This must come to an end

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie and Dominic cooper aka sky singing 'lay all your love on me' , enjoy!


"Shit" Donna muttered, swinging both their bodies around the corner.

"I swear I heard her" Rosie sighed to Tanya.
"It's not even six o'clock, honey; everyone's in bed, WE should be in bed" Tanya yawned.
"This is Donna we're talking about" Rosie muttered standing in the middle of the small tiled yard "it's the day of her only daughters wedding, she probably didn't get a wink of sleep"
"Mmmm" Tanya quietly agreed "the general idea was for her to be kept up all night.....not with worry though"
"Is that all you ever think about?" Rosie playfully hit her.
"She hasn't had any action for years, three single guys arrive on the island and she just hides in her room plotting" Tanya sighed "there's something wrong with that woman"
"Single?" Rosie turned on the spot, raising an eyebrow at her friend.
"Well Sam....." Tanya's voice Shrunk into almost a whisper "he's a work in progress" she decided "...and anyway, it's just typical Donna falling in love with the married one"
"You can't help who you fall in love with" Rosie turned her back to Tanya as she scanned the yard once more.
"Ohhhh" Tanya chuckled "says the lone wolf"
"Where is that woman" Rosie sighed, replying to Tanya's comment with a roll of her eyes.
Glancing up at the familiar window, Tanya smirked as she nudged Rosie "leave it to me"
"rapunzel rapunzel; let down your hair" Tanya chuckled. Using Rosie's shoulder for balance, she managed to throw a platinum heel at the small window.
"Tanya!" Rosie smacked her hand over Tanya's mouth "it's six am"
"So" Tanya muttered, grabbing her shoe and removing her friends hand from her mouth "how does this 'sleeping rule' apply to everyone except me?"
"What if shes..." Rosie's voice fell into almost a whisper "you know....not alone"
The sound of Tanya's uncontrollable laughter echoed through the small court yard "I knew it" she playfully hit Rosie "all this time you told me that I was crazy but even you know that a few dolled up words from lover boy and she'd fall back into his arms"
"The state she was in last night, I wouldn't be surprised if Carmichael didn't make it into her room and somebody else did" Rosie muttered.
"Like who?" Tanya nudged her friend, begging for details "we know Harry's should I put it....a ladies man and Bill...."
"It's not Bill, believe me" Rosie glanced in the other direction, trying to hide her smile from a nosey Tanya "what about someone from the hotel.....pepper?" Rosie suggested.
"It's not pepper....believe me" unlike Rosie, Tanya made no attempt in hiding her smile.
"What if..." Rosie muttered, bringing her fingers to her lips " she wouldn't...." Rosie quickly dismissed her idea.
"Wouldn't what?" Tanya asked.
" know...go back to Sam" Rosie muttered "..after everything he's done"
"Your guess is as good as mine"
The two girls stared at each other for a few seconds, going over things in their heads before looking round in different directions.
The court yard was deadly silent. Both girls had the same idea in their heads which seemed to be eating away at them, growing and growing. They glanced at each other; their eyes quickly turning away when the other saw.
Both girls eyes finally caught as the silence of the court yard was soon turned into the clicking of heels as they both ran for the steps. They both shoved each other deciding who would make it up first, unknowingly adding an extra ten seconds to the usually short journey.
"Shhh" Rosie whispered when they reached the top of the steps, she nudged her friend hoping that all the banging hadn't woke anyone up.
Both women walked in silence to the familiar door, Donna's door.
**knock** **knock**
Tanya had pushed Rosie out of the way so she could be the first one to knock and possibly see into the bedroom.
**Knock** **knock**
Tanya quickly became impatient and stuck her foot in the door.
"Do you girls know what time it is!" A familiar voice called from behind them.
"Donna" Rosie turned around as both her and Tanya scanned Donna from head to toe. Short dress which looked more like a T-shirt, no shoes and sexy but messy hair, this wasn't the Donna they know.
"Donna shady lady" Tanya smirked when she saw the state of her.
"We came for all the gossip but this....even this is too much for cleopatra to handle" Rosie chuckled pointing at her friend.
"It's not what you think" Donna explained as she tugged the dress down and unlocked her bedroom door.
"Then what is it?" Tanya held the door open with a smirk.
"It's..." Donna stuttered, bundling her two friends into her room and closing the door "it's just...."
"Begging for an answer..." Tanya sighed, placing one hand on her hip.
"Ok." Donna roughly ran her hand through her hair " he may have been in here" she quietly admitted.
"Oh god" Tanya and Rosie turned and looked at each other before clasping into the unmade bed.
"Which 'him' was it?" Rosie muttered after a small burst of sighs, bringing her hand up to her face.
"Sam" Donna avoided the two girls gaze, looking over the side of the room and secretly grinning.
Tanya and Rosie raised their head, looked at each other, then clasped back onto the soft linen.
"Oh god" Tanya sighed "this is it. We're going to have to stay a few extra weeks; arrange that expensive therapist a boat to come over in, when Carmichael leaves"
"Sleepless nights" Rosie muttered, turning her head against the bed to look at Tanya "you better order another crate of that vodka, the strong one"
"And the tissues" Tanya sighed "it may have been twenty years ago but I still remember the house looking like a crisp winter wonderland when she had finally finished crying and nodded off for the night"
"Girls" Donna chuckled "I'm in the room, you know; your making it sound like there's a nuclear bomb in close proximity"
"THERE IS" Tanya pushed herself up off the bed and put her hand out to Rosie "I don't think you understand" she muttered "you wanted him gone last night and now....well now it's like you've been brainwashed. He's a bomb waiting to go off and when he finally does, you'll be shattered and me and Rosie will be the ones picking up the pieces. He'll be gone by morning and let's just hope that this time he doesn't leave you pregnant"
"Does he know about Sophie?" Rosie bit her lip.
"No" Donna sighed "somethings not right there"
"What?" Rosie raised an eyebrow at her friends comment. "Somethings not right where?"
"In his head" Donna explained with a glance to the side.
"Well even I could have told you that" Tanya rolled her eyes.
"What I mean is; I've dropped that many hints even a five year old could've figured it out by now" Donna sighed, gnawing at her finger nails.
"YOU WHAT?" Tanya and Rosie's heads near spinned just so that they could look over at Donna's face in the shortest time possible.


Some Facebook stalking next ~ should be interesting;) xx

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