionally biting her bottom lip to stop herself from screaming out in emotional pain.
"....Your pushing him away when, in reality, all you've ever dreamed of is you, Sophie and Sam living on this adorable little Greek island...happily ever after."
Donna blinked frantically and looked up to the sky as the tears threatened to fall. Harry gently rubbed the top of her arms reassuring her, in his own way, that everything was going to be ok.
But was it really?
"Well then.." Donna sniffed as she used the back of her hand to gently wipe her nose "..I guess that's one persons down...two to go" her voice grew higher as she faked a reassuring smile.
"No" Harry sighed.
Donna's eyes slowly made their way up to his, there was no point in even acting surprised anymore.
"You and I both know that there's only one person you really need to tell" Harry placed his hands in hers "and that's Sam"
A few seconds of silence passed before Donna weakly nodded her head.
"Good" Harry muttered, finally letting go of her hands "it was never 'one person down and two to go' was always one person, two things to tell"
"Why does Sophie have a twin that I am somehow unaware of...?" Donna let out a small burst of laughter as she sniffed through her tears.
"No" Harry laughed along with her, slowly decreasing it down to a friendly smile "because you love him"
Harry let her hands slide out of his so she could wipe the tears that had managed to slide down her pale cheeks.
"Sam loves you" Harry placed his hands on her shoulders "the way he talks about you is enough to to tell....even the way he looks at you gives it away!"


Tanya tapped the glass on her Michael kors watch, rolling her eyes when the time didn't magically change. It's safe to say, she was not amused.
Where is Donna?
Tanya rested her hands on the white wall of the villa, looking over the island and letting her eagle eyes scan the land.
Five minutes of silence passed before Tanya heard laughter making her push herself off the wall and immediately spin around.
"Your supposed to be helping here" she screeched making the three men take a step back "God....your almost as useless as my first husband" she quickly snatched the bagpipes off sky. "Now go!" They disappeared with a click of her fingers.
Tanya let a loud sigh ripple through her body as soon as they three men had disappeared around a corner. She took her place back against the wall as soon as she had discarded the bagpipes on a near by table.
With the wedding only a few short hours away and Donna missing, Tanya knew her only option was to ring for the form of Rosie.
She played with her cell phone as images of her two best friends made their way into her head. Rosie had made her excuses earlier in the day and 'gone for a lie down'; but Tanya wasn't stupid, she'd used that excuse at least ten separate times throughout her life. Rosie was not lying down.....and if she was, Tanya's guess was that it wouldn't be alone.....well if Bill's look towards her was anything to go by.
Tanya sighed as she rubbed her head. For once she was the one with no romantic interest....well pepper, but that's a story for another day. Rosie quite obviously had bill, no matter how much she denied and tried to hide it and Donna could have Sam with a click of her fingers. Even she knew that....doesn't mean she had to like it...or him.
"Penny for your thoughts"
Tanya spun around to be faced with Sam, a face she couldn't even pretend to be happy to see.
"Why?.." Tanya muttered, grabbing the bagpipes off the table "not intelligent enough to think up your own..?" She walked over to the nearest store, rolling her eyes when he followed.
"Mmmm" Sam smirked "those are my old bagpipes you know"
"Really..." Tanya hummed, obviously unamused and uninterested with Sam's effort to make conversation.
"I'm surprised she kept them" Sam chuckled as the memories all came flowing back to him.
"Well.." Tanya muttered as she shoved them into the store along with a hundred other unused pieces of junk "they're supposed to warn away unwanted visitors"
" three don't need bagpipes to do that" Sam chuckled as Tanya slammed the store door shut.
"Sam..what do you want?" Tanya quickly grew bored with him, crossed her arms and interrupted his short burst of laughter.
"I wanted to talk to you actually"
"Well if you have to, make it quick" Tanya muttered, tapping her watch face once again "I have to warn bull shit tolerance has shrunk since meeting you...again"
"Duly noted" Sam smirked.
"What do you need to know exactly? The quickest route to the nearest airport? Now that I can help you with"
"Nope" Sam smirked in amusement "something a little closer to home"
"I usually call New York home this time of year" Tanya pushed her sunglasses further up her nose "you could go back with me but chances are, you'd be returning in a bodybag" she smirked as she returned to looking over the small white wall.
"I'm talking about Donna"
"Donna? That woman you slept with then abandoned for your fiancé twenty years ago...?" Tanya raised an eyebrow "what about her?"
"It's more about her and Sophie" Sam rubbed his roughly unshaven face "Donna mentioned Sophie's father being disinterested....I didn't want to press her for information..."
" you thought you'd press me" Tanya removed her glasses, raising an eyebrow.
"Exactly" Sam smirked.
"'d know more about that particular subject than i ever could"


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