I could never let you go

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a clip of Colin firth aka Harry , Christine baranski aka Tanya , Julie Walters aka Rosie and stellan skarsgård aka bill singing 'take a chance on me' , enjoy!


Standing with her back to him, Donna momentarily closed her eyes. She remembered how they used to speak Spanish to each other. The language had become very useful on their travels so when they 'found' each other they used to practice, sometimes going hours or even a day without speaking any English.
'un beso siempre lleva a otra'
The words kept playing around in her head. In English it meant 'one kiss always leads to another' and he was right, Donna had already excepted that their one kiss would most likely lead to another. She tried to keep it off, hoping that by the time it happened Sam would be heading home but as the minutes went on, she knew she was failing.
"sus ojos brillan como estrellas en el cielo de verano" he whispered, Donna didn't even need to look, she knew he was only a few steps behind her.
"Sam...stop" she placed her hands on her hips as she turned around to face him.
"Please tell me you still remember your Spanish" he laughed "we used to share a lot of things in that language.......ALOT of things"
She went bright red even thinking about it.
She knew what he had said, of course she knew what he had said. He had told her that her eyes sparkle like bright stars in the summer sky, something he had said often in the 'old' days. Not because he wanted her to remember it but because it was one of the few compliments he knew in the language, something Donna found quite laughable.
"I know what it means. I just......I just don't want to hear it" she muttered as her eyes wondered back up to meet his.
"What? Because you don't believe it or because you have finally realised that it's the only compliment I know in Spanish" Sam chuckled.
Biting her lip Donna looked up at him, she couldn't help but giggle. He always knew what to say to bring light to the situation, or even stop an argument in its tracks.


Bursting into Tanya and Rosie's twin bedroom, Donna wasted no time in flicking the lights switch, sending shivers down the two girls spines.
"Donna! It's two thirty in that morning!" Tanya shrieked, bolting up right. She didn't even have to remove her lace sleeping mask to know who had barged into her room.
"Hmmm hmm" Rosie muttered, letting her eyes adjust to the sharp light before she grasped hold of the situation unfolding in front of her.
"I need your help!" Donna admitted, making herself comfy on the end of the soft mattress.
"Jesus!" Tanya sighed snapping her sleeping mask from head. It was going to be a long night! "If this is about Sam again, it's half two in the morning and like any other half sane person, he's probably like us TRYING to get some beauty sleep before the big day"
"Only unlike us, he needs it" Rosie giggled. She was half sleeping but still managed to act her best model pose to Tanya.
"No!" Donna bolted up from the bed "he doesn't need it. He's.......he's perfect" she said in almost a whisper.
"Oh god" Tanya and Rosie looked at each other before falling back onto their pillows.
"I have so far managed to consume a good amount of alcohol without puking but you two....you two may just push me over the edge" Rosie moaned.
"Mmmm" Tanya agreed "I thought you had this all sorted out anyway. You were going to have a drink with him and see where it leads"
"I was. I am" Donna sighed "it's just....he has a family,.....kids. I don't want to be that woman"
"Donna, his kids are bond to be nearly Sophie's age and his wife....well if his marriage was as blissful as we had first assumed, do you think he would have traveled the whole way to grease to spend the weekend druling over his ex. I was looking at him earlier and believe me....he. was. druling." Tanya sighed, pulling herself further up the bed.
"I agree" Rosie muttered as she fixed her pillow "anyway, you never know, his wife could be one of those class A psycho bitches you hear about in those real life magazines....."
"Yeah, she could be spiking his coffee or pissing in his cereal" Tanya nodded "you never know what goes on behind closed doors"
Giggling, Donna threw a pillow at both girls. She was trying to be serious here, make her mind up and they were not helping.
"Look, all I'm saying is that a marriage is built on trust and honesty" Tanya muttered, throwing the small pillow on the floor next to her.
"Well none of yours were" Rosie and Donna looked at each other before bursting into fits of giggles.
"Look, invite him out for a walk or something" Tanya suggested, changing the subject as quickly as she could "just do something before me and Rosie die of sleep deprivation"
"It's two thirty in the morning" Donna sighed with a roll of her eyes.
"Donna, he traveled to Greece to see you. He's been following you around like a lost puppy. I'm sure he'll jump at the chance of alone time with you no matter what time it is" Tanya sighed as she fiddled with her alarm, an extra thirty minutes in bed wouldn't do her any harm.
"Mmm, I suppose" Donna bit her lip with even the thought of some 'alone time' with Sam. What was she going to say? Or what was she even going to wear for that matter.
"Good" Rosie sighed as she flicked off a small lamp "now, would it be too much to ask for a few hours of uninterrupted sleep?"
Tanya and Donna chuckled as Rosie pulled the duvet up around her and turned her back to them. Donna pushed her lips together debating the pros and cons of inviting Sam out for a quiet uninterrupted stroll on the beach.
Tanya watched as Donna pushed herself off the bed and walked towards the small wooden door.
"Go and get your man" she winked.


I'm not sure if anyone is a devil wears Prada fan but my new MAMMA MIA / DEVIL WEARS PRADA CROSSOVER is now up so it would be great if you could go and check it out. Comments and votes are appreciated <3
Sam Carmichael is in it;). *description below*

Miranda has a past, everyone does.
So when Miranda's two backup girls appear at the office, Miranda has no choice but to revisit it, meeting an old flame along the way.
Hiding your past is never easy, even for Miranda Priestly.

Mamma Mia! Here we go again...Where stories live. Discover now